I am the King

Chapter 61

"Well, I'll thank you some other day. I'm going to my friend's first Zhou Bingna gave me a smile and said faintly.

At that time, I felt a thump in my heart! His face was a little ugly, but I didn't say anything. I followed Zhou Bingna out.

Yes, yes, as like as two peas in my mind. I stood at the entrance of the coffee shop, looking at the street where people came and went, and then looked at Zhou Bingna. After thinking for a long time, I finally said: "sister Na, I'll tell you something. If you see someone robbing or stealing later. You must not chase them. Take pictures of them with your mobile phone, and then catch them when you go back to the police station. "

"Yes? Ha ha, good. " Zhou Bingna didn't listen to me at all. She just agreed casually.

I shook my head. I couldn't say anything more at that time. I answered and pretended to turn around and leave. But I didn't go far. After more than ten steps, I turned around and saw that Zhou Bingna had left. Her walking posture was very sexy. I looked at her back, gritted my teeth, and finally took out the card in my pocket.

Invincible chariot.

This business card has been folded. I still remember that this taxi is quite fast. It drifts and overtakes. It's more professional than a professional driver! The last time I went to save Zhao Xue, I happened to take this "invincible car God" taxi. But the last time I went to save Zhao Xue, I mistakenly bought a special taxi for 200 yuan!

Today, I'd rather be 200 yuan. If I'm right, Zhou Bingna will definitely be robbed. I'll let this "invincible" car God come to rescue Zhou Bingna! Let her appreciate me. The 200 yuan is absolutely worth it! As long as I'm afraid I won't be in a hurry. I thought, I made a phone call quickly, but within three seconds, the phone was picked up.

"Hello, this is the invincible vehicle God. What can I do for you?"

"Mini cafe. Can we get there in five minutes I didn't talk nonsense. I looked at Zhou Bingna and said it on the phone.

"Ah However, at this moment, not far away, there was a cry! I can see clearly that a girl's bag was robbed by two strong men!

"Hum!" At that time, the streets were in a mess. Zhou Bingna, not far away from me, responded very quickly: "stop, police!" She almost roared out and ran after her!

"Wow At that moment, I was sweating! As like as two peas, is this as like as two peas?

I bit my lip so tightly that I couldn't believe it! Fortune telling, sure enough, some people can calculate accurately!

"Come on, can we get there in five minutes? Talk!" I shout out, at this moment, the street has been chaotic, Zhou Bingna this voice, immediately attracted everyone's attention. What happened in front of me at this time, even some details, I am clear! As like as two peas in my mind, I was exactly the same!

"What's your hurry?" But a sentence on the other side of the phone completely called me back to the reality: "are you a monkey? The monkey is anxious." There was a murmur on the phone: "it doesn't take five minutes. I'll be there. Three minutes is enough."

"OK... OK, hurry up!" I hastened a word, hang up the phone all of a sudden. At that time, my head was almost blank, standing in the same place, I was at a loss.

How can I talk about Zhou Bingna getting on the bus later? I remember the picture I worked out before. Zhou Bingna chased the two strong men to a lane, and then five or six men came out to block Zhou Bingna in the lane. And then the picture disappears.

How can I deal with so many men myself?!

I thought, at this time, my head suddenly flashed a light, then I have a way! Ha ha, I laughed and rushed into the small supermarket next to me. I asked the boss if he had a toy gun. The boss said he did. I quickly took one. It cost five yuan.

But I have to say, it looks too real. Although it's a toy, it's hard to see from a long distance.

I laughed and walked out of the supermarket. At this time, a sudden brake sound, suddenly sounded in my ears!

"Squeak!" That sound, incomparably harsh, and then, a taxi, so stopped in front of me!

"You called, didn't you? Get in the car The driver gave a cry. I didn't have any ink at that time. I went to the back seat of the car and said, "go to the alley in front, hurry up!"

I almost yelled out, but my voice didn't fall, a gorgeous drift, the car body was straight, and then, with one foot of accelerator, the car shot out directly!

"How do you know I called the car?" I look at the driver in front of me. Damn, I've only seen this guy once, but I really can't forget him. He cheated me 200 yuan last time!

"I know you! It was you who gave me 200 yuan last time. " The boy said: "my name is Che Wang, you can call me Lao Wang. I'll keep in touch with you in the future! " The driver laughed, and his face was full of laughter.

"If I didn't see you driving fast, who would get in your car?" I rolled a white eye: "your surname car?"

"Yes, my surname is Che Wang. Even if I read it, it's Che Wang. My nickname is Che Shen. You can call me Che Wang or Che Shen. Don't worship me, I..."

"Can you stop the ink and drive well?" I'm speechless. This guy has no advantages except speed and high technology! I also wonder, this car king looks like he's only in his twenties. How can he drive so well?

Although I have doubts in my heart, I don't care about him. Instead, I keep looking at the mirror beside me. It's just that in a short time, I see Zhou Bingna running. At this time, Zhou Bingna has taken off her high heels and chased the two strong men barefoot. The scene I calculated as like as two peas!

I look at Zhou Bingna, sitting in the car has been extremely excited. This speed is really not blowing, just in a short moment, I have surpassed Zhou Bingna and the two big men. I directed the car king where to go. It only took me two minutes to reach the dead end.

After a while, Zhou Bingna will definitely chase those two strong men to this dead end! My heart trembled, looking at the car king said: "you wait here for me, later I will take a girl on the car."

"Well? Then you give me 200 yuan first. What if you run away? " The car king looked at me with a smile and held out his hand.

At this time, I didn't bargain any more. I took 200 yuan out of my pocket and handed it over: "remember, I'll take the girl to the car later, and you'll drive as fast as you can."

"Don't worry, no problem!" The car king laughed and dragged the two hundred yuan in my hand. There was a satisfied smile on his face. I didn't have time to ink with him. I opened the door and got out of the car.

At this time, I was at the entrance of this dead end. On the right-hand side of the entrance, there is an abandoned small house. If I remember correctly. After a while, Zhou Bingna chased the dead end, and the five or six people came out of the small room. Surround Zhou Bingna in front and back.

After thinking for a long time, I got into the car. Waiting in the car. Really, at that time, it was like a year, sitting in the car, I always looked in the rearview mirror! I don't remember how long I had to wait. Finally, at this time, two strong men came running panting and rushed directly into this dead end!

"Brother, run quickly. That woman just said she was a policeman!"

"Special code, is it a policeman or not? If she is a policeman, why doesn't she wear police uniform and have no gun?"

"Don't worry. Now it's in our territory. Lure her here first." The conversation between the two people was particularly urgent. It was not until this time that I saw these two strong men clearly.

They are all more than 1.8 meters tall.

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