Chapter 467!

Hearing Rie’s words, the women temporarily stopped discussing…

No way, who called Rie a somewhat special status?

How special??

In terms of righteousness, they want to call Rie a Kassan… Whether it is Sanae or Masami Tomimori or Masami Tomimori…

Seriously, they all have to shout Rie Kasan…

Who called Rie Zhou Ye’s mother?

Although it is said that they have [carried a gun] together just now, but–there is no size on the bed, and the rules are collapsed, this is Zhou Ye’s statement…

Therefore, they still have to give Rie a little face.

And so, Rie’s strange tale begins…

“Once upon a time, there was a couple who loved each other very much, and they agreed with each other that they would be together forever…”

“However, the most difficult thing in the world is feelings…”

“The girl’s feelings have not changed, but – the girl found that the boy has changed…”

“He became reluctant to listen to her, refused to communicate with her, and even… When I walked, I refused to hold her hand…”

“So, the girl began to investigate why her boyfriend changed his heart…”

Eventually, she discovered… It turns out that there is another girl named Hanako who seduced her boyfriend…”

“The girl did not make a statement, but returned to her home with her boyfriend as if nothing had happened…”

“Three days later, the Metropolitan Police Department received a report of a homicide in a house…”

“When the police arrived at the scene, they found that the whole scene was messy, a girl was killed in her home, dismembered into more than a dozen, and then packed in a storage box and placed in the dressing room…”

“According to the surveillance, the police found the perpetrator, and it was the girl who killed the person, and the deceased was the girl who seduced her boyfriend, Hanako…”

“When the police arrived at the girl’s house to arrest her, they found her sitting in neatly dressed at home, quietly waiting for them to arrive…”

“The police took control of the girl on the spot…”

“However, to the surprise of the police, such a big thing happened, and the girl’s boyfriend did not appear…”

“Eventually, the police, in the songs that the girls often hum, found clues…”

“Song?? What is the song?? Aunt Rie, can you sing it to us? Sanae asked with some curiosity.

“I’m going to listen too, Kasan…” Rokuhana said loudly, raising her hands.

“Do you all want to listen??” Li Hui glanced at Zhou Ye with a smile and asked loudly.

“Listen to listen!!” Nanamiya also shouted loudly.

All the women were coaxing at this time, and asked Rie to sing and listen…

Rie smiled and nodded, and then… Hum softly…

【愛し子よいつまでも/dear baby no matter when

このchestに抱かれて眠りなさい/都Please fall asleep in my arms

稚いあなたのことを/naïve you

もう二度と逃がしたりはしない/Never allow escape from here again

彼女のことなら忘れてしまいなさい/ Forget everything about her

ざらついた猫careで声が/ May she not use a husky coquettish voice

そのearを舐めないように/�lick��lick your earside

pharyngeal を缔めあげておいたから / otherwise I will tighten her throat

ふたりだけでいい/As long as two people are good

He にはWho もいらない/ Anyone else doesn’t need it



銀の足がせをはめましょう/Mosaic silver 色的枴鞴

同じ過ちを犯さないように/But I hope you won’t repeat it

愛し子よこなchestに/dear baby in my bosom

Pulse beats つganいhoneyを吸いなさい/ sucks the sweet honey juice of pulsating

稚いあなたから/naïve you

もう二度と目を離したりしない/Never allow me to leave my sight again

彼女のことはもう気にしないでいいわ/ Leave everything behind her

もしもまた爪を立てて/若她lifts sharp claw

あなたを夺いに來たら/ Come to take you

この手で撃ち杀してあげる/I killed her with my own hands

抗うことなく/Don’t resist anymore

さあすべてを預けて/ Come on and leave everything to me

私だけがあなたを生かせるわ/Only I Can Make You Survive

あなたの羽根を千切り/ Tear your wings to pieces


もうどこかへ飞び立てないように/I hope you never fly anywhere again]

To be honest, when Lihui’s song was just humming, Zhou Ye felt a chill…

This song, called “愛し子よ”, does not appear in this world…

It was he, once bored, who hummed… And at that time, Rie once asked curiously, what kind of song is this… Zhou Ye also taught her…

Especially, when Rie Hui sang the phrase “Tear your wings to pieces”, Zhou Ye felt a chill…

Crouch, what is the situation here?? Is Rie going to blacken?

However, at this time, with the singing, all the women involuntarily turned their eyes to Zhou Ye… As if to say – you are the scumbag in the story…

“Ahem… I think let’s change the subject…” Zhou Ye hurriedly interrupted Rie’s singing…

“Huh?? Why…… Aunt Rie’s singing is very good!! ”

“Yes, yes!!”

All the women actually objected in unison…

This time, the rare daughters and mothers began to speak out against… Faced with this situation, Zhou Ye could only sigh speechlessly. “That… I’m a little uncomfortable, so I’ll go back to rest first…”

Zhou Ye said, got up and walked to the tent…

After the women watched Zhou Ye’s figure disappear into the tent, Miyoko Tomiga asked in a low voice, “Rie, is Xiao Ye angry?” Isn’t it too much for us to do this? ”

Hearing Miyoko’s words, Rie smiled and said, “Isn’t that everyone’s idea?” Say why use this method of side knocking to make Ye collect his heart… Anyway, I don’t care, for me, I would prefer more girls to call me an adult! ”


Hearing Rie’s words, the women suddenly fell silent… This is indeed their idea, in order to make Zhou Ye collect his heart a little, no matter what, there are already too many women, but they don’t want to make Zhou Ye angry… Finally came this way of knocking on the side…

However, now it seems that – this is not a good way… There is a feeling of scaring Zhou Ye, if Zhou Ye is alienated from them because of this, then they can’t find the tune if they cry?

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