Chapter 387!

By this time, it was already dark…

The entire palace is brightly lit…

The nobles of the imperial capital, the lords of various places and the kings of some countries, are holding wine glasses and whispering…

Although they were very tired, none of them left the place.


They still have things to do…

Do what??

Of course, it was a private tandem to fight against Zhou Ye together!!

They had already understood, apparently – the newly enthroned empress Pinna Golanda was a puppet, and the real master was the young and oversized emperor from another world.

To say how loyal they are to this empire is pure nonsense…

However, Zhou Ye’s strength today also left a bad impression on them… They intend to form a party to protect themselves.

No one is a real fool.

A fool cannot inherit a knighthood…

Every aristocrat has been exposed to political deception since childhood, and political factors are inherently flowing in their blood.

Even in the countries of the globe…

The aristocracy of the old times seems to have declined, but in fact, their wide network can make ordinary people stunned.

A small declining aristocrat may have a distant relationship with a political star who is very active in politics.

And this blood relationship also guarantees that as long as the nobles do not produce defeated families for three consecutive generations, there will always be a comeback.

Ahem… done.

At this time, these nobles were gathered together in groups of three or five, and it seemed as if they were just chatting casually, but – if you notice, you will find that there are always a few people walking back and forth in these crowds…

These people walking back and forth may only be a little brother who delivers news, and the real tandem will not expose himself to the eyes of everyone.

“See? The guys are starting to tandem again!! Mooret smiled, looked up at his daughter Pinna Go Landa, and said: “But these stupid guys, always want to keep the glory and title of their family in their hearts, and they don’t see it clearly at all, now is the prelude to the coming of a big era, and all those who stand in the way will be crushed by the wheel of the times!” ”

“What do they want to do??” Pinna Golanda said with an angry look.

After all, she’s an empress now… In the past, it was possible to ignore the small actions of these nobles, but now – the actions of these guys have obviously violated the majesty of her empress.

How can this make Pinna Golanda endure?

“They?? Huh…” Mooret said with a smile: “Of course they plan to huddle to keep warm… Your fiancé just freaked them out… When they find that the fortress and soldiers they rely on are no longer reliable, they will hug together like hibernating beasts and resist the cold winds from other worlds together! ”

“But are they so useful??” Pinna Golanda asked with some curiosity.

“Useful, of course it works!” Mooret said softly, he is now educating his daughter… Pass on to her the most valuable experience.

“Why?” Pinna Golanda was even more surprised, you know-Zhou Ye’s army can easily destroy everything about them, what kind of confidence do these guys have, want to hug together and fight against Zhou Ye together?

“Why??” Mooret smiled, “My daughter, come… You tell me…… Why do your men, who have weapons that can easily destroy empires, still support you to the throne? Wouldn’t it be nice to completely destroy the empire?? ”

“This…” Pinna Golanda didn’t know either….

“Because – he doesn’t want to get a piece of scorched earth, he wants to get a whole empire!!” Mooret said softly: “And to get a complete empire, you need not only a nominal empress of orthodox origin, but also someone who manages the country!” ”

“Hmm…” Pinna Golanda nodded thoughtfully.

Mooret continued: “And these nobles saw this clearly, which is why they have no fear… Because of the language barrier, your men cannot send administrators from their own country to manage the people of the empire, because their language will make the commoners realize that they are being ruled by aliens and easily provoke the people’s revolt! ”

“But isn’t Ye also able to select some people from the civilians as managers??” Pinna Golanda retorted: “In this case, wouldn’t the threats of those nobles be ineffective?” ”

“Huh…” Mooret smiled and shook his head, “Let a civilian manage civilians? Do you think it’s possible? How can civilians who cannot write a word ensure the delivery of messages? How does an ordinary civilian know how to manage a place well? ”

Hearing her father’s words, Pinna Golanda was dumbfounded.

She had stayed in Zhou Ye’s barracks for too long and forgot… My own country is not a country of my own men, let alone the welfare of compulsory education for ordinary people.

Illiterate civilians? How are civilians to be managed??

How to write official documents?

How to deal with government affairs?

You put a civilian who was still farming or hunting the day before yesterday in the position of manager, he will only make everything worse.

So it is said – what really allowed feudal society to last for thousands of years was the monopoly of knowledge.

A lot of positions, you look good, but you can’t go up yourself.

Because you don’t understand, because you don’t know what to do, because no one will use the administrative position of a place to train you…

This is the result of the monopoly of knowledge…

This is also the reason why the nobles, after a period of fright, now have no fear…

Just as Pinna Golanda was pondering her father’s words, Zhou Ye came over with Count Dueri and his wife.

Zhou Ye walked to Pinna Golanda’s side, bent down and kissed her on the cheek, and asked, “Are you tired?” ”

“Not tired…” Pinna Golanda shook her head gently, she suddenly thought of the tandem of nobles in the hall at this time, and hurriedly reminded: “My dear, you have to be careful of those nobles… They…”

“Huh… Do not worry!! Zhou Ye smiled and waved his hand, of course he knew what Pinna Golanda wanted to say to himself, but – again, everything was planned in his heart, and he didn’t need to care about these guys’ tandem at all.

In fact, with his superhuman five senses, as soon as he entered the main hall, he heard the whispers of those nobles…

Although he only listened to two or three sentences, Zhou Ye had almost figured out what these guys wanted to do.

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