I am the highest civilization in the universe

Chapter 498: Space-time Blue Hole

The two of them continued to gather energy and convert the energy in their bodies into elemental energy that could be used to attack. For Hall Mengqi, this was dignity. It was impossible for a 1.9-level civilization to struggle in front of him for one more second. For Li For Ming, this is a life and death battle.

'Li Ming has no choice but to defeat the opponent.

The energy balls in their hands grew bigger and bigger, like an expanding balloon.

Looking at Li Ming's condensed energy, Hall Mengqi did not dare to neglect at all. While condensing energy, he solemnly said: "I will use half of my energy to show my respect for you, boy!"

Li Ming seemed not to hear it, but just concentrated his energy.

The strengthening of the six-domain enhanced star registry, the support of Huicong's ability, and the energy of three times the ordinary level 1.9 civilization, made Li Ming's light energy extremely powerful.

But it is naturally impossible to reach the intensity of a second-level civilization, but at this moment, Li Ming had a thought in his mind and suddenly thought of something.

He looked up at the energy he had condensed, his eyes darkened slightly, and he said to himself: "It is indeed... like this."

At this time, Li Ming remembered the two words that Lan Jingzang said, potential and extreme. Only by perfectly combining his own civilization can he show his power, but that is obviously not possible at the moment.

Six-domain enhanced star registration plus Huicong plus three times the energy is like three pieces of a puzzle, forcibly spliced ​​into a weapon. Although it is powerful, it is only for the same level. When facing a second-level civilization, this power is obviously not enough. There are some shortcomings.

It's a pity that Li Ming met Lan Jingzang too late, otherwise he would have had more time to practice the so-called union.

"It's too late now, but I still have to try! Come on! Second level civilization!"

Li Ming suddenly shouted and threw the energy ball in his hand with a sudden wave of his right hand.

Hall Mengqi was also shocked and threw the energy ball with a wave of his right hand.

Just like two shining suns, they collided together instantly. Both of them have the ability of intelligent civilization and the power of light energy. The only difference is the nature and volume of the energy.

‘Buzz! ’

There was a stabbing pain in his head, and his eyes instantly turned pale. Even his consciousness, protected by his wise eyes, suddenly became aware of it.

There was no violent noise, only the constant release of strong light. The light pierced through the body. Even with his eyes closed, he could not resist it. Before this light, Li Ming seemed to be air, transparent, or even non-existent. He was covered by it. These rays penetrate directly.

Not only Li Ming, but also Hall Mengqi felt the same way. Li Ming's ability had far exceeded Hall Mengqi's expectation. Even the white shield on his body could not resist the light at all. Directly penetrated.

"This guy is so..."

With only consciousness, Hall Mengqi whispered, but after a few seconds, Hall Mengqi suddenly shouted "Ah..." and his consciousness disappeared.

After the intense light was released for a few seconds, it suddenly began to shrink with a 'swish', and produced a strong suction force.

Just like a star will turn into a black hole after burning out its energy, and the collision of the two energies produced a strange suction at this time. Li Ming and Holmenqi were sucked into it in just an instant, but no black hole was formed here. , but formed a blue hole.

In just a blink of an eye, the white light disappeared along with the attack and Hall Monkey. The only thing that appeared in place was a blue sphere, the blue hole.

The blue hole is a hundred meters in diameter and no longer produces suction, just like a natural planet. It is just made of pure energy, just like the structure of a star.

Another thing that blue holes and stars have in common is that they release energy continuously. Unlike stars, the energy released by blue holes is not light, but natural energy. As the energy is released, its volume also increases a little bit. shrink, but very slowly.

Although it is only a hundred meters in diameter, its lifespan is still very long.

Just like other energy objects in the universe, they are generated and then disappear over time.


In the vast starry sky of the universe, a blue planet was slowly rotating, and in the space of this planet, a dark red vortex suddenly appeared.

The vortex was like a hole suddenly appearing in the vacuum of the universe, as if a hole had been ripped open in the vacuum.

As soon as the vortex appeared, the two figures were thrown out, just like two ants being thrown out, and the two people headed straight for the blue planet.

At this time, the two of them were like two meteorites passing by the blue planet, falling rapidly under the planet's gravity.

The blue planet is similar to the earth, 70% is ocean, and only 30% is unevenly distributed land. Li Ming's body cuts through the atmosphere and goes straight to the ground, and the same goes for Hall Monkey.

The distance between the two also widened, like a pair of meteors, their flesh seemed to be on fire due to the friction of the atmosphere. From their point of view, the land gradually became clearer and magnified little by little.

The two of them were like two shooting stars. One went straight to the blue sea, and the other flew to the land.

In the night sky, only a flash of fire was seen, and with a dull sound, Li Ming's body fell directly into a lake, and reached the bottom of the lake without stopping.

The same phenomenon also occurred in the vast sea. Holmenqi also entered the center at once, went straight into the dark seabed, and disappeared.

Under the moonlight, the lake surface occasionally reflects light, and the slightly rippling water surface reflects the light like the scales of a fish. The sounds of birds and insects occasionally come from all around, like a melody that matches the scene on the lake.

After a while, white mist rose little by little from the lake, like water vapor, but the mist was relatively dense, and it only took a moment to cover the entire lake.

As the mist spread, a figure gradually floated from the bottom of the lake until it left the water and came into the air. This person was Li Ming, but at this time Li Ming was still in a coma, with only a faint trace of emotion in his mind. consciousness.

The white mist held Li Ming like a cloud. At the same time, the mist began to explore Li Ming's body, and finally took out a star bag.

Like a palm made of mist, it held the star bag and pointed it at Li Ming.

The blue light flashed, and strips of blue light shot out from the star bag, and then a Flowing Cloud Pill appeared in the blue light.

Immediately afterwards, the white mist formed into a palm and came out, grabbed the Liuyun Pill and put it into Li Ming's mouth.

After this move, Li Ming's closed eyes suddenly twitched slightly, and then slowly opened them. He was already awake. After the battle with Hall Mengqi, Li Ming had almost exhausted his energy. Coupled with the strange Traveling through the blue hole of time and space, if there is no energy supply, Li Ming is likely to have his nebula shattered.

Li Ming's body was still a little weak when he woke up again. He needed Liuyun Pill to slowly restore his body. He looked at the white mist with his eyes and whispered: "Fortunately, I have you, Zhuo Lu."

Zhuo Lu didn't respond. He carried Li Ming to the shore of the lake, and then slowly put Li Ming down.

Sitting cross-legged on the ground, Li Ming remained motionless and began to recover.

His mind was also thinking about what happened before.

Based on Li Ming's existing memories, when he recalled the scenes of arriving here, they were almost all one-sided and blurry. The clearer scene in his mind still stayed at the time of fighting Hall Mengqi.

Li Ming used all his strength and struck with all his strength. All his energy had reached its limit. After colliding with Hall Mengqi's energy ball, his consciousness was affected. His subsequent memories have always been because of the influence on his consciousness. On and off.

But through the intermittent scenes, Li Ming had already roughly guessed something.

"The energy collision in the vacuum must have created a rift in the universe, and then it was transported here..."

Li Ming thought like this, and another question formed in his mind.

"If it's a teleportation through a space crack, which one would it be... After all, if you can't find the crack, you may not be able to teleport back."

Li Ming whispered to himself, feeling worried in his mind.

Li Ming didn't know much about space cracks. He only knew that it was a natural transmission mechanism, such as black holes, white holes, gray holes, etc.

The possible teleportation packages here are different worlds, multiple worlds, parallel worlds, etc., but Li Ming still doesn't know what kind of place he is in yet.

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