The vines are still growing, and they have completely blocked the sky. Tiny vines are constantly sprouting from the giant vines, spreading around like poisonous tongues looking for prey.

And those bugs in the black mist naturally became the prey of the vines at this time, but these bugs seemed vulnerable.

Kuban and Julu were also escaping into the distance in the air at this time, because there were more and more tiny vines at this time, and it was not easy to escape.

There are gaps of tens of meters between the thick giant vines. Flying away from this place is naturally the fastest way. However, small vines continue to grow on the giant vines, and they are dense and endless.

At this moment, Ming Shi waved his left and right hands together, and saw the Ming Lamp and Ming Blade constantly rotating around him. The power of the two ninth-level dust weapons was also fully displayed at this time.

The underworld blade is like a constantly rotating fan, any vines that come close will be cut off directly by it, while the underworld lamp releases strange light, constantly interfering with the vines' attack.

This underworld lamp is also really weird. The purple light it releases can sometimes disperse the vines, and sometimes it can control the vines to attack each other. I don't know what kind of ability it has.

Although these two ninth-level dust weapons are extraordinary, they can only be used to protect themselves when facing artifacts.

Struggling through the gaps of giant vines, but every step forward, you can only encounter more vines, like lines and spider webs, growing endlessly.

At this time, one can only concentrate on dealing with the growing vines, and there is no time to release more powerful energy. The more powerful the energy is released, the more time it takes to prepare, even if it is only a few seconds. They may be entangled in vines.

Li Ming's figure slowly rose, looking at the endless vines in front of him, showing a satisfied look, and whispered: "As the energy increases, the power of Nie Teng can indeed be more powerful."

But obviously, this is not the true power of the artifact, but for now, it is enough to deal with these opponents.

A pair of rolling eyes immediately locked onto a position, and flew over with a movement of his body.

Li Ming was watching the vines grow and feeling the attack of the vines, but similarly, another figure was also watching all this on the roof of a tall building.

This person is all hairy, with a blue back and a white chest. His whole body is plush, his face is a bit like fur, his ears are long and big, and he is not big. He is sitting on the top of the building motionless, and the people around him are The rattan didn't dare to get close to his body at all.

This person is also one of the six people imprisoned in the prison, but no one knows his identity, and he is Holmonqi, a second-level civilization.

Hall Mengqi looked at everything in front of him, without any action, with a calm expression, and whispered in his mouth: "You can already use the low-level abilities of the artifact. It is still very interesting."

At the end of the sentence, Holmonqi smiled slightly.

At this moment, Li Ming's figure passed through the vines and came to a place where vines were densely packed. These tiny vines were only as thick as an arm, intertwined among the giant vines, and were as densely packed as lines.

With the arrival of Li Ming, these vines retreated away one after another as if they had seen their master. The retreating vines were like scattered dark clouds, peeling off layer by layer, and the things inside were revealed bit by bit.

A large piece of vines faded away, and an alien bound by five flowers appeared in front of him, it was the Mingshi.

Under the restraints of the rattan, Mingshi could not move at all, or even struggle.

Li Ming looked at the other party with contempt, slowly raised his right hand, and then the two canes flipped and floated in front of Li Ming. These three canes were like two arms, respectfully handed to Li Ming.

One is wrapped with a Hades Blade, and the other is wrapped with a Hades Lamp.

Looking at these two ninth-level Liuchen weapons, Li Ming smiled slightly, waved his right hand to put the things away, and then looked at Mingshi and said: "Get ready to be judged, Mr. Mingshi."

With that said, Li Ming turned around and flew in the other direction.

As Li Ming moved around, whether it was giant vines or small vines, they spread to both sides, as if making way for them.

Not far into the flight, a building appeared, with two people standing on the roof, one was Lan Jingzang and the other was Tan Jing.

The two of them were shocked when they saw Li Ming, but Li Ming's body moved slightly to the side. At this time, another person appeared behind Li Ming, it was the Mingshi, but at this time, the Mingshi had been captured by the vine. The strips are firmly fixed.

