Li Tai white home.

Chen Mo looked at Li Tai Bai in front of him. The expression on his face was very helpless. He didn't think that the teacher had to give Li Taibai.

Moreover, Chen Mo looked at Li Tai-white attitude as very insisted, Chen Mo felt that there were so many things. If it was just because of the one thing, it didn't have a lot of money.

In order to have the power to fight the silver business earlier, Chen Mo hesitated for a long time, and finally I chose a compromise.

"Can I stick to it?"

Chen Mo said that he was very helpless to rushing to Li Taibai.

"Kneeling, Feng tea, worship!"

Li Taibai said faintly.

"How do you so much?"

Chen Mo's eyes flashed, and immediately walked to the table to pick up the tea cup, and then walked to Li Taibai, the expression was seriously shouted at Li Taipai: "Master, please accept One worship! "

After saying this, Chen Mo is in front of Li Taibai.

However, I still don't wait, Chen Mo's double knee is bent, Chen Mo's mind suddenly burst into a burst, followed by a strong persistence pain directly swept Chen Mo's body.

Then it feels like there is something to fight your five internal organs. This pain has no way to describe it. Chen Mo can feel that his heartbeat is obviously soaring. At this time, his heartbeat is obviously over the normal heartbeat. speed.


Chen Mili called, and then the whole person fell on the ground.


Chen Mo's tea cup squatted on the ground, perhaps because there is no way to bear the severe pain, so the whole person has fainted.

Li Taibai sat in the same place, Chen Mo, who had been coma, and the eyes flashed a different, twisted down, said: "Take him to the room, give it a water every time, don't give it to eat of!"

I strongly heard Li Taibai, I quickly ran to Chen Mo's side, and then I took Chen Mo's touched and rushed to the opposite room.

"I didn't expect to quenching the sights to be so big for his side effect. I don't know if this kid can pass this level!"

Li Taibai saw that he had leaving Chen Mo, lamented it.


I don't know how long it is, Chen Mo has finally opened his eyes again.

After Chen Mo opened his eyes, it felt that the whole world seems to be rotated, and his own head hurts, and every place in the body also came into a burst pain.

"... ..."

After seeing Chen Mail, I quickly shouted.

Chen Mo took the whole body to see a strong eye, Chen Mile originally wanted to speak, but helplessness couldn't say it.


After glaring, I watched Chen Mo, I was twisted directly to run around the room.

After a few seconds, Li Taibai walked into Chen Mo's room.

Li Taibai got up to Chen Mo's eye, then asked softly: "Wake up?"

"Old man, what is your eating? What happened? Why is me? Why can't my body can't move?"

Chen Mo's voice is very weak, and asked Li Taibai.

"This is the side effect of quenching with you, the worse people of the body eat the side effects of quenching, but you don't have to worry now, because as long as you have been speaking, you will not There is any problem, your body has been greatly improved under the improvement of quenching. "

Li Taichen said with Chen Mo's smile.

"You are less lie here, you must give me a poison, my body is not moving at all!"

Chen Mo bite his teeth.

"Your body can't move it because you haven't eaten something for half a month, so your body will be so weak ..."

Li Taibai looked at Chen Mo's voice and said very calm.


Chen Mo didn't help but heard the words of Li Taibai, and then wrinkled and asked: "Wait a minute, do you say how long don't you eat?"

"Calculate the whole half a month!"

Li Taibai said faintly.

"Old man, are you joking with me? Do people die for seven days without eating?"

Chen Mo said quickly.

"Seven days?"

Li Taibai smiled dismissed, then faintly said: "Ordinary people don't eat but drink water, at least half a month, and our military, even if they don't eat, I can stick to a month. Time, you are just that this is just Hu Shi ... "

"Is this going?"

If Chen Mimei is thinking about it, then the eyes flashed a shock, and shouted with Li Taibai: "No, then what do you mean that I am now coma for half a month? "

"Yes, it is really a month from the time!"

Li Taibai looked at Chen Mo and nodded.

Chen Mo looked at Li Tai Bai directly, it was dumbfounded, lying in bed, I don't know how it should be good.

Because Chen Mo will not think that he has been coma is so long.

"No, I still have a lot of things that I need to do it, I can't always be lying so, you can't help me!"

Chen Mo was very excited to rushing to Li Taihu.

Li Taibai turned his head and walked and vigorously walked to Chen Mo's side, reached out to support Chen Mo from the bed.

And Chen Mo discovered that his body is still can't move, and it will not be able to make a lot of effort.

"When can I get free activities?"

Chen Mo asked Li Wei Bai.

"I am going to prepare for you, waiting for you to eat things, you should be able to move!"

Li Taibai faintly returned to Chen Mo, and then turned around and rushed to go outside the room.

After Li Taibai left, Chen Mo met his eyes and asked softly: "During this time, you are taking care of me?"

Greatly, I nodded.

"Thank you, wait until I will move, I will give you a truck banana to send you, by the way, how is it for you to find two mother monkeys?"

Chen Mo smiled and asked.

"... ..."

Greatly fiercely rushed to Chen Mo, and then turned and ran out the house.

After a long time, Chen Mer sat in the bed, hesitated for two seconds, and then found a mobile phone from his own clothes, but helpless half a month passed, the mobile phone has already been out of power.

Therefore, Chen Mo can only wait until you have a powerful home.

After more than ten minutes, vigorously got a bowl of noodles.

Chen Mai has been a little strength, so he barely eradicate the noodles and then continues to lying on the bed.


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