Chapter 222!

Just as Yoshitaka Ouchi on Kyushu Island was talking about someone, someone was talking about her.

Nakono Castle, located in Owari Province, is the castle captured by Oda Nobuna’s father, Oda Nobuhide by conspiracy…

And Oda Nobuna, who is ten years old this year, was born in Nakono Castle.

For this eldest daughter born in Nakono Castle, Oda Nobuhide sincerely likes it.

Therefore, when Oda Nobuna was six years old, he gave the ancient city to his eldest daughter, Oda Nobuna. That is to say – in fact, when Oda Nobuna was six years old, he had already become a daimyo…

In a way, this was enough to make the wild samurai who had fought their own to gain a place under the daimyo jealous to death.

But – this is the ability of the legendary reincarnation skill MAX.

Even if you are jealous and unconvinced, when you see this ten-year-old girl, you have to respectfully lower your head and shout “Lord Pavilion Master”.

Although they could not insult this high-ranking princess in person, they could spread some rumors that were unfavorable to her throughout Neon.

So –

In the eyes of the world, the treacherous Oda Nobuna has an indecent nickname [Princess of Fools of Owari Country].

For this nickname, its owner, Oda Nobuna, just smiled slightly, revealing a calmness far beyond her age, [Let them say it casually, when I rise, they will naturally forget this nickname and crawl in front of me with the most pious posture. 】

This sentence, for many people, may just be a child’s nonsense.

However, for Wanchiyo, who has stood beside Nobuna since childhood, this is the ambition of her lord.

It’s just that her lord is a little… It’s too treacherous, making her a little big-headed.

Like now————

“Thousands of generations… You say, we here, will it be the residence of that demon master? ”

At this time, Oda Nobuna looked at a point on a map around Nakono Castle, which was somewhat rudimentary compared to modern maps, and asked his subordinates’ opinions.

“That’s not a good thing, Your Highness… However, in order to get the world, and want to get someone’s help, such behavior in the eyes of subordinates, zero points… It’s so low-level!! Niwa Nagahide said, slapped his palm with the folding fan in his hand. Pinning your ambitions on others, in exchange for nothing more than a mirror! ”

“No, no… Thousands of generations, haven’t you heard the legend of the Great Ming Demon Master? Oda Nobuna, who was not hit by Niwa Nagahide at all, said excitedly: “That is the existence of one person to destroy one clan, everyone believes that if he wants, it will be easy to unify the entire neon!” ”

“But legends are legends after all, Your Highness!!” Niwa Nagahide said with a smile: “Legends are only legends… That’s because of all kinds of uncertainties and exaggerated facts, whether that demon master has such power, no one dares to guarantee it!! ”

For Niwa Nagahide’s rebuttal, Oda Nobuna used only one word to completely block Niwa Nagahide’s look: “Frozen military array…”

“This… It’s completely impossible to refute it!! Your Highness!! Niwa Nagahide sighed and nodded.

Frozen Army Formation——

This place, which has become a kind of scenic spot on the island of Kyushu, has attracted many daimyo to send ninja troops to watch.

The thousands of soldiers who were frozen in ice for several years made countless people amazed.

Even Oda Nobuna’s father, Oda Nobuhide, once sent a ninja army to find out the details.

Just the other day, when Oda Nobuna returned to Oda Home City, he saw a report from the ninja army in his father’s room.

Therefore, recently she began to be keen to find the Great Ming Demon Master.

For this matter, Niwa Nagahide also knows… Because her lord had taken the military newspaper and watched it with her.

“So… We can go and explore this place!! Oda Nobuna said with a smug smile: “Anyway, it’s just a matter of a few hundred soldiers!” ”

“Why does Your Highness believe so much that there are traces of that Demon Master there??” Niwa Changxiu asked with some curiosity: “Although it is said that many merchants have seen the records of that Daming Demon Master there… However, such records have appeared all over neon… There are even people who have seen the Daming Demon Master in the Mogami family… But in hindsight, it turned out to be just misinformation… What if you go to such great lengths to find this demon master, but in the end you pounce on it? ”

“It won’t be empty!!” Oda Nobuna smiled proudly and said, “Have you seen this map?” Any ideas?? ”

“This…” Niwa Changxiu looked at the map in front of him and said with some hesitation: “The symbols marked on each mountain… Is it a sign of mountain thieves there?? ”

“Of course!!” Oda Nobuna said, “Did you find anything?” ”

“On this hill you are referring to, there are three villages below the hill… However, there is no sign of a mountain thief on the top of the mountain, which is – something is not normal!! Niwa Nagahide said thoughtfully.

Just as nomads like to grow in grass, the preferred locations of mountain thieves are either trade routes or nearby villages.

Mountain thieves are also human beings, and they also survive by plundering.

They became mountain thieves to live a good life with a full meal, not to go hungry…

If there is no village, who do they rob to go?? Grab the city of the daimyo?? Is that looking for death?

The daimyo everywhere only tolerate their existence because they are wild samurai who can be recruited in wartime –

But if they dare to fight the idea of Daimyoju City??

Then excuse me, those daimyo troops will let them know – what is called the anger of the daimyo.

And under that seemingly small mountain, there are actually three villages, which has to be said, which makes Niwa Changxiu a little surprised…

There are villages, and there are no mountain thieves…

It can be thought that the village has its own protection mechanism, but – it can also be considered that there are oddities on that mountain…

Just as Niwa Nagahide was pondering, her lord solved her doubts. “I once sent a ninja army disguised as a cargo man to spy there… In those three villages, there was no village protection arm, and… They haven’t lived there for generations…”

“The first villagers to relocate there also appeared there nine years ago…”

“They said that for some reason, no bandit dared to set foot here…”

“That’s why they moved their family there… Moreover, the sacred mountain covered with mangosteen, their locals never go, because – anyone who enters the thick fog of bamboo forest will eventually faint for unknown reasons and end up outside the bamboo forest. ”

“Nine years ago—this coincided with the time when the Great Ming Demon Master left Kyushu Island… Moreover, even if it is not a Daming Demon Master living there, he is definitely a powerful hermit”

“As a person who aspires to bring peace to this troubled world, how can I watch an unearthly talent appear in front of me, but let it go so easily?”

“So—I decided, to visit the hermit!! Above!! ”

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