Chapter 477!

“What the hell do you want??” Yui Saito clenched her lower purity, looking at the information on the screen in front of her, her face was red and white for a while…

She was really defeated by this guy’s shamelessness…

To borrow a phrase that is now super popular, it is “I have never seen such a brazen person”

After knowing that he shouldn’t have picked up that piece of equipment, he waited there for almost two hours…

Alas, repentance is not the beginning…

“Don’t do anything…” a line quickly typed in the chat window…”I just want you to be my slave…”

“Slave?? Are you an aristocrat from the old days? Yui Saito was immediately completely angry by these words… Her hands crackled and typed rapidly on the keyboard. “Stop bothering me, that’s the end of our connection… I never had any contact with each other… Please delete my information completely from your hands, otherwise I will take you to court for violating my privacy…”

After typing these words, Yui Saito sighed weakly…

She smiled bitterly twice…”This is really a bad fate…”

Yui Saito has no interest in this kind of rich child, and – judging by his personality, this guy is also bad to death… So, it’s better to clear the line as soon as possible… Just have a nightmare today…

However, just when Yui Saito was about to close MSN offline, a compressed file was sent again from the opposite side…

Yui Saito didn’t want to receive this file, but – she was shocked by the file name…

[If you don’t watch it, I’ll post it on the Internet, and I promise you’ll regret it for the rest of your life!] 】

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Yui Saito chose to receive the documents…

The file is not very large, it is transferred in five or six minutes…

Yui Saito skillfully scanned the file with antivirus software and made sure it was not a Trojan virus before opening the compressed file.

Inside is a video file…

After Yui Saito opened it, she was suddenly stunned…

That’s a film of great scale…

This is nothing, in the network, there are too many such things, have you never eaten pork and never seen a pig run?

Yui Saito was not very surprised by this, what really surprised her was that the heroine in it was actually her???

No, no, this is going up with PS technology P… She was sure she had never filmed anything like this…

“Despicable ——!” Yui Saito gritted her teeth, spit out these two words, and quickly typed on the keyboard with both hands: “What do you want to do…”

“Hehe…” a paragraph quickly came from Zhou Ye’s side, “I said, I want you to be my slave…”

“You don’t think…” Yui Saito banged angrily on her keyboard, “I’ll call the police now, the chat history is proof… You’re dead!! ”


Soon there was a string of extremely arrogant laughing characters…

“You look at your chat history now, is there any more?? And then – let’s talk about the alarm! ”

Seeing this passage, Yui Saito hurriedly opened the chat history on MSN…

Blank – in addition to blank, or blank…

Not a single character…

Yui Saito opened the system storage document again without dying…

But the inside was still blank, clean as white paper.

Yui Saito suddenly sat there like a deflated balloon…

However, Zhou Ye didn’t plan to let her go just like that…

Soon, another line of words was sent…

Above are the addresses of her parents and the contact details of her only girlfriends…

There is one more sentence at the end…

Want to be truly erased in a social sense?] YESORNO? 】

Seeing this passage, Yui Saito suddenly cried bitterly…

I already knew, so I was not so kind to wait for this bastard… Definitely don’t have anything to do with this bastard…


Half a day later…

MSN’s chat window jittered again.

That’s another compressed file…

Yui Saito trembled her hands and clicked the receive with the mouse…

She knew that by receiving this compressed file, she might have opened a Pandora’s box… A devil was released.

However, she now has no choice…

The bastard opposite has obviously completely cornered her with despicable means…

This compressed file is much smaller than the first one…

It was transmitted in just an instant…

When she opened the compressed file, she found that inside was a text document…

Open that text document…

Yui Saito found out that this is a contract…

It’s just that in the contract, there are many binding clauses for Party B, that is, Yui Saito…

Many even far exceed the obligations of workers…

At the end of the text document, there is also a sentence attached…

[After printing out this contract, sign your name with Party B, and then mail it to XXXX, our contract is established…]

After Yui Saito repeatedly read the contract several times… I found that this contract, at least on the surface, is very formal… However, it has squeezed itself to the extreme… It even stipulates that your phone must be turned on 24 hours a day, and you must be on call…

And you have to be at your disposal at all times… And so on and so forth…

Of course, the salary stipulated in the contract is indeed worthy of this extremely demanding contract…

1.2 million yen per month…

This is already the salary level of a senior company employee…

“What is this?? Rich man’s margin?? Yui Saito smiled self-deprecatingly, and finally printed the contract with her own printer…

She has no way back anymore…

She believes that if she does not sign this contract, those unsightly PS videos will definitely spread to the entire network quickly.

First and foremost, her parents and friends…

At that time, how will she face the disappointed eyes of her parents? And how to face the inquiry of friends?

Yui Saito… There is no way back anymore.

“I wish it was a nightmare… After waking up, there will be nothing left…” Holding the contract that had signed his name and stamped his private seal, Yui Saito muttered…

But, she knew…

It’s just her delusion, it’s already happening… She had no other way but to face it bravely…

Thinking of this, Yui Saito sighed deeply and dialed the phone sent by the house…

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