I am the highest civilization in the universe

Chapter 494: The best in this galaxy group, Tianmu Organization

Hall Mengqi, a second-level civilization, a senior civilization guide, is responsible for the guidance of level 1.9 civilizations in this galaxy group.

This is basic information, but it is also the information that Li Ming least wants to see. After seeing this, Li Ming had no intention of reading any more. He smiled slightly and whispered: "Am I being targeted just after I used my energy? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Ming's smiling face suddenly turned cold, and then with a 'buzz', Li Ming's figure disappeared on the spot.

When Li Ming appeared again, he was already dozens of kilometers away, and he had just used his teleportation ability.

After his body stabilized, Li Ming quickly looked around and made sure that he did not see Hall Mengqi's figure. The cloak behind him suddenly fluttered and turned into a pair of snow-white wings. After a quick flap, he flew away from here.

Li Ming, who had the Flowing Cloud Wings, flew extremely fast and left the Camilla Free Zone and headed straight for the distance.

There is also a construction area on the planet Irama, which is the real control area of ​​the planet Irama, the military base of Andromeda, and the control center of the critical point of Irama.

At this time, whether Li Ming wanted to get rid of Hall Mengqi or reach the Tianhe Star Territory, he needed a spaceship, and this was Li Ming's best choice.

In a moment, Li Ming's eyes had already seen a construction area. His eyes turned and quickly locked on the parking place of the spaceship, where Li Ming's spaceship had previously parked.

After confirming the position, the wings behind him flashed quickly, and the figure appeared in a flash.

When he came to the parking area, facing many parked spaceships, Li Ming found his own spaceship at a glance. He flew over and came to the side of the spacecraft. He raised his right hand and pointed at the spacecraft and patted it lightly.

Suddenly a blue light flashed, and a vortex portal appeared.

After Li Ming looked around, he stood up and entered. Just after Li Ming entered, a small blue meat ball flashed and came to the portal, flipping into it.

A few seconds later, the spacecraft buzzed and trembled slightly, then disappeared on the spot with a 'swish'. When the spacecraft reappeared, it was already in the space of the planet Irama.

Li Ming looked at the console and raised his hand to confirm his destination.

A certain planet on the console lit up, and a route was planned.

This spaceship was exactly what Li Ming flew out of the Tianhe Star Territory. The return at this time was also the same as the original route. It could be said that it was a familiar road.

In order to quickly reach the Tianhe Star Territory, Li Ming's mental power also entered the console. After all, it was not a trivial matter for the Lahu Civilization and the Nusu Civilization to attack the Tianhe Star Territory.

At this moment, a giant flying object has quietly arrived in the middle system of the Andromeda Galaxy.

This object is not a spaceship. It is more than ten kilometers long and wide. It can be said to be a behemoth, slightly larger than some meteorites. The object is controlled by an underground base on a black planet.

In the base, a huge blue ghost image shows the location of the spacecraft, and two aliens are standing in front of the ghost image.

One is Wasser, and the other is a woman with blond hair and an eye, but this eye is different. The entire pressure is silver, like a silver metal bar blocking the eye.

A cape with a high collar wraps his body, and two slender black claws tap back and forth in the void, like fingers tapping a keyboard. This person is none other than Michetti, the [Mechanic] of the Jino Civilization.

"How long will it take to detonate the light of destruction?"

Vaser said anxiously.

Michetti just focused on knocking the shadow, looked at the huge flying object in the image, and said: "You can do it at any time."

Hearing these four words, Wasser raised the corners of his mouth slightly with a satisfied smile and said, "Let's get started! Nak'olun is already well prepared!"

Michetti then stopped what he was doing, pushed up his glasses with one finger, smiled slightly, and said: "The fireworks show begins now..."

As he spoke, he raised his finger again and pointed it at the shadow, and saw a blue halo rippling from the shadow.

And the huge object that was originally flying suddenly became radiant, a loud 'bang' sound was heard, and the entire flying object was instantly engulfed by the light it released.

The light turned into light waves and began to spread rapidly around. The speed of this diffusion was beyond imagination and beyond the understanding of low-level civilizations, because the speed of this light exceeded the ordinary speed of light.

