Chapter 221!

Time is like water————

Unknowingly, it has been almost ten years since I returned from the island of Kyushu…

In these ten years, the rumors about the Great Ming Demon Master once terrified all the neon daimyos…

They continue to send ninjas to Kyushu Island, which they once regarded as a wild place, to find out the movements of the Daimyō Demon Master.

But – either the ninjas they ran out of, no one alive, no corpse in death.

Or, it is the news that the Daming Demon Master is not on the island of Kyushu has been transmitted… As for the whereabouts of the Daming Demon Master??

There are countless legends…

Some people say that this powerful demon master has left Neon and returned to the Ming Dynasty.

Some people also say that this demon master is traveling all over the neon place, fighting grievances everywhere…

In short, there is anything to say…

But – the demon master is not on the island of Kyushu, but it is a fact.

Over time…

In the end, the Daming Demon Master became a legend, a legend that once exterminated one person and one family.

Of course, in fact, Yoshitaka Ouchi is not dead, she is still doing well in the Ōtomo family, no matter in every way… She is qualified to be this one-of-a-kindred.

The Ouchi family and the Ōtomo family were originally a branch.

And Ouchi Yoshitaka is Zhou Ye’s concubine, so she still has two 40,000-stone cities in her hands, and she is still a daimyo.

It’s just that she is now part of the Otomo family.

The castle tower in Kokura Castle————

“It’s so boring… Wu Ren, let’s go see Lord Fujun together, shall we?” “Yoshitaka Ouchi is like a house girl at the moment, sitting half-lying on the tatami mat of her room, and beside her, there are various snacks and drinks!!

“My lord, you just came back from there a week ago!!” Sagara Takeshi said helplessly: “Moreover, Lord Zhou Ye is also very busy…”

“Hey, busy with what… It’s not that I’m being pulled around by those little guys to play around…” Yoshitaka Ouchi said with some resentment: “I also want to be by the side of Master Fujun all the time…”

“But you still have to manage these two cities, my lord!!” Sagara Takeren said without haste: “This is what you promised Miya-sama, and you will definitely upgrade these two cities to Xiongcheng!” ”

“But being a daimyo is boring… It’s fun to be around Fu-kun, and Fu-kun can always come up with some interesting gadgets…” Yoshitaka Ouchi sighed and said, “Besides, it’s not the harvest time that Fu-kun said… There’s no way to make a contribution!! I feel like I’m almost a salted fish…”

“Please don’t insult the salted fish… My lord!! Sagara Takeren unceremoniously complained about his lord.

Say that it is their own lord… In fact, the relationship between Sagara Takehito and Ouchi Yoshitaka is like sisterhood… Uh – Sagara Takein is the older sister, and Yoshitaka Ouchi is the younger sister.

In the face of Sagara Taketo’s complaint, Yoshitaka Ouchi didn’t care, or rather, she had her own way of fighting back… Like now. “Oh, oh… Wu Ren, you tell me, where did your first time with Master Fujun happen? Why haven’t I noticed it all the time? ”

“Be sure not to bring it up… My lord!! Hearing the words of his own lord, Sagara Takeren’s little face suddenly turned red.

“Come on, tell me, I’m really curious…” Yoshitaka Ouchi deliberately asked the topic that made Sagara Taketo difficult to speak.

Of course, Yoshitaka Ouchi knew where Sagara Takein was subdued by his own husband…

Speaking of which, there is still her credit in the middle…

It was she who deliberately instigated her husband to press Sagara Taketo, the guy who heard her scream, and came to her door to listen to her corner, on the tatami mat.

It’s just that she pretended to faint at that time…

So, Sagara Takeren always thought she didn’t know about it!!

And this matter has become an unspeakable secret of Sagara Takeren.

How else to say??

In fact, when I was listening to your corner, I was discovered by Lord Zhou Ye and half pushed and half pressed to the ground?

In this case, how can Sagara Takeren face the lord who is listened to?

Takeshi Sagara is unexpectedly a little face-loving in a certain aspect…

At least, she never attends big parties, and always secretly goes to find Zhou Ye… Release the code.

What is the so-called code————

Ahem, it is a righteous accusation against Zhou Ye, an H Great Demon King… And then what will definitely not yield to the clouds.

In this regard, for the first time, Zhou Ye had the illusion that his body had failed?

At that time, he looked at Sagara Takeren with a confused face… A little overwhelmed.

However, when Zhou Ye, who was burned by the anger of provocation, taught Sagara Takeren a hard lesson again… Looking at the incomparably full look in her eyes, it suddenly became clear.

Feelings – this girl likes to play forced tunes…

Well—Zhou Ye decided to satisfy her little hobby.

So –

Zhou Ye began to educate Sagara Wuren regardless of time, place, or occasion.

Various places in the Ouchi Yoshitaka Castle Keep have left the footprints of the two…

If it weren’t for Yoshitaka Ouchi’s good thing of accidentally breaking Sagara Taketo, I’m afraid he would have been kept in the dark…

After all, it was she who instigated her husband to take Sagara Takeren, and at the family gathering behind, she did not see Sagara Taketo’s figure, which made her feel that she had done something wrong, in fact, Sagara Takeren did not like her husband?

And yet – it turns out that she didn’t do anything wrong, it’s just that Sagara Taketo’s hobbies are somewhat different, so… That’s why there is such a misunderstanding.

Later, Sagara Takeren finally admitted his feelings for Zhou Ye, and then… I beg my sovereign to forgive myself.

After all, in the opinion of Sagara Taketo, it was he who seduced his own lord’s husband-sama.

In this regard, Yoshitaka Ouchi waved his hand generously… Disapprovingly, he forgave Sagara Taketo.

However, Sagara Takeren, who did not know that his own lord had already known everything, said that he would not tell his lord anything, under what circumstances did the first time between her and Lord Zhou Ye happen…

And this has also become excellent material for Yoshitaka Ouchi to tease Sagara Taketo, so she won’t break it down… How to play after debunking?

“My lord, Lord Zhou Ye’s might at this time is enough to sweep the world… Why does he still refuse to start? Sagara Takeren deliberately looked left to look at him, intending to divert from the topic that made him blush.

“It is said to be to wait for the appearance of a Ji military general!!” Yoshitaka Ouchi also knows that if it is too much, there will be no fun in the future… Therefore, she deliberately cooperated with Sagara Takeren and talked about her husband.

“Who is it? Is it worth waiting so much for adults?? ”

“Well-it seems to be a girl from the Oda family in Owari Country… What is it called Oda Nobuna!! ”

“Did you send someone to investigate her?”

“Of course… How could I not send a ninja to investigate… It’s just that it is said that this Oda Nobuna is a fool, just ten years old, and has the fame of Owari’s fool princess… It’s really hard to figure out why Lord Fujun likes such a girl!! ”

“Maybe that’s what makes adults different!!”

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