I am the King

Chapter 60

"It's useless for you to follow him. I tell you, you should try to get Wang Qiang's mobile phone and look at his call records." Zhou Bingna said to me, "as long as this thing is done, I owe you a favor."

"Sister Na, don't worry!" I promise, until Zhou Bingna hang up, I just face sad.

Let me get Wang Qiang's cell phone? Paralysis, how can it be! Unless I'm a thief! I muttered in my heart, but at this moment, I suddenly had an idea!

fuck! I can't take it. I can let Zhao Xi know! It's better to let Zhao Qian confiscate it openly than I steal it! Anyway, Zhao Qian is obedient to me and will take it back to me!

ha-ha! I burst out laughing, and I was excited to think about it. Gobble up the food in front of you.

"You're sick. Haven't you seen anything to eat?" Hao long mumbled and looked at me.

"Trough, I'd love to!" I was not angry and said, turning to look at Hao long: "walk, don't eat."

"NIMA, what are you doing? I'm not full yet!" Hao Longao called out, but I still dragged him away. I trot all the way to the teaching building, I let Hao long go back to class first, and I went to Zhao Qian's office.

Zhao Xi was writing a lesson plan in the office, but she didn't expect me to come in, so she was nervous. How could Zhao Xi forget that on the top of the mountain, I almost had no forced relationship with her. But when Zhao Xi knew that I was here for something else, she was obviously relieved. I asked Zhao Qian in the afternoon to find a way to put Wang Qiang's mobile phone away. After listening, Zhao Qian didn't even think about it and promised me.

Wang Qiang doesn't listen to class at all. She plays with her mobile phone in class, so Zhao Xi wants to catch him playing with his mobile phone and put it away. It's just too easy.

After telling Zhao Xi, I left her office. Sure enough, in the second class in the afternoon, Zhao Xi came to the door of the class. At the door, she found Wang Qiang playing with his mobile phone. She rushed directly into the classroom and took away his mobile phone!

ha-ha! At that time, Wang Qiang's face changed. In the past three years, it was the first time that his mobile phone was put away! After all, he is the monitor. When he made a mistake, Zhao Qian turned a blind eye to it. The first time he was put in his cell phone, he was also hoodwinked.

Sure enough, as soon as the bell rang after class, Wang Qiang rushed into Zhao Qian's office and wanted to ask for a mobile phone, but I have told Zhao Qian that no matter how Wang Qiang wants it, he can't give it to him.

Wang Qiang came back dejected when he was in class. It was obvious that he failed to use his mobile phone. In my heart that called a cool, class I raised my hand, said to go to the toilet, the teacher allowed, I went directly to Zhao Qian's office, from Zhao Qian there, Wang Qiang's mobile phone, sitting in Zhao Qian's office, reading Wang Qiang's mobile phone.

In that call record, there is the call Wang Qiang made recently.



"Three aunts"


Old fellow iron

I look at Wang Qiang's call records and frown. Is there nothing to do? Why so many call logs. There are nearly 50 records in a day! I rolled my eyes. I remember very clearly that the robbery happened the morning before yesterday, right?

Thinking of this, I can't wait to turn my mobile phone to the record of the day before yesterday. At noon and afternoon, Wang Qiang made a lot of phone calls. But at six o'clock in the morning, Wang Qiang's mobile phone has several special call records!

Wang Qiang gave this phone number, the remark is: Xiao Hu.

Xiao Hu? I locked my brow, but the next moment, a wave of excitement, crazy burst out from my body! Xiao Hu? I remember clearly that the three robbers, the eldest is a beard, the second is a beauty, called Xiao Han, the third is Xiao Feng.

This Xiao Hu should be the beard, right? I thought, it must be! This call log, it's six in the morning, just before the robbery! And Wang Qiang called Xiao Hu seven or eight times!

It must be Wang Qiang! Don't worry about you! Seriously, I was a little out of control at that time! This special Wang Qiang is a bad pen, isn't he? I really didn't expect that Wang Qiang was the commander of the robbery!

I was furious. At this time, I also took out the phone and called Zhou Bingna. Just a ring, Zhou Bingna will pick up the phone.

"Sister Na, will you come or will I? I got his cell phone. " I said it to Zhou Bingna.

"So fast?! Good, good! " I can hear, Zhou Bingna's tone, some excited: "then you come to me, I will go to a friend's house, in the dawn Street Mini Cafe waiting for you."

"Ten minutes." I hastened to say that I hung up my mobile phone and ran away. Before I left, I told Zhou Bingna that if Wang Qiang wanted a mobile phone again, he would be kicked out. After the account, I rushed out of the school. I took a taxi and went straight to dawn Street, mini cafe.

Shuguang street is a prosperous street in Wanhai city. Many snacks and shopping malls are open there. This mini coffee shop is a special coffee shop in Shuguang street. It is said that the coffee there is good. We can't get used to that. I can't feel anything good to drink.

When I got to dawning street, I sat in the car and looked around. I have to say that today is not Saturday or Sunday, but there are still many people coming and going on the street, especially busy. Especially the mini cafe, which is full of people.

I got out of the car and went in directly. At first sight, I saw Zhou Bingna sitting in it.

"Sister Nana!" I called out and hurried past, but at this time, my whole body suddenly trembled violently!

"Hum!" At that moment, my head was already big! At this moment, Zhou Bingna also stood up, I can clearly see that she is wearing a short skirt, stepping on a high-heeled shoes, hair draped behind her, her whole person, looks incomparably sexy! However, this dress, how so familiar!

This is not my fortune telling time, appeared in my mind that a dress it! I gulped down a mouthful of saliva. Yes, I remember the picture of Zhou Bingna's fortune telling. She found two bag robbers in front of this mini cafe!

Am I a fortune teller? What happened today? I thought to myself, "sister Na, why don't you wear a police uniform?"

I slowly sat in front of Zhou Bingna and sat down. Zhou Bingna slowly picked up the coffee: "I will go to my friend's house later. It's urgent. I don't know what you like to drink. I'll give you the classic coffee

"Anything is OK, anything is OK..." I quickly said, now I can almost be sure, my fortune telling is absolutely accurate! If there is no accident, I will leave this coffee shop later, and Zhou Bingna will meet the robber!

I took a deep breath, slowly took out the mobile phone from my pocket and handed it to Zhou Bingna: "sister Na, this is Wang Qiang's mobile phone."

"Good, good!" Zhou Bingna nodded at me with some appreciation in her eyes. She turned on her mobile phone and stared at the screen.

"Sister Na, I suspect that in Wang Qiang's cell phone, the" Xiao Hu "in the call record is the one who robbed our class." I said word by word and took a sip of coffee. NIMA, I almost didn't vomit at that time! Anybody else want to drink this? It's a little too bitter.

I mumbled, but Zhou Bingna, who was sitting opposite me, locked her brow tightly, finally put Wang Qiang's mobile phone in her bag. He nodded at me: "thank you for this. I owe you one. "

"Ha ha, sister Na, you are welcome to call me Xiao Feng, sister Na." I said to Zhou Bingna with a smile on my face, smiling more and more brightly: "sister Na, can I ask, do you want to catch Wang Qiang?"

"If there's enough evidence, I'll definitely catch him. Now Wanhai city is in a mess. I just became the deputy director, and I have to do several major things. " Zhou Bingna said to me.

i see! I thought in my heart, what I said, how can Zhou Bingna specially fight against those powerful people. We have to investigate Wang Qiang and Wanhai casinos. It turns out that she has just become deputy director.

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