Chapter 386!

It is precisely because of this that Count Dueri is so hesitant.

You know, he also belongs to a member of the aristocracy… If he agreed to Zhou Ye’s appointment, it would be tantamount to betraying his own class.

Everyone who betrays his class has no good end.

Although it is said that the Dueri family has declined at this time, – for many years, the intermarriage between nobles has made them in the same spirit, and it is precisely because of this that Count Dueri did not immediately accept the olive branch in Zhou Ye’s hands.

Facing Count Dueri’s hesitation, Zhou Ye didn’t care, his old god was eating…

While eating, he laughed.

“Is Count Dueri still hesitating??”

“Maybe since you walked into this room with me, you’ve become a traitor in the eyes of those rotten guys??”

Hearing Zhou Ye’s words, Count Dueri’s expression was cold…

He was just worried about his daughter’s safety, and he didn’t expect this at all.

Now that I think about it, what an unwise choice it was to follow Zhou Ye in front of the public and leave the main hall. And the young man in front of him made Count Dueri involuntarily chill in his heart.

It’s not simple… It’s really not simple.

“Instead of becoming the dust of history with that rotten group!!” Zhou Ye saw the awe-inspiring look on Count Dueri’s face, and smiled slightly: “It’s better to join the trend of the new era and become the tide of the new era… What do you think, what about my proposal? Count Dueri?? ”

“This…” Count Dueri still hesitated…

“Don’t worry, we are our own people…” Zhou Ye smiled, stretched out his hand, and patted Count Dueri’s shoulder. After all, we are relatives!! I won’t hurt you…”

Hearing Zhou Ye’s words, Count Dueri couldn’t help but smile bitterly…

That’s right, they are indeed relatives, who let him just agree to Zhou Ye’s marriage contract?

From this point of view, he can’t even return to the aristocratic group, because-his daughter will be engaged to Zhou Ye… On his head, he will put on the hat of the new emperor. This can’t be taken off…

“Well… I promise you!! Count Dueri said with a wry smile.

“That’s right!!” Zhou Ye smiled and said, “It just so happens that I also have some things to explain to you!” ”

The rest of the time, Zhou Ye informed Duyeri of the rights and obligations of the chief executive of the imperial capital.

There’s no way around it…

Zhou Ye wanted to control this otherworldly empire, and the best way was to use his own people to act as the chief executives of various places.


Language is a big trouble, how long does it take to learn a language at the fastest? At least two to three years.

Moreover, this must also be the person in such a language environment and have a certain talent for language.

And what Zhou Ye lacks most at the moment is time…

The entire empire rose to the throne with the accession of the empress… There are many things like regime reform, propaganda work, and so on.

Of course, these people can’t use the people that Zhou Ye has cultivated since childhood in China, because the language barrier will arouse the people’s rebellious psychology.

Therefore, it can only be razed.

However, these nobles clearly did not cooperate, which made Zhou Ye a little disgusted… Faced with this situation, of course, we must use carrots and sticks to divide and disintegrate them.

The stick will arrive in a moment, and Count Dueri will become a carrot in the eyes of those nobles.

To put it bluntly, Zhou Ye was planning to make Count Dueri a model and tell those nobles – see no, mess with brothers, live well, and obedient people have candy to eat.

In the end, more or less some of the nobles will be divided, and as for the stubborn guys… Hehe, their final fate can only be the execution ground.

After Zhou Ye talked with Count Dueri for a while… There was a knock on the door.

“Come in!!” Zhou Ye said without surprise.


With the sound, a maiden in a dress walked in from outside, still holding a little loli in her arms… At this time, there was still a trace of tears on Lori’s face…

The moment he saw Zhou Ye, Little Loli Wah cried bitterly…”Big brother…”

“Xia Li!!” X2

Count Dueri and his wife stood up abruptly at this time, and the couple wanted to hold their daughter with a distressed face…

It’s a pity that the little loli wants not them, but Zhou Ye…

“I’m here…” Zhou Ye stood up with a smile, walked to the maid, and took the little loli in her arms into his arms. Who bullied our little cutie? Come, tell brother… Brother help you out…”

“It’s you, brother!!” Little Lori opened her mouth angrily and bit him lightly.

Anyone who wakes up after the first time and finds that the man he just had just disappeared will be uncomfortable.

And the little loli was obviously more emotional, and directly cried bitterly… The witch can’t persuade anyone… I can only contact my own owner through the Legion channel, and then send the little loli over…

“Where is Xia Li’s body injured??” The attentive Mrs. Dueri discovered something, her own daughter seemed to have just been picked up by Zhou Ye, frowning in pain – this made her have a bad association in her heart.

“No way, the first time, it always hurts!!” Zhou Ye didn’t lie either, and said it directly.

His words made the little loli shyly into his arms for a while, and the Dueri couple were completely dumbfounded.

Well, it seems… Her own daughter is really going to marry the emperor Zhou Ye…

The Dueri couple looked at each other with a wry smile, and the thought came to their minds at the same time.

Now that things have been said… Then it’s easy to do.

After the group discussed some more details… Zhou Ye’s witch also came to inform him that the [guest] had arrived…

Hearing this, Zhou Ye laughed and stood up directly… Invite Mr. and Mrs. Dueri to a good show.

Of course, the Duyers did not agree with this.

Little Loli is also making a fuss about going, but… but was scolded by his own mother…

[It all hurts like that, and it’s restless…]

In this regard, little loli has her own trick, she does not ask her parents, but coquettishly to her big brother… And Zhou Ye actually didn’t want to let Little Loli go.

Because of what??

Because the scene will be a little bloody for a while… Zhou Ye was afraid of scaring Xiao Xia Li.

In the end, in desperation, Zhou Ye could only get a handheld game console from his space backpack and let Little Loli play here.

I have to say, dealing with little loli, game consoles or something, it’s really good… This move has the effect of doubling the damage to both Lori and Shota.

Zhou Ye, who calmed the little loli, took Count Dueri and his wife directly and walked towards the main hall.

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