Li Ming smiled lightly and said, "Tan Jing, don't you want revenge? I'll leave this person to you."

After Li Ming finished speaking, he glanced at Tan Jing. Just when he was about to say something else, there was a sudden buzz in his head, which made Li Ming's eyes look in another direction.

Li Ming's face was slightly nervous, but at this moment, Tan Jing just looked at Mingshi angrily, and clenched his fists with both hands.

But Li Ming was still absent-minded, as if he encountered something urgent, he turned around and flew away into the distance and left.

Li Ming's sudden departure made Lan startled. He frowned slightly and didn't know why, but he kept looking at Li Ming's back until Li Ming disappeared among the canes.

At this moment, Tan Jing didn't seem to notice Li Ming's departure. He took a slight step with his bare feet, walking towards Ming Shi.

At this time, Li Ming kept moving forward among the canes, relying on the information he sensed to move forward bit by bit, as if he was looking for something.

After walking a long way, Li Ming stopped.

The figures of Ku Ban and Ju Lu appeared in front of Li Ming, but they were also firmly fixed by the vines.

He stared at the two people in front of him with his eyes, shook his head slightly, and said to himself: "It's not these two guys."

With that said, Li Ming was about to leave directly. As soon as he turned around, Li Ming stopped, turned his head slightly, looked at the two people again, and frowned tightly.

Through his discerning ability, Li Ming discovered that there was a secret in the minds of these two people.

"Lahu Civilization unites with Nusu attack the Tianhe Star Region...Qin Gu's plan...Qin Gu turns out to be Lahu Civilization?!"

Li Ming muttered to himself in his head, and his face gradually turned cold.

Through his discerning eyes, Li Ming discovered this piece of information from these two people, which also made Li Ming startled. His eyes flashed coldly, full of anger.

Being looked at by Li Ming like this, Kuban and Julu looked at each other with horror on their faces.

After Li Ming took a deep breath, he turned around and left.

The Lahu civilization and the Milky Way Guards have long been entangled. This mysterious civilization is also the enemy of the Andromeda Galaxy. However, unexpectedly, the goal of the Lahu civilization turned out to be the water of the Milky Way.

According to the information Li Ming just obtained, Qin Gu is also a Lahu civilization, which can also explain why Qin Gu wants to know the whereabouts of the water of the Tianhe River.

Li Ming also happened to tell Qin Gu about the whereabouts of the Tianhe Water.

The more he thought about it, the more worried Li Ming became. He originally thought that the second section of Qin Gu would not threaten the Tianhe Guards or the water of the Tianhe. Unexpectedly, the current facts made Li Ming regretful.

The more he thought about Li Ming, the more worried he became. He paused and said to himself: "No, we must inform the Tianhe Guards about this as soon as possible!"

Thinking of this, Li Ming already made a decision under his serious expression.

But just when Li Ming was about to do something, there was a buzz in his head again, as if something suddenly entered his head.

The strong feeling made Li Ming even a little dizzy. With Li Ming's strong mental power, there was almost no one who could affect Li Ming's spirit.

Shaking his head, he slowly opened his eyes and saw an alien floating in front of him.

This person is none other than Hall Monkey.

Li Ming also recognized the other person at a glance, and couldn't help but whisper: "It's him..."

Holmenqi smiled and looked at Li Ming, just floating in the air motionless.

Li Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, and after just one glance, they suddenly widened a bit, and his brows furrowed.

With his keen eye, Li Ming could not see any information from the other party's mind, nor could he sense the other party's civilization level.

"Who are you?"

Li Ming asked.

Holmenqi spread his hands, hesitated for a moment, and opened his mouth slightly. It seemed that his lips were moving and talking, but no sound was heard.

Despite this, a large amount of information poured into Li Ming's mind.

There was no conversation, but he could transmit what he wanted to say to the other person's mind in an instant. Li Ming had never been exposed to this weird ability, but at this time, Li Ming just felt the information quietly, as if What to read in general.

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