I am the King

Chapter 24

Each step has a detailed explanation, and there are pictures below, which even a fool can understand. I can't wait at all. When I got to the kitchen, I took a basin, burned a pot of boiling water mixed with soup, poured it into the basin, and did it step by step according to the records on the kraft paper.

Pots and pans are clanging in my room. My parents don't quarrel any more. When they ask me what I'm doing in my room, I say the school lets me do my homework

My mom and dad didn't say anything. How could they know that I was sweating and in a hurry in the room. I looked at the kraft paper and added all the ingredients. I just had to wait half an hour. Half an hour, it should be an hour.

I sit on the bed, quietly waiting, already excited not! In the past half an hour, I have been waiting for flowers to fade. I'll have a look later.

I was almost holding my cell phone for an hour when I screamed out and rushed directly to the basin. At this moment, in the basin, floating a thin film, I put my hand in, fortunately, the water was not too hot, I fished the film up.

According to the records on that piece of kraft paper, there is only one last step left, which is to draw the facial features on this film. I quickly turned on the computer and found a picture of a man. The man was not handsome, but his facial features were very special. I put the film on the computer and began to draw it according to the way of recording on brown paper.

I've been doing this step for an hour. It's like changing the painting, and then changing it. When I finished, I took a long breath.

I feel a little excited. I stick the mask on my face and look for the mirror. As a result, I was shocked by this photo!

what the fuck! Seriously, at that moment, I almost didn't jump up! This... This

I've been completely blinded! I look at myself in the mirror, and I can't say a word!

How could that be! This... This special size is still me?! At that moment, I really want to laugh, like laughing! Ha ha, I haven't seen anyone in the mirror! Even I don't know myself! ha-ha!

I licked my lips. It was so cool! I slowly tear off the mask and go out with a smile: "Dad, mom, stop fighting, I'm going to school." I called, my mother told me to walk slowly, I took the opportunity to manage my mother to 10 yuan, ran out of the community, took a taxi straight to school.

I put the mask in my pocket, and I put my hand in my trouser pocket all the way, feeling the mask. I don't know now. If I wear this mask, can others see it? After all, although my face has changed, my figure hasn't changed.

I have a long sigh of relief. I have to try it later! I sat in the car and giggled. When I got to school, I rushed directly into the playground. At that time, it was dark, and all the students were studying in the evening. There was no one on the playground. I went to a corner of the playground, took out the mask from my pocket and put it on my face.

The only trouble is that although my appearance has changed, my voice has not.

"I'm Jiang Feng." I kept my voice down and yelled on the playground. I felt that my voice had changed a little, but people could guess it was me, right?

"I'm Jiang Feng!" I held my breath and said to myself. I feel much better this time, but I feel a little uncomfortable when I speak, but I can't be recognized by others, can I?

With a smile in my heart, I walked out of the playground and went straight to our class. I just walked back to see if others could see it was me!

I was also very uneasy. I walked to the class gate and looked through the window. Sure enough, all the students were sitting in their seats, and Zhao Xi was sitting on the platform.

Generally speaking, Zhao Qian doesn't come to the class for self-study in the evening, but she also comes occasionally. I frown, let me speechless is, Wang Qiang is also in the class! And this evil pen, head exaggerated with a bandage, the whole person like a mummy sitting there.

I'm speechless. Hao long just hit him with a stool. Is it necessary to exaggerate?

I shook my head, touched the mask on my face, and finally knocked on the door.

"Dangdang..." after I knocked on the door, before Zhao Xi spoke, I directly pushed the door open and swaggered in.

"Shua!" Just for a moment, all the eyes in the class are glancing at me! Almost in the blink of an eye, the whole class exploded!

"Lying trough, who is that?"

"Wrong shift, right?"

"Is it a new student, but why don't you say hello to the teacher when you enter the class?"

The whole class is in a mess. I can see it with my spare light. There is no one in the class who doesn't look at me! ha-ha! I was so excited that they didn't recognize me! However, I went directly to my own seat and sat next to Zhao Xue.

Finally, at this moment, sitting on the platform of Zhao Qian, can no longer help but stand up: "that classmate, who are you looking for?"

"Sorry, teacher, I went to the wrong class, sorry..." I pretended to be suddenly enlightened and said it in a low voice.

"Ha ha!"

"Oh, wokuo, I'm so funny. I sat down, ha ha!"

"Ha ha, how many degrees of this eye, my class can go wrong. Ha ha

Just this moment, the class inside the crazy laugh! Almost no one didn't smile. I was embarrassed and went out. When I got to the door, I waved to Zhao Qian: "I'm sorry, teacher..."

With that, I ran away and left the class directly. Until I went out, I could still hear the laughter in the class.

However, I'm also laughing, and I'm happier than them! Ha ha, so close, no one found me, ha ha!

I am very excited in my heart. It seems that I am quite good at this technique, even though I am a beginner.

But now I don't know who that dragon Yuanzi is. To tell you the truth, I've only seen it on TV before. I didn't expect that this kind of good thing would spread to me. This is definitely a good thing. I use a strange face to do bad things. Who knows it's me?

I thought as I walked to the toilet. I need to go to the toilet and take down the mask. After all, there's surveillance in the corridor. When I got to the toilet, I smoked a cigarette, took down the mask and carefully put it in my pocket. Then I left the toilet and went to the class.

Maybe it was because I was too excited. I didn't look at the road when I walked. I just walked out of the toilet and was thinking about something beautiful. I heard a whoop, and then a figure was almost knocked down by me!

what the fuck! Only at this time did I react and look forward in a hurry. As a result, I was speechless.

Yang Yun? Is it her again

In the office in the morning, her mobile phone was taken up by Zhao Xi. I bumped into her when I came out, and now I bumped into her again

"I..." I'm really a little embarrassed. The first time I bumped into her, just say I'm sorry, but the second time I bumped into someone else, twice a day

Sure enough, when Yang Yun raised her head and saw that it was me again, her beautiful face was full of helplessness. Her sexy lips moved as if to say something, but she finally held back.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." I quickly apologized to others, and I also complained about myself. I was always absent-minded when I walked.

As a result, I don't speak well. As soon as I speak, Yang Yun is in a hurry: "can you watch when you walk? Are your eyes hard to use?"

"I..." my heart depressed, or did not speak, after all, I really hit others, and Yang Yun is not so easy to speak, I can see that she is really angry. I know Yang Yun. After all, she is beautiful. Everyone knows her. But Yang Yun doesn't know me. What am I? It's a real loser.

There are so many pursuers for Yang Yun, among which there are many bastards. But I have never seen Yang Yun intimate with anyone. I guess if I offend Yang Yun, I will have to be beaten tonight. I don't know who beat him!

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