I am the King

Chapter 26

From time to time there were a few women laughing.

"Jiang Feng, to tell you the truth, I'm not interested in you. Zhao Xue is in my hands now. Do you want to save your sister? Ha ha, Wanhai Hotel, come on, I'm waiting for you! " At this moment, Wang Qiang's tone is vicious!

"Don't come, brother! Don't come At that moment, I vaguely heard Zhao Xue's voice, she seems to be far away from Wang Qiang, this sentence, she almost roared out! But just as the voice fell, a few women's shouts came from the phone, as if they were fighting Zhao Xue!

"Wang Qiang, my special troupe is your ancestor!" I'm so excited that I can't control my anger! I swear, if Wang Qiang is in front of me at that moment, I will tear him alive! There is no blood color on my face. Just at this time, Wang Qiang on the other side of the phone stopped smiling and his voice became chilly.

"Jiang Feng, I'll give you half an hour. If you don't get here, I'll make you regret it all your life. Within half an hour, call me when you arrive by yourself. " With that, there was no movement on the other side of the phone.

"Wang Qiang, you can't die well!" To tell you the truth, I had completely lost my mind at that time! His voice became extremely hoarse, but Wang Qiang over there had already hung up. At the same time, the sound of knocking on the door, followed by my mother's angry: "son, what's the matter? What do you learn every day at school? Is it to open your mouth and shut your mouth? "

"Hoo... Hoo..." I sat in the room, panting and gasping. I didn't answer my mother's words, because now, it seems that I can't control it. My throat is like smoking. It hurts to swallow a mouthful of water. My head is extremely disordered. What Wang Qiang said just now falls into my mind like a magic spell.

I slowly picked up the phone and wanted to make a call to Hao long, but I didn't do that in the end. What Wang Qiang said just now is very clear. If I take others, I will regret it all my life.

I don't know what it is that makes me regret all my life. I only know that Zhao Xue is in Wang Qiang's hands!

I'm clenching my fists. My arm's tendons have burst out completely! Encountered such a thing, I call the police, is the best way, but I silly? I'll call the police? What am I? Is Wang Qiang's family rich and powerful?

Moreover, even if I called the police and was arrested by Wang Qiang at that time, Wang Qiang would be angry. Anyway, I don't want to see Wang Qiang take advantage of Zhao Xue. If Zhao Xue's innocence is destroyed by Wang Qiang, I think I will be crazy!

I have red eyes. To be honest, from the beginning, I didn't feel that I had such deep feelings for Zhao Xue. But something really happened, I just know that she has infiltrated into my life unconsciously.

Two years at the same table, before Zhao Xue in my eyes, like a goddess. But this period of time, especially Wang Qiang bullied me in the class. After Zhao Xue stood up, I knew that Zhao Xue was protecting me so much. Now Zhao Xue is arrested by Wang Qiang because of me. If she has a little mistake, I really dare not continue to think about it!

Wang Qiang, I want to fight with you! I burst out of the house with red eyes! Directly run out of the community, played a car, directly to the Wan Hai Hotel!

Wanhai hotel is the largest hotel in Wanhai city. From the first floor to the fifth floor are restaurants, and from the fifth floor to the fifteenth floor are hotels, Internet cafes and entertainment places. Wanhai hotel is a favorite place for young people. If you eat a meal there, it's estimated that there are not thousands of people who can't get down at all. If you eat something good, it's estimated that there will be tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands.

It's ten minutes' drive from my home to Wanhai hotel. But since I got into the taxi, my hands began to sweat out. I'm scared, I'm really scared! I can't imagine what Zhao Xue looks like.

I wiped the sweat on my forehead, the whole person kept shaking: "master, hurry up, hurry up again!"

I looked at the taxi's speedometer, which has reached 80 km / h, but at my urging, the car is still speeding up!

I picked up the phone shaking, and finally made a call to Hao long. Within a few seconds, Hao long picked it up.

"Dalong, call Yao Qin and ask her to call 20 people to come to the back door of Wanhai hotel. Let them call me when they arrive." I pretended to be calm and said, but Rao is so, Hao long on the other side of the phone still felt something wrong: "crazy, what's the matter?"

"Nothing. Call Yao Qin quickly!" At that moment, I suddenly cried out, tears almost shed!

But the more I was like this, the more excited Hao long was: "what's wrong with your special size! Don't scare me, will you, Wanhai hotel? I'll go now Hao long yelled and was about to hang up.

This time, I was already anxious, completely collapsed: "dragon! Can you listen to me once, you don't come, I told you not to come! Call Yao Qin quickly! Do you take me as your brother? "

At this moment, Hao long on the other side of the phone was suddenly silent. After half a minute, he sighed: "OK, I'll call Yao Qin now." With that, Hao long hung up.

I hold my cell phone tightly and my heart seems to jump out. Yao Qin had a relationship with Hao long. Yao Qin is afraid that Hao long will tell the story, so Hao long asks Yao Qin for help. Yao Qin will help.

I'm sure I can't let Hao long come. I don't know about Hao Long's temper. If he comes and sees me excited, I'm afraid he will go all out with Wang Qiang! But if I tell Hao long that it's to save Zhao Xue, Hao long will surely pull me away and won't let me save Zhao Xue.

So, let Hao long call Yao Qin. I thought, I can't be nervous.

However, the taxi is crazy, Leng is to speed up to a hundred and two! One hundred and two, that kind of speed in the city, it's like flying! After the call, I looked at the driver's skillful driving skills and showed them to me. Whoosh is overtaking!

"Master... If not, let's slow down..." finally, I completely counseled, this speed

"Ah However, as soon as my voice dropped, the driver hit the steering wheel, and then the whole car came straight across!

"Squeak!" The sound of the wheel rubbing on the ground makes people's eardrum ache! A gorgeous drift, completely to my whole Mongolia, I did not have a little thought preparation, a cry out!

"Bang!" I knocked on the door, arm came a sharp pain, looking at the driver in front of him, he was still leisurely driving!

fuck! I'm blinded, I'm completely blinded! Is this still a taxi? This special code is a typical racing car! I couldn't help looking at the driver, but I didn't care about the pain in my arm. The driver was a young man in his twenties. He was about 25 years old. He was very handsome. He was dressed in black and had a smile on his face. He was driving while chatting on wechat.

"Gudong!" I swallowed a mouthful of saliva. At this time, the driver put down his mobile phone, stepped on the brake and turned back to me with a smile: "200."

"What?" Nima, I almost cursed at that time! Two hundred? It's a ten minute journey. It only takes him five minutes. It costs me 200 yuan? Why don't I give him 200 flying feet?

"I said, two hundred!" The driver repeated, pointing to the window. I looked in the direction he pointed out. At that time, I almost didn't vomit a mouthful of old blood!

There was a note on the window: normal speed, normal taxi price. Invincible speed, 200 yuan, five minutes!

"See? I just ran for five minutes. To be exact, it's five minutes and one second. It's going to cost you two hundred. " The young man looked at me with a smile.

Grass Mud Horse! What mood am I in? What else is the price? At that time, I was really worried and didn't want to write ink with him. I threw him 200 yuan directly: "mad, I remember you, I remember the license plate number, you wait."

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