Chapter 478!

Just when Yui Saito wanted to treat everything as a nightmare…

Zhou Ye, who was hundreds of kilometers away, was smiling in front of the computer, chatting with ‘Yui Saito’…

If you stand behind Zhou Ye and look at his chat records, you will be surprised to find that…

The chat record on Zhou Ye’s computer is completely different from what is displayed on Yui Saito’s computer…

No threats, no contracts, no PS videos, and no sentence [Want to be really erased in a social sense?] YESORNO? 】

What’s going on???

Of course, if you see Song lying in Zhou Ye’s arms again, smiling and sleeping with his eyes closed, you will almost be able to solve the case…

A guy who can hack a military spy satellite just by meditating, how troublesome do you think she hacked two civilian-grade computers?

[Well, well… It turns out that chatting with Lord Reed through the computer is such a fun thing…]

Matsu closed his eyes and relied on his innate electronic ability to pretend to be Yui Saito to chat with his own reed-sama, while connecting to another number through the Internet…

Yuriko Takashiro, who is far away on the other side of the ocean, is resting in her room at this time…

She was asleep, but she was soon woken up by a ringing phone…

Yuriko, who woke up, stretched lazily and reached over to take the phone on the bedside table…

Only one person knows the number of this private call, and that person is the person she is willing to give everything for…

Therefore, Yuriko didn’t care about someone disturbing her dreams, and even a little sweet…

“Moses Moses, Anada…”

“Huh… Is Yuriko sister? ”

Hearing the female voice on the phone, Yuriko frowned… The voice was not familiar to her, “Who are you?” Why do you know my number? ”

“I am Matsu, Wisdom no Wagtail…”

“Wagtail?? Hey?? Did Anada bring you from the other world? Hearing Matsu’s self-reported door, Yuriko was not so strange.

Regarding what happened in the other world, Zhou Ye did not hide it from her, so Yuriko knew that the small world at this time had merged with the other world, but because the will of the small world was sleeping, she could not contact the world will of the small world for the time being, and went to the other world to have a look.

Actually, she was still very interested in that magical world…

Every girl had a princess dream when she was a child… Yuriko Takashiro is no exception.

She would love to wear a princess dress and live in a castle in that world for a while…

Ahem, far away…

“Reeda-sama didn’t bring us all into this world…” Song’s tone was very brisk…”I just have something I want to ask Yuriko-san sister…”

“Oh?? What’s the matter?? Yuriko Takashiro asked curiously.

To her, Matsu was not an outsider, and although the two had never met, – since she could say the word wagtail, she couldn’t guess who else besides her own sisters.

“It’s like this…” Matsu didn’t hide it, directly hid it from his own reed tooth lord, slightly threatened the cat Ji’s matter, and said it from beginning to end…

After listening to Matsu’s description, Yuriko smiled bitterly… “Matsu… Aren’t you afraid that Anada will punish you with family law after she finds out? ”

“Well, well… It’s just family law… For me, that’s a benefit… Moreover, don’t you feel super comfortable being punished by Lord Reed with family law? ”

“That’s what I said…” Yuriko thought for a moment and agreed with Matsu’s words…”Well, I’ll notify the people in the neon office to receive that email and send it to the United States… That cat Ji’s monthly salary, I will also hit her account on time…”

“Then, it’s going to trouble you, Sister Yuriko… When you have time to play in our world, I’ll take you to ride a dragon…”


“At that time, we can also play the game of bravery with Darling…”

“Brave Game?? What is that?? ”

“Of course, dear Lord Reedtooth plays the Demon King, and then we play the brave man who fights the Demon King…”

“So what? What is the result?? ”

“Uh-it turns out – the Demon King wins every time, and the brave are ~ out of the coma by the Demon King every time… Alas! ”

“Hahaha… What kind of crappy eighteen forbidden games are you? Hahaha…”

Yuriko couldn’t help but burst out laughing…

“Huh!! No way…… The Great Demon King’s combat effectiveness is too strong, and our brave group is completely delivering food… Ah, don’t say it, Lord Reiya is calling me, goodbye sister Yuriko, looking forward to you going to our world to play! ”

As the phone hangs up and the busy signal comes, the communication has been cut off…

Yuriko gently put the phone back on the table… Then half leaned back on the bed and fell into deep thought…

After listening to Song’s words, she has now begun to look forward to the scenery of another world…

Alas, when will world consciousness awaken?

On the other side, in the little bird you’s house, Zhou Ye’s bedroom…

“Song, it’s rare that you are so well-behaved, willing to wait for me here!!” Zhou Ye gently hugged Song and said a little apologetically: “I’m sorry to let you wait for me for so long…”

“No, sometimes waiting is also a kind of happiness… Lord Reed! With a natural smile on his face, Matsu said philosophical words in his mouth, but his heart was ideal–Lord Reiya, when you know the truth of everything, you must punish your Matsu with family law.

“Hey, my Matsu can actually say such a thing, no, you’re not Matsu… Say what you are sacred…”

Hearing Song’s words, Zhou Ye was surprised for a while… Is this still the same pine that often opens the yellow cavity before?

“People just occasionally want to disguise themselves as a literary girl, Lord Reed is really…”

“I don’t believe it, I want to check if you are loose at all…”

“That… Where does Lord Reed want to start the check-up? From above? Or from below? ”

“Humph – I choose, both inside and out… Check it together, enlighten, goblins…”

“Ya Butterfly…”

Soon, in the house, there was the shout of Song’s eighteen forbidden people…

Of course, her voice can’t get out…

Zhou Ye didn’t plan to tell the other world to the little bird and mother and daughter for the time being… Therefore, for the time being, Matsu can’t show up in front of Rie and them…

However, this is difficult for Zhou Ye, a soundproof enchantment, plus a time enchantment, is enough for Zhou Ye to put a certain shameful wagtail OOXX into a severe coma…

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