I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 862: I am Chen Gongzi!

Chen Mo looked at Jiang Feifei in front of him. He clearly be aware of Li's abnormalities to make Jiang Feifei doubts.

After all, no one is a fool, Li Yifan has seen the gap before and after Chen Mo, which means that there is definitely what is wrong.

Lin Fei Ningtao, Li Linger, etc. I don't understand the background of white pears. I feel that all of this may have a relationship of Bai Yibing, but Jiang Feifei is very understanding of white , so she knows that these things have no relationship with white.

This is why Jiang Feifei will want to ask the main reason for this.

And Chen Mo felt that Jiang Feifei did not ask things clearly, and he would definitely not give up, so he only looked at Jiang Feifei whispered: "Well, since you want to know, then I will tell you ... "


Jiang Feifei looked up with Chen Mo's eyes, she seems to be determined to figure out that she will not leave.

"In fact, I am the Chen Gongzi in Li Yifu ..."

Chen Mo said faint.

"Are you Chen Gongzi?"

Jiang Feifei heard Chen Mo's sentence in an instant, and his face was very incredible.

"Yes, I am from Chen Gongzi who has been discussing!"

"Li Juncheng Du Tianhao Bai Zhennan is all my hand!"

"And my hand is not only three people, but my price exceeds trillion dollars!"

"My company is spread all over the world, and the medical communication car real estate is involved!"

"I was defeated Sun Tao at the four major gathered gatherings, so the four provinces of the four provinces were despiced to me!"

"Mr. Shu Master Su Hongxiao knows my identity. In order to pull me, I will introduce Sommei to me in order to take the initiative!"

"I gave it to Bai Yiben's jade is also sent to me, and there are tens of millions of districts to me just a number. I will not care at all!"

One of Chen Mer said in Jiang Feifei, the expression on the face is abnormal.

"I am not only the rivers in Jiangnan Province, I am still richer in China, I can even call it the world's richest!"

"Do you want to ask now?"

Jiang Feifei after listening to these words, the expression on the face was not only shocked, but the opposite is an indifference, and it is also cold in the eyes.

"Do you want to ask me now, why do I have such money?"

Chen Sileble asked Jiang Feifei.

"Enough, Chen Mo!"

However, Jiang Feifei suddenly shouted, and the expression was very angry and looked at Chen Mo in front of himself.

"Chen Mo, I know that you have lived in this society for a long time. Your heart has kept a lot of resentment, I also hope that these are true, not you have elected, but ..."

Jiang Feifei took a deep breath and then continued: "However, you have a little low-end, if you make a bit else, I believe you today, but you said these true It is somewhat ridiculous! "

"You don't know who we are more comradious!"

Chen Mo looked at Jiang Feifei faint.

"I think I am looking for you today, it is a mistake. I don't want to inquire about your things, because there is no truth in your mouth, but Chen Mo will tell you, I don't care what it happened. Tour to Su Mi, these people, these people are impossible to become your background, nor will they become your mountain! "

"Su Mi itself is a girl, and it is impossible to take over Sujia business in the future!"

"Li Yifan's father Li Yulong is a famous big brother. I don't know when I may fall. I hope that you will still talk to me, not my mother takes me to see you!"

"Finally, these are not concerned about you, your life is nothing to do with me, I am just worried that my mother is sad because of you, you are not worthy of this at all!"

Jiang Feifei's girl is very smart. She feels that Chen Mo can know that Li Yifan Su Mi is definitely not accidental, but there are some ordinary people who don't know.

Jiang Feifei worried that Chen Mo may be among my discrimination, so it will be so urgent to know Chen Mo's things.

But at this time, she faces Chen Mo's answer. The heart feels that Chen Mo is to make himself a child. The words that Chen Mo said it is too much.

She is a little worried that Chen Mo is in the quagmire, the deeper, and ruined her life. Of course, Jiang Feifei is the most worried or Chen Mo's thing involves his family.

Otherwise, Jiang Feifei will not take the initiative to tell Chen Mo in anyway.

And Chen Mo looked at Jiang Feifei, I took a breath, and then said: "I have already said, I will say it, you will not believe that you have no way to afford these ordinary people. Things, you have to let me tell you! "

"Okay, Chen Mo, I really don't have a mood to listen to you here, my words have been finished, as for you how you plan, it is your thing, but I will let my mother try to make my mother after I go back. Stay away from you, I don't want you to affect my family! "

Jiang Feifei hooks with Chen Mei, and then got up and rushed to walk away.

At this time, Jiang Feifei is also very angry. After all, Jiang Feifei today is really good to persuade Chen Mo, but I didn't expect Chen Mo to say such a word, Jiang Feifei felt that it was too much too much.

As long as she thinks that Chen Mo said, I feel ridiculous, even if it is blowing, don't you brag?

"Chen Gongzi?"

Jiang Feifei couldn't help but smir in his heart, and then faintly said: "Just say that you are Chen Gongzi, it is really unhappy. Although you are poor, but not so I don't want to marginal, I didn't expect that you turned into this way for a few years! "

Chen Mo looked at Jiang Feifei's background, and then shouted. Then shook his head softly: "Sometimes I have to say how to have my own identity? Who will believe that these are true? Ordinary People don't have a way to understand these things, even if I feel incredible, let alone them! "

"Chen Mo!"

But at this time, Jiang Feifei, who has already went out of the 50 meters, suddenly returned to Chen Mo shouted.

"Is there anything?"

Chen Mo slowed down to see Jiang Feifei, and asked.

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