I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 866: Don't hide, come out!

After leaving the hotel, Chen Mo came directly to the gazebo in front of the hotel. Sure enough, there is a person standing anxiously in the pavilion.

And this person is Li Yifan.

"I didn't expect this kind of Li's feelings."

Chen Mer couldn't help but lame in his heart.

Whether it is in the hotel box or just Li Yifan to let the waiter come to find Chen Mo's move, you can see that Li Yifan is a smart person.

After Chen Mo hesitated, he walked directly to the position of the pavilion directly.

After he heard the footsteps, he quickly looked back, and found that Chen Mo quickly walked to Chen Mo's in front of Chen Mo, and said that Chen Mo said: "Chen Gongzi, you have not to inform me in our resort. A father? If you don't know my father, you will not make such misunderstandings ... "

Chen Mile can see that the expression on the face is very horrible.

"Do we have two people? I don't seem to know you ..."

Chen Mo fell back to Li's extraordinary sentence.

"Chen Gongzi, when we got the big gap in the four provinces, I followed my father to participate, I have been standing after my father's body, you may not pay attention to me, but I saw you ..."

Li Yifan quickly explained.

"So this is ah!"

Chen Mer is lightly nod, then looks at Li Yifan to continue asking: "Do you have anything to come over?"

"I deliberately apologize, I was afraid to expose your identity, so let the waiter shouted at you ..."

Li Yafai whispered a word, then continue to say: "Chen Gongzi, I have been negotiated, I also hope that you can see you generally ..."

"You didn't recognize me, and I didn't let you recognize what I mean, so I will not blame you!"

Chen Mo's eyes returned to a sentence, then got it up and down, and I asked Li's emperor. "Yes, since you have already recognized me in the box, why didn't I say my identity? "


Li Yifan reached out and wiped the sweat on his face, and his expression was a bit nervous.

"What do you say, don't be nervous!"

Chen Mo said faint.

"Chen Gongzi, in fact, I am not afraid of you, I saw you when I saw you, so I didn't talk about it, so I heard the conversation between your friends, I reacted, your friends should I don't know your identity, and you don't know my father here, this shows that you should not want these people to know your identity, I haven't said it, but I don't know how to do this. Still is not! "

Li Yifan slowly said.

"I really don't want too many people to know my identity, you are a smart person, in the future, you should be able to go to your hand in your hand!"

At this time, Chen Sime is still very good for this impression of this Lee, Chen Mo feels that this is more than a lot of rich second generation.

"As long as Chen Gongzi, you don't blame, I am fine!"

Li Yifan knew that he did not expose Chen Mo's identity, if he really exposed Chen Mo's identity, then things may be troublesome.

"Okay, you don't have to be so nervous with me, we are all the same age people, I think you are still a bit of your brain, you can come to me if you have any trouble, see it in your performance is still a good copy, I Will see the situation to help you! "

Chen Sile did not express his emperor.

"Chen Gongzi, you ... what are you talking about?"

Li Yifan did not think that he was able to get Chen Mo's appreciation, the expression of the expression on the face became an abnormal excitement.

"Remember what I just said, you are a smart person. If you accept your Lijia, you will absolutely better able to come to the next level, but the premise is that you have to obey, understand?"

Chen Merlit took the hand to take Li Yifan shoulder, faint.

"I understand, I understand ..."

Li sent a little bit excited.

In fact, Li Yifan has always wanted to pay with Chen Mane. After all, I can find Chen Mo's big relying on the mountain. After all of them, I can use Du Tianhao to expand my forces in Jiyuan Province, which is absolute for them. Can be considered a good thing.

And Chen Mo's ideas are very simple, and Jiyuan Province is still a bit distance from Jiangnan Province. If you want Du Tianhao to extend his hand to Jiyuan, it is not very unique.

Therefore, Chen Mo is at this time, it is deliberately drawing Li's extraordinary, I hope that Li Jia, who is in the future, helping Chen Mo's strength of Jiyuan Province.

Li Yifan This person is very smart, and the style of doing things also makes Chen Mo feel comfortable, so Li Yifan is the best choice in Jiyuan province.

Now there is Wang Bo, and Jiangnan Province has Du Tianhao.

Therefore, Chen Mo only needs to have time to talk to Ning San, such as Ning San, so that the four provinces of the provinces are all under the control of Chen Mo, so that people who deal with silver merchants after Chen Mo. There will be very helpful help.

Everything that Chen Mo is doing is preparing for yourself later.

"Chen Gongzi, don't need me now call me to see you with you?"

Li Yifan saw that Chen Mo did not speak, he would carefully he asked Chen Mail.

"No, I just stayed with my friend for two days, I will go back, you don't have to be so polite ..." Chen Mo said with Li Yifan.

"okay, I get it!"

Li Yifan quickly nodded.

"Nothing, you can go back now!"

Chen Mo said that he said in Li.

Li Yafai heard Chen Mo's sentence, and immediately said with Chen Mo: "Right, Chen Gongzi, I don't know your identity, or I will not arrange you to stay in this hotel, I will make people our best villas to pick up our best, you can move over tomorrow ... "

"Don't have the best villa, you can usually ..."

Chen Mo feels that Lin Fei Ning Tao Li Linger will enjoy it, so do not refuse this proposal for Li.

"Well, I understand ..."

Li Yifan quickly nodded, and then turned directly to leave.

After Li Yifan left, Chen Mo left, standing in place, hesitated for two seconds, then shouted: "Don't hide, come out!"

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