I am the King

Chapter 25

"I'm sorry..." he said to Yang Yun. Yang Yun's face was full of haze, but he didn't pay any attention to me. He walked directly from me.

I looked at Yang Yun's back, the swaying hips, cold hum in my heart. Go straight to the class. It's still knocking, but this time, I heard Zhao Xi in the class say please come in, I just went in.

I opened the door, Zhao Qian looked at me in a daze, really, if put in the past, Zhao Qian would scold me to death, did not ask for leave, escaped three or two classes, that is not death? But now Zhao Qian, how dare you treat me like before? After seeing me, Zhao Xi stood up from the stool and came towards me. Two people went to the corridor, and Zhao Xi closed the door of the class.

"You... How can you still skip class now... Fortunately, the principal didn't check the class..." Zhao Xi thought about it and said it. She clenched her lower lip, but that kind of tone didn't look like a teacher, just like praying for me.

"Something happened at the moment." I said faintly: "by the way, how did Wang Qiang come to class?"

"I don't know. He came to study late." Zhao Qian lowered her head and said to me. As if nothing had happened, I looked through the window into the class. At this time, Wang Qiang was playing with his mobile phone.

"All right, I'll go first." I waved my hand, directly pushed open the class door, and swaggered back to my seat in full view of the public. Until I got back to my seat, Zhao Xuefang looked at me: "what are you doing?"

"Go home. Something's up at the moment." I waved my hand and said to Zhao Xue: "Wang Qiang came to the class, did you speak?"

"When he first came, he asked the class where you were." Zhao Xue said to me, "I expect Wang Qiang will do something to you after school this evening. I've already called someone, just at the school gate. Even if he asks for someone, it's OK. "

I nodded, feeling a touch: "sister, you are alone every day, dare to sleep?"

"Ha ha, what do you dare to do? You think everyone is as timid as you." Zhao Xue looked at me with a smile. I shook my head and said nothing.

This class, I am thinking. Now I have the technique of transfiguration. What can I do with it? This thought, enough to think about a few classes, until school, the bell rang, in front of the class Wang Qiang, suddenly rushed out. I looked at Wang Qiang with a sneer on my face. Also stand up, ready to go home. But Hao long and Zhao Xue surrounded me for the first time.

"What are you two doing?" I gave a wry smile, looked at the left and right, and waved: "dragon, sister, you all go back, I can do it myself."

"What can be done, what can be done!" Zhao Xuedun called out: "I've already called someone, right at the school gate, in case Wang Qiang asks you for trouble?"

"I don't need you for trouble." But I didn't expect that before Zhao Xue finished speaking, Hao long suddenly hummed out coldly: "I've already found someone. You don't have to pretend to be a good man here."

What's my mood? At that time, I was blinded. These two people

In fact, I know that Hao Long's impression of Zhao Xue always stays in the pictures of Zhao Xue, Yang Rui and Xie Nan going to the bar at that time.

Hao long always thinks that Zhao Xue is not a good person. I know in my heart that Hao long is afraid that I will be "spoiled" by Zhao Xue.

If it goes on like this, we must find a chance to explain to Hao long. I thought in my heart, immediately waved: "OK, OK, you two don't quarrel, go back."

I said to Hao long and Zhao Xue. Hao long asked Yao Qin to find a group of people, and now they are also at the school gate.

Zhao Xue also found someone. Last time I went to the bar, I saw that Zhao Xue had a good relationship with sun Zidong. I think Zhao Xue was looking for sun Zidong.

Sun Zidong to be honest, in our grade, are very famous, this person in our school to say a word, must be easy to use.

But now I really don't need it. Now school is over. As long as I go to the toilet and put on my mask, who can recognize me?

I thought in my heart, but as soon as my voice fell, Zhao Xue and Hao long almost cried out at the same time: "no way!"

I sighed helplessly, forget it, let Zhao Xue and Hao long follow me. I gulp a mouthful of saliva, three people walked out of the teaching building side by side, all the way we did not speak.

There are 5000 or 6000 people in our school. They all go home after school, so it's very crowded from the teaching building to the school gate.

But when we got to the school gate, we all frowned. There were always wars in the school. As long as there were wars, there must be a crowd at the school gate. But now there are many people at the school gate, but there is no sense of gathering. I looked around and sure enough, there was no Wang Qiang.

"What's the matter? Wang Qiang didn't block you at the school gate?" Hao Long's face was full of disbelief and murmured. Zhao Xue also frowned: "will it block you on your way home?"

"I don't know. Forget it. I took a taxi and went straight home." I sighed and stopped a taxi.

"What if he's blocking you in the corridor?"

"That's it. We'll send you!"

Seeing that I was about to get on the bus, Zhao Xue and Hao long stopped me and yelled at me.

"Come on, stop it." I have some seriousness on my face: "even if he blocks me in the corridor, I'll be beaten at most. Let's find someone to beat me back."

With that, I don't care about Zhao Xue and Hao long. I get on the bus directly: "master, go to the family building of the municipal government."

When my voice dropped, the driver started the car. All the way to my house downstairs, I still look around, but there is still no Wang Qiang. I didn't frown until I got home.

Wang Qiang didn't block me? No! This is really not Wang Qiang's style!

I locked my door and sat on the bed thinking for a long time, but at that moment, my whole body stood up straight!

Wang Qiang won't stop Hao long, will he?! I was shocked, at that moment, cold sweat swish down from my forehead! Yes, that's what I thought! Can Wang Qiang bear this tone? I don't believe it! After all, it was Hao long who beat him today. Did he seek revenge from Hao long?!

Hao long and my family used to be neighbors. We grew up together, but the Hao long family moved away not long ago. I'm not on my way! Thinking of this, I quickly took out my mobile phone to call Hao long. As soon as it rang, Hao long answered: "lunatic, are you home?"

"Home, dragon, and you?" I quickly asked out, I can feel, the phone over there Hao long is also a sigh of relief: "home is good, I also home."

"Hoo..." I patted my chest. Fortunately, Hao long was OK. Hao long and I talked a few words and hung up. Then I don't understand. Since Wang Qiang didn't block me or Hao long, it's really not his style!

While I think about it, I call Zhao Xue. It's estimated that Zhao Xue is also worried about me. I have to report her safety.

"Doo... Doo... Doo"

But the phone was on all the time, but no one answered! I didn't take it seriously. Maybe Zhao Xue didn't hear me. He called Zhao Xue. Sure enough, the second time he called, he was picked up without two rings.

"Sister, I'm home. Don't worry about me." I said it to the phone with a smile. But I really did not dream that at that moment, from the phone, suddenly came a voice, that voice, I am afraid I will never forget!

"Ha ha! Jiang Feng? Yes, you and your sister are very close, aren't you? Ha ha

"Hum!" At that moment, my head was blank!

No, no! I have been completely stunned, just like a puppet!

It's Wang Qiang!

"I don't care about you, Wang Qiang. If you dare to move Zhao Xue, I'll kill you!" At that moment, I cried out like crazy!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" But the more I do this, the more excited Wang Qiang on the other side of the phone is! I feel vaguely that the phone is in a mess.

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