The most important thing is that this kind of light has strong penetrating ability, and it spreads out throughout the Andromeda Galaxy as soon as it explodes. However, this kind of light is not continuous light, just like a layer of water waves spreading around.

The light of destruction here has been activated, and Li Ming is still moving forward at full speed in the spacecraft, but there is still a long distance from Irama to Scorpio, and it will take time to reach it in a hurry, but it is useless.

"Looking at you, you seem to be in a hurry where to go?"

A sudden voice came from behind.

Li Ming, who was still concentrating on controlling the spacecraft, was stunned when he heard this voice. He slowly turned around and saw Hall Mengqi sitting comfortably on the seat in the main cabin looking at this place.

Li Ming's face changed a few times, he turned pale instantly, and his whole body froze in place.

"When did this guy come in?! I actually... didn't notice it at all!"

Li Ming's heart was already in turmoil at this time, and he even said to himself in fear.

Hall Mengqi said in a natural manner: "How have you considered what I told you on the planet Irama?!"

Li Ming said tremblingly and cautiously: "After I finish dealing with the matter in front of me, I...I will reply to you."

After hearing this, Holmenqi looked thoughtful. After hesitating for a moment, he replied: "Okay, then I'll wait for your reply."

Li Ming was immediately surprised by the other party's answer. He even had doubts in his eyes and frowned.

His heart was still restless. According to what Lan Jingzang said at the beginning, if he was targeted by the second-level civilization, then Li Ming would have to make a choice, either give up the advancement or be killed by the other party. Why was this second-level civilization in front of him? Super civilization did not mention this matter.

"What does this guy mean?"

Li Ming couldn't figure it out for a moment, and kept asking himself questions in his heart.

Thinking of the other party's purpose, Li Ming suddenly remembered that when he was on the planet Irama, the other party did send a message to Li Ming's mind, but Li Ming did not read it completely at the time. Now that he thought about it, the content seemed There will be the answer Li Ming wants.

While looking at the other party cautiously, the consciousness in his mind has begun to recollect the message.

Re-reading the content of this message, the expression on Li Ming's face changed slightly.

The content of this message shows that Hall Mengqi comes from [Tianmu Organization], which currently has thirteen members and is the highest organization in this galaxy group.

Tianmu was born in this galaxy group and had an inherent purpose to prevent low-level civilization from advancing to high-level civilization.

This purpose comes from the inner world of all members, just like human beings need to eat, drink, and live. It is an inevitable behavior for civilization to reach this place.

If we could describe this behavior more accurately, it would be like some customs in different parts of the human world, passed down by the older generation, or like some behavioral habits of local tribes. You can't understand it, but it has always been passed down, and this is the Tianmu organization.

Of course, the work of the Tianmu organization is not simple. In addition to preventing the advancement of low-level civilization, it also needs to hunt down those entities that have secretly advanced to the second-level civilization.

In short, the existence of this organization is to allow all life in the galaxy group to survive and develop according to the original rules, and not to allow any life to leave the galaxy group through advancement!

The reason why Hall Mengqi did not kill Li Ming and did not prevent Li Ming from advancing was because the current Tianmu organization needed to recruit two members, and Li Ming was the chosen one.

At this time, Li Ming can choose to agree or refuse, but both will bring serious consequences.

If he agrees, Li Ming must leave Hall Mengqi, accept [Tianmu Baptism], erase his previous memories, and become a brand new member of the Tianmu organization. If he refuses, Li Ming may be killed directly.

That's the main takeaway from that message.

In addition, the Tianmu organization controls many non-advanced level 1.9 civilizations, which plays a huge role in the organization's control. Simply put, the supreme ruler of the Andromeda Galaxy is the Queen. If the Queen submits to Tianmu organization, and it is a non-advanced level 1.9 civilization, then the queen will definitely prevent the civilization in the large galaxy from entering the level 1.9 civilization.

This will be more conducive to the Queen's absolute rule and power, and it will also help the Tianmu organization to nip its goals in the cradle.

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