After taking several Flowing Cloud Pills in succession, Li Ming's body also recovered greatly. He put the turbidity back into Heng Yunshang. Li Ming still closed his eyes in place, and it was already a night before he knew it.

The early morning sunlight filled the land, seeming to awaken all life here. The sunlight shone through the gaps between the branches and leaves on Li Ming's face, and a warmth appeared on the sun-exposed skin.

Li Ming's eyes slowly opened. His body had fully recovered, but his consciousness still had certain flaws.

This flaw cannot be changed by Li Ming, because it is caused by the transmission of space cracks and is irreversible. Fortunately, the awareness of this flaw will not really cause any loss, and will slowly recover in the future.

Standing up from the ground, Li Ming glanced around and then flew up, directly into the sky.

With his eyes casually looking around, he had a panoramic view of the surrounding environment, and Li Ming's mental induction also spread out with a buzz, just like an invisible barrier suddenly spread out.

Everything within dozens of kilometers nearby was shrouded in Li Ming's consciousness.

The vegetation in the jungle, the vehicles on the highway, and the humans in the city were all very clear. There was no trace of Hall Mengqi, but Li Ming found a trace of anomaly.


A pair of eyes immediately looked into the distance.

With his keen eyes, Li Ming seemed to see the high-rise buildings in the city in the distance.

"Is this... the earth?!"

As he whispered in his mouth, Li Ming's expression perked up, with a look of surprise on his face. But after thinking about it carefully, Li Ming immediately shook his head and said: "Impossible, the space cracks will not be transmitted in the same time and space. Then here..."

Li Ming thought in his mind, and his body moved and flew towards the location of the city.

In a flash, Li Ming had arrived above the city. This city was the same as the city Li Ming had seen on Earth before. It had high-rise buildings, people coming and going, and there were vehicles and people on the road.

According to Li Ming's previous memories, cities on Earth used to look like this, but this was completely different from Li Ming's perception.

Looking with both eyes, Li Ming's figure moved and went straight to the ground.

Arriving at a remote street, Li Ming began to look around. It was sparsely populated and it was just a suburb. Walking slowly along the street, he could sometimes see people riding trams passing by, and occasionally vehicles passing by.

Every picture is extremely familiar, as if I have really returned to the earth again.

It's still the picture in my memory, time has not changed at all, but it feels familiar yet strange here.

While Li Ming was watching like this, a car suddenly came from a distance. The car drove slowly along the roadside and finally stopped. Li Ming looked at the other person with both eyes, and then walked over quietly.

Just as soon as he sensed it, the situation inside the car came into his mind. When he noticed the situation inside, Li Ming's face suddenly changed, and he even showed a look of surprise.


A cry of pain was heard, and then the two men got out of the car and left quickly.

Li Ming quickly approached and came to the car door. The person lying on the steering wheel was dead and covered with blood. But when he saw that face, Li Ming's eyes widened.

The face of the dead man was exactly the same as Li Ming.

"This it me?"

Li Ming's body froze on the spot, and he glanced at the two people who had fled.

Li Ming did not chase him, but continued to look at the dead person in front of him. After standing blankly for a long time, Li Ming's native expression softened, and he seemed to have thought of something.

"Parallel universe?!"

Li Ming said these four words in surprise.

Li Ming doesn't know much about parallel universes. Even at this level of civilization, he knows very little. What is known is that the parallel universe is one of the multiverses, that is to say, it may be possible in other universes. There are multiple selves.

This is also one of the transmission abilities of space cracks. Amidst all the uncertain factors, this possibility naturally still exists.

Looking at himself dead in front of him, Li Ming's expression changed slightly, his right hand gently reached out, reached into the car window, and placed his palm on the head of the person in the car.

Before the energy of the opponent's consciousness completely disappeared, Li Ming relied on his own mental power to completely absorb that consciousness into his own mind.

"Then...this is a parallel universe!"

Li Ming said in surprise.

But when he checked the consciousness he had just acquired, Li Ming's face immediately turned ugly again. His face sank slightly and he said, "I am in such a miserable state in this universe?!"

As he spoke, Li Ming couldn't stop sighing. After being stunned for a moment, a white light flashed in his right hand and shot out with a 'whoosh'. The white light was the transformation of Li Ming's energy, a powerful As soon as the energy touches the person in the car, it is like a flame igniting paper.

The people in the car turned into ashes and debris bit by bit, disappearing in the air.

Not only did the person disappear, but even the blood stains in the car disappeared. Li Ming's energy decomposed all the tissues completely related to this person.

After doing this, Li Ming opened the car door, bent down and got into the car. Then the clothes on his body distorted and changed, and his clothes and cloak transformed into the same appearance as the person who died just now.

Because Li Ming's body was the same as the other person's, there was no need to change, so he just changed his clothes.

After doing this, Li Ming started the car, turned around and left.

While driving, the information emerged in Li Ming's mind bit by bit.

The Li Ming of this universe is also called Li Ming, with the same name, but in a different world. This Li Ming is a doctor, but he does not do his job properly, his medical skills are not good, and he illegally resells medicine, and all kinds of prohibited drugs are also included in his trade. .

These drugs are not well-known finished drugs, but chemical agents. To put it simply, once these things fall into the hands of the wrong people, the consequences will be disastrous.

It was precisely because of this deal that Li Ming fell into crisis and was assassinated just now.

In addition, Li Ming still has three girlfriends.

As soon as he saw this, Li Ming in the car slapped the steering wheel hard and whispered: "Damn it, I actually have three girlfriends in this parallel universe? But what's the use? After all, I'm still a short-lived ghost."

Li Ming continued to sigh, hummed slightly, and whispered again: "It's better for me to take care of your funeral, Li Ming."

As he spoke, the vehicle driven by Li Ming made a sharp turn into another street and began to drive towards the city center.

At this moment, in the depths of the ocean, Hall Mengqi's eyes slowly opened.

It was pitch black before his eyes, and his body was crawling with creatures from the bottom of the sea, including crabs and some microorganisms. He might have thought Hall Mengqi was the corpse of some kind of creature. When he woke up, Hall Mengqi didn't pay attention to this. He stood up, and the contents of his body were The energy dispersed little by little, and all the creatures on his body were driven away by the energy.

Holmonqi stood up straight and slowly floated upward from the bottom of the sea, while the surrounding seawater also began to churn.

As the body rose, the surrounding seawater gradually formed a huge whirlpool, and Holmonqi was the center of the whirlpool.

The body gradually came to the surface of the sea, separated from the sea water and came into the air. With eyes looking around, there was nothing but endless sea water.

As he was watching, a sharp pain suddenly occurred in his head. Holmenqi quickly held his head with his hands and made a low painful sound of "Ah...".

"What about the side effects of traveling through time and space? Consciousness is confused..."

Hormonqi whispered.

After taking a few deep breaths, he looked around again and said: "It must be the collision of two energies in the vacuum that induced the space-time vortex. If so..."

"Then the world here should be...a parallel world..."

Hormonqi whispered, frowning.

At this time, the dark red vortex in the outer space of the water ball is gradually shrinking, and this vortex is the hole that Li Ming and Hall Mengqi passed through. It is also formed by the collision of the two energies in the vacuum. Corresponding to this dark red vortex is another A blue hole in the space-time universe.

The cosmic space where the blue hole is located is where the two first fought. Like the dark red whirlpool, the blue hole is also constantly releasing energy and gradually shrinking.

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