Chapter 466!

After returning from the woods…

The little turmoil passed…

And Sen Xia’s embarrassment gradually disappeared under Zhou Ye’s deliberate resolution…

After all, this goods has lived for hundreds of years, nothing else, teasing the little girl is still hand-to-hand… No way, in these hundreds of years, he has almost spent in the heap of women…

At this time, Zhou Ye has been able to be in the pile of women, and he can echo the topic of every girl at any time, and do not let any girl feel that she is left out by him, which is the skill that Zhou Ye has exercised.

Well, this fact does not show much…

However, there is no problem at all in coaxing the little girls to be happy…

As the atmosphere between the people became harmonious, the mothers brought up the old matter again…

“Mina-san (everyone)…” Masami Kumori patted her hand vigorously, drawing everyone’s attention to her, and then said, “Since everyone rarely comes to play once, then… When it’s time to have fun…”

“That’s right…”

“That’s what I said!”

Just when Liuhua and their younger generation were confused when they heard this, all the mothers had already begun to echo it…

“So… Speaking of the regular program of Midsummer Night, that is – weird talk story, and guts test!! Masami Kumori did not hesitate to bring up the program that she had already discussed with all her mothers…

“Don’t… Mom hates it… I’m most afraid of weird talks! “Sanae Kumori was the first to object…

“Weird talk or something… At this time?? Isn’t there something wrong! Ten Flowers’ brows also furrowed…

At this time, it was already dark, and everyone was sitting around the bonfire…

They’ve already eaten dinner, and now everyone is chatting…

Telling ghost stories in this atmosphere?? It’s kind of scary…

In the middle of the barren mountains and mountains… Not far away is the forest… There is a radius of more than ten kilometers here, and apart from them, there is almost no one…

In this case, play weird talk games and try the guts??

Shihua had to admit that Mother Gongshou did find a very good time and place.

“What does it matter…” In the face of Ten Flowers’ opposition, Rie instead raised her hands in support…”I think it’s interesting to have a weird talk here… Occasionally Toka-chan should relax a little, if you are afraid, it is okay to hide in Kassan’s arms and coquetry!! ”

“Are you stupid?” Ten flowers gave himself a white look…”How can I be afraid?” ”

“Wow… Xiao Ye, Ten Flowers-chan bullied me…” Rie was also having fun at this time, and as soon as she turned around, she hugged Zhou Ye and made a heartbroken look…

Seeing Rie’s appearance, Shihua couldn’t help but roll her eyes…

She couldn’t figure out why her mother was so jumpy today?

In fact…… This is also a normal thing.

You know, although Naoto has gone abroad to pursue his own happiness… However, the neighbors around are all acquaintances, and there is also a Rokuhana-chan at home who does not know the slightest about her relationship with her son…

In such a situation, although she can secretly lie to her daughter, but – most of the time, she still has to play a competent mother, a qualified housewife…

And now, here, almost all of you here are comrades-in-arms who have [carried and robbed] together, is there anything else to hide from each other?

No matter how excessively the expression is, everyone has already seen each other… Is there any need to disguise again?

Besides, now even Liuhua has become her son’s woman…

She no longer has to disguise herself in front of people…

She is also a woman, and she also wants to be coquetry in front of her own men…


Today, Rie is completely free of herself.

Ahem… Pulled away…

In the end, Masami Kumori’s strange talk meeting and the proposal of the test meeting were successfully passed with the strong support of the mothers…

So ——, weird talk meeting was scheduled – it began…

“The story I told you is a true story…” Zhou Ye, who was drawn first in the lottery, smiled and began to tell a strange story he had heard in his previous life. There is such a couple, they are college classmates, and they are members of the mountaineering club…”

“One year, the school mountaineering club organized a mountaineering activity, and of course the couple signed up!”

“When they arrived at the mountain ring to prepare to attack the peak, the weather suddenly turned bad, but they still insisted on going up the mountain. So I left the woman to watch the camp! ”

“But after three days I didn’t see them return. The woman was a little worried, thinking that it might be because of the weather. Wait, wait, wait, on the seventh day, finally everyone returned, but her boyfriend did not return. ”

Everyone told her that on the first day of the attack, her boyfriend unfortunately died! They returned in time for the first seven, thinking that he might come back to her. ”

“So everyone formed a circle and put her in the middle, and when it was almost twelve o’clock, suddenly her boyfriend appeared and grabbed her and ran out, still covered in blood.”

His girlfriend screamed in fright and struggled as hard as her boyfriend told her that a mountain disaster had occurred on the first day of the attack! All the people are dead, only he is alive…”

After telling my story… Zhou Ye looked at the women with a smile and asked, “If you are that woman, who do you believe?” ”

“Of course I believe my boyfriend…”

“………… That’s right, if you don’t even believe your boyfriend, why should you trust those members of the mountaineering club…”

“Also, don’t you think it’s strange? Why do you let your boyfriend do such a dangerous thing as someone else’s girlfriend? ”

“No, no, Xiao Ye said, this is the hobby of the two of them… Maybe they were together through the same hobby? ”

“If it were me, I wouldn’t have let Oni-chan go hiking by himself in the first place, I would definitely accompany him, whether it is life or death, we will be together!”

“Uh-Rokuhana-chan, although I’m touched by your heart… But…… Are you focusing on the wrong point? Ghost story, this is a ghost story!! Why do you get involved in life and death? “Zhou Ye is already completely speechless…

These women, the point of focus is wrong, right?

They were actually concerned that the couple should not have separated in the first place… Instead of focusing on who the hell is…

This thinking… Zhou Ye was also drunk.

Looking at the eager discussion of the girls, Zhou Ye was speechless for a while and asked Cang Tian, did he really not have the talent to tell ghost stories? Why do they focus on something completely different from what they say?

“Well, now it’s my turn to tell you a story!!” At this time, Rie spoke with a smile.

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