I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 87: Countless missed calls

After eating the noodles, Chen Mo has waited for nearly half a hour. How many hours for Chen Mo, because his mobile phone has no electricity, this time has happened to him. I don't know at all.

After more than half an hour, Chen Mo feels that his body seems to be a little powerful, so try to go down the bed and start a little bit of moving his body.

Maybe because I haven't been active too long, I seem to be a little uncomfortable when I started, but after an event for a while, Chen Mo was really resumed, and the at least normal walk has There is no problem.

Chen Mail was able to greeted himself, and Li Taibai hit a greeting, and then he walked outside the yard. He now only one thought is that you can find a place to charge your mobile phone. phone charging.

After leaving Li Taibai, I found that my body has completely restored normal, don't say it is normal, even if I have no problem.

And as Li Taibai said, Chen Miman can also feel the change in his body, but maybe because Chen Mo's current body is really too weak, so the changes above the body are not particularly obvious.

After leaving Li Taibai, Chen Mo stopped a taxi directly, and then returned to the palace No.1.

After arriving home, Chen Mo found the mobile phone charger to charge the phone, and the charging of charging, Chen Mo came to the bathroom to take a shower.

Torting for a long time, the last phone finally turned on.

After the mobile phone boot, there are countless missed calls, there are unread text messages and the reminder of WeChat. I will give Chen Mo's mobile phone directly for a while.

Chen Silently opened a mobile phone and then started a message that went to see if there was any unread SMS WeChat.

Most of these phones are all in Ning Tao Lin, after all, have just happened to have such a big thing in the resort, followed by Chen Mo's disappearance, which is hard to let people connect these things together. .

Therefore, Chen Mo first called Ning Tao Lin Fei and others.

"Dudu ..."

After the phone rang two times, Ning Tao finally turned on the phone, and then shouted: "Chen Mo, is you?"

"it's me……"

After Chen Mo heard Ning Tao's voice, Chen Mo was naturally very moving, and his low returned.

"Big Brother, what have you been in these days? Why is you calling you all the time? I am now buying a ticket now to find you. What is dangerous?"

Ning Tao asked very anxious.

"What is that, you don't have to come to Nanyang City, I have no things here, my mobile phone is lost, I just found it back today ..."

Chen Mo knows that Ning Tao is ready to come to Nanyang City to find himself.

"Mobile phone is lost?"

Ning Tao heard Chen Mo's words and then a long out of breath.

"Well, the phone is lost, so I don't contact you, you don't have to worry, by the way, I will tell Lin Fei, and I have a few people, I don't have anything ..."

Chen Mo slowed down.

"Rely, you have to scare me, I thought you were discovered by Chen Gongzi, you found that there is nothing, it is too good, I will call Lin Fei to call them. A sound! "

Ning Tao's tone of speaking was significantly relaxed.

"OK, if there is nothing, I will hang it first, I still have something to do, wait for when you have time, come back to Nanyang City!"

Chen Mo slowed down.

"Good ..."

Ningtao nodded and then hanged the phone.

After Ning Tao hangs, Chen Mo has turned over his own missed call. There is also Liu Ruonun, but they just play one or two calls, should not be an urgent thing, so Chen Sile did not call the past, and Luoqiu is called Chen Mo every day.

After all, Chen Mo is now basically chatting with Luoqiu every day. I ask Luoqiu's situation. I haven't contacted Luoqiu for so long. So Chen Mo has played a call to Luoqiu, only because The relationship between time difference, Luoqiu did not answer the phone, Chen Silent sent a text message to Luoqiu, telling yourself nothing, don't worry.

Then Jiang Feifei also has a text message with the phone that is coming over with Bai Yiben.

Jiang Feifei's SMS content is almost the same, all reminding Chen Mo, whispering Su Bai Wei, the two people seem to have found any helper to deal with Chen Mo.

Chen Miman won't put Su Bai Wei Chen and others in the eyes. After all, these two people have no matter what kind of helper, it is absolutely impossible to be Chen Mo's opponent. These two people are only in self-cultivation.

Of course, there are some calls that Zhao Ziling Zhao Zi Shu Sisters and Chen Mo's last rescued Ye Xueqi's big beauty, but Chen Mo feels that these people should not have anything, so there is no callide.

I really let Chen Mo worry about the phone of Li Jincheng with Ning Shasha.

Li Jincheng gave Chen Mo's nearly forty or fifty phones. If it is not because of a very important thing, Li Juncheng is absolutely impossible to play so much phone.

Therefore, Chen Mo directly dials the phone of Li Juncheng.

"Dudu ..."

After the phone rang two times, Li Jincheng took the phone and then loudly asked: "Chen Gongzi, have you awake?"

Chen Mo didn't help but heard the words of Li Jincheng, and then wrinkled softly: "Do you know that I am coma?"

"I have been calling you a few days ago, so I went to Li Gao people asked about your situation, and then I learned about your coma's past news ..."

Li Juncheng slowly relieves the release.

"So this is ah!"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

Li Juncheng is a smart person, and Li Juncheng also knows that Chen Mo often goes to Li too white, so Li Juncheng can find Chen Mo is also very normal.

"Ok, let's talk about it, do you give me so much call, is there anything?"

Chen Mo's low voice asked.

"Chen Gongzi, the project of Metro Line 1 may have no hope ..."

Li Juncheng did not have nonsense, and said it was very straightforward.

"How can I not hope?"

Chen Mo feels that Li Juncheng should not be joking, and his eyes flashed a doubt, frown asked.


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