I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 863: You can't afford her!

"Chen Mo, you just told me what I advise you still say to others, otherwise everyone will feel that you are a mad!"

Jiang Feifei's expression was shouting with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo is gently shaking his head and not saying more.

"There is also what I hope you don't want to provoke Wei Chen Su Bai two people!"

Jiang Feifei looked at Chen Mai shouted.

"When do I urge them two?"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

"I want to tell you to do it right, although you know Li Yifan Su Mi and others, you will lose their shelter a day, when you go, you may die at that time. How to die, there is also Su Bai already found a helper to deal with you, you are careful! "

When this sentence is said, Jiang Feifei's tone is obviously a lot of gentle.

No matter what Jiang Feifei is out, in fact, she is for Chen Mima, saying that these words are also wanting to help Chen Mo.

"I know!"

Chen Mo looked at Jiang Feifei and nodded.

"There is still the last thing ..."

Jiang Feifei took a deep breath and then whispered: "Although this is nothing to do, I think I am the best friend of ice, I still want to persuade you, you can't help it, I hope Don't delay her! "

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo heard Jiang Feifei's sentence couldn't help but smile, I don't know what to say.

At this time, Chen Mo could find that the original Jiang Feifei's girl thinking is quite a lot.

"Okay, I have finished saying, as for what you want to do with me!"

Jiang Feifei has dropped this sentence in cold ice, and then rushed directly to the front.

Chen Mo looked at Jiang Feifei's back, sighed and didn't speak.

Jiang Feifei returned to his own villa.

"Fifi, how are you chatting with Chen Sile? Do you make a clear?"

After Bai Yibing saw Jiang Feifei, he quickly ran to Jiang Feifei, and asked anxiously.

Jiang Feifei remembered that Chen Mo said with himself, couldn't help but clear, then faintly said: "Chen Mo is just a madman who likes to bragging, I don't have to waste my heart on him ..."

Bai Yibing looked at Jiang Feifei and flashed in the eyes.


On the other hand, Chen Mo also returned to the villa.

"Chen Mo, you are back?"

After Ning Tao saw Chen Mo, he smiled and rushed to Chen Mo.


Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"There is billiard upstairs, we have two to play a rod ..."

Ning Tao's current mood was significantly better, and he smiled at the shoulders of Chen Mai.


Chen Mo has promised, then followed Ning Tao to go upstairs.

Chen Mo's billiard technology is general, but maybe because of the death of martial arts, Chen Mo's heart has a very big change, so it is natural to be very precisely when playing billiards.

The two have been playing almost a few hours, and finally Ning Tao fails.

"Don't fight, don't you hit, when did you be so powerful?"

Ning Tao was unbearable, and his expression was very annoyed.

"I have part-time jobs in the bar when I go to college, so I have to play with the guests for a while, and the technology is upgraded ..."

Chen Mo smiled, rushed to Ning Tao.

"I said, when you are high school, I will fight me, now it is so powerful ..."

Ning Tao took out two bottles of beer from the refrigerator while talking, throwing it to Chen Mer, and then opened a bottle.

"Chen Mo, I want to ask you!"

Ning Tao went to Chen Mo's face, and said softly to Chen Mo.

"Qi Ya?"

Chen Mo asked.

"How did you know?"

Ning Tao after hearing Chen Mo's sentence, instantly in the original place, the expression on his face is very incredible.

"Otherwise, what else can you ask me?"

Chen Mo smiled.

"I want to ask you, how did you forget Gao Feifei, Qi Ya is really too much, but I really like Qi Ya, I have no way to forget Qiao, I now. Worried that I may not hold her temptation with her after I go back to school. "

Ning Tao said very distressed.

"When did I forget Gao Feifei?"

Tao Ning Chen Mo looked stunned for a moment, then he said with a wry smile: "From what I see this woman began high Fifi I will forget her ......"

"How do you see it clear?"

Ning Tao blinked his eyes and tone some intake.

"You now have no way to see clear Qiao, you don't use it, since there is Qiya in your heart, then you continue to be with her, wait for you to see her, You will take the initiative to leave her ... "

In the face of the problem, Chen Mo is not very clear, so he doesn't know how to advise Ning Tao.

"But I am worried that something like this happened again. At that time, I looked at her with other men, I may not be more gone!"

Ning Tao whispered.

"You can rest assured, Qi Ya should not go with other men ..."

Chen Mo said.

"How did you know?"

Ningtao said with a doubt.

"Because you are very excellent, I believe that Qi Ya should not leave you ..."

Chen Mo will pay a sentence.

Ning Tao didn't help but smile after heard Chen Mo, and then scratched his head. He was very embarrassed: "Chen Mo, do you think I am very embarrassing? Qi Ya is already this for me , I may be a dog in her eyes, but I just can't forget her, I just like her ... "

"If you can lick your dog, who will be willing to be a dog?"

Chen Mo took a breath and whispered.

In fact, Ning Tao's mood Chen Mo is very understood. The original Chen Mo is the case to Gaffeen, which clearly knows G G G G Gifei can't work with himself, but Chen Mo will still choose selflessness.

No one can explain this is why!

Only, now Chen Mo has already seen these things, but Ning Tao has not seen it clearly.

Chen Mo did not force the meaning of Ning Tao to hold hands with Qiao, because he thinks this is Ning Tao's own business, Ning Tao should make a choice.

Chen Mo is now able to do it, but it is guaranteed that Qiao did not dare to hurt Ning Tao. As for other things, Chen Mo can't manage, can't manage!

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