I am the King

Chapter 62

One of them, wearing a shirt with flowers, was disgusting. This kind of shirt with flowers is a kind of small and clear dress. It's enough for a strong man to wear such clothes.

However, the other strong man, with a cap, looks very retro. Both of them are evil looking. They don't look like good people.

I am looking at it, in this moment, from behind again came a Jiao drink!

"Stop!" This angry rebuke made me tremble and look back in a hurry! Sure enough, barefoot, wearing a short skirt Zhou Bingna, also arrived!

"Oh, where is this girl from? She likes to meddle in her own business." The strong man in the flowery shirt finally turned around and laughed.

what the fuck! At that time, as like as two peas, my head was almost blank, and this... The scene before me is exactly the same as mine.

Zhou Bingna didn't speak. She was not in a hurry. She was as good as me. Five or six people came out of the Hutong again! Until this time,

"Ha ha, girl, I blame you for your meddling. Ha ha, I didn't expect that our brothers could meet such a high-quality product! Ha ha, come on, girl, let me have a good time The big man laughed, the next moment, he rushed directly to Zhou Bingna's side! Then seven or eight people surrounded Zhou Bingna!

My mind is already highly concentrated! That's right. When I was telling Zhou Bingna's fortune, the picture in my mind came to an end! At this moment, I stare closely at the small alley, I can see, Zhou Bingna's face, a little bit changed, began to feel his pocket, as if looking for a mobile phone.

"Stains, big brother, this woman is really delicious!"

"Big brother, can you make us younger brothers happy after you're done! Ha ha Rao is I sit in the car, also can hear these rascal's nonsense. My body has started to shake!

At this time, Zhou Bingna finally sneered and slowly opened her mouth. Although her voice was not loud, she showed her queen like momentum: "I tell you, I'm deputy director of the police station, Zhou Bingna. You dare to touch me. Spend the rest of your life in prison! "

"Ouch?" This sentence directly amused these strong men. Obviously, they didn't believe Zhou Bingna's words at all!

"Come on, girl, today we'll let you be comfortable. Let's go. Let's go with our brothers!" The strong man in the flowered shirt, with his face full of evil colors, burst out laughing and rushed at Zhou Bingna!

But he did not dream of, in this moment, Zhou Bingna's face, suddenly changed! Almost immediately, he took the strong man's arm. At the same time, Zhou Bingna pushed hard. Then he heard a loud noise. The strong man with the flowered shirt was pushed directly to the wall and sat on the ground!

"Bang!" This loud noise, not to mention me, even those strong men, one by one have been hoodwinked!

what the fuck! What's the concept? This week Bingna, how can she be so strong? Just drop a strong man?!

I really have some silly eyes, but at this critical moment, the strong man in the flower shirt suddenly roared out!

"I don't care for you! This girl, get her, get her The strong man's emotion has been excited to the extreme, but at this moment, the group of strong men directly swung their fists and smashed Zhou Bingna!

Up to this time, who dares to treat Zhou Bingna as a woman? Who dares to show mercy? I was scared at that time! I have to say that this week Bingna is really powerful. After all, she is the deputy director of the police station. She can't go up casually. But no matter how powerful she is, she's just a woman. I'm afraid she can't bear so many people, can she?!

I thought, but I underestimated Zhou Bingna. Her body, like a water snake, shuttled among these strong men. Her movements were dazzling! Just a few seconds, Zhou Bingna put down two big men! Sometimes the catcher, sometimes a slap in their face, no more fancy action, but Zhou Bingna is impeccable move! This obviously can see, Zhou Bingna really has practiced!

In fact, how could Zhou Bingna know that on the other side, I was more nervous than her! I'm holding that toy gun in my right hand.

"Little girl, it's hot enough. Ha ha, brothers, catch her for me. If you catch her, I'll give him 20000 yuan!" At that moment, the strong man in the flowery shirt roared out! He looked at Zhou Bingna's eyes, revealing bursts of excitement! He does not push looking at Zhou Bingna, from top to bottom, as if to see through Zhou Bingna in general!

This sentence fell, immediately those strong men, all come to strength, Zhou Bingna although powerful, but in the face of so many people, is also a bit confused, finally, she a careless, a heavy blow on the shoulder!

"Bang!" How much does this punch weigh? I am so far away from Zhou Bingna, but I still hear a sound of bone fragmentation! At this moment, Zhou Bingna snorted. She staggered back several steps, but before she could stabilize her figure, a strong man next to her, who didn't know where she got it, was holding a stick in her hand and slashing her arm hard!

"Ah Until this moment, Zhou Bingna couldn't help retreating. However, those strong men, who didn't mean to let go, picked up bricks and sticks from the ground one by one and smashed them at Zhou Bingna!

Just blink of an eye time, Zhou Bingna, is already scarred! The men have surrounded her. I can clearly see Zhou Bingna's innocent eyes, I can also see that she has no strength, but still waving her arms. Finally, the strong man in the flowery shirt slowly went around behind Zhou Bingna. At the same time, he hit Zhou Bingna on the back of the head with a stick!


That dull sound made my heart tremble! Zhou Bingna, who was in front of me, was suddenly stunned. She shook her body for a circle and finally fell to the ground with a plop. She passed out directly!

I don't care about you! At that moment, I opened the door and rushed down like a chicken!

"Don't move, police!" I took out my toy gun and yelled at the crowd! My voice has been hoarse, I do not know where the courage, I only know that this group of men, so deal with a woman, what is special!

However, that is the moment, the Hutong inside, suddenly silent! The seven or eight strong men were completely hoodwinked at that time, and some people did not even dare to look back, especially the man with the flowery shirt. Although he looked back and saw me, he did not find anything wrong. He raised his hands and made a gesture of surrender, and then squatted on the ground!

"Shua..." when he squatted, the strong men beside him all squatted down one after another. Who dares to say half a word of nonsense! One by one, their heads in their hands. When I saw this picture, I felt relieved and went over trembling. I roared out in my mouth: "squat against the wall!"

I really struggled. Later, I thought that if several of them dared to look up and found that I was holding a toy gun, I would have to let them kill me that day! But fortunately, in this case, how dare they move? One by one squatting to move to the wall, tightly low head.

I have been excited to the extreme, slowly come to Zhou Bingna. At this time, she has been completely in a coma, motionless, only that a pretty a pretty chest, you can see that she is not dead. I squatted in front of her with a toy gun in one hand pointing at them, and with the other hand, I put Zhou Bingna on my back and lifted her up.

However, I have a toy gun in one hand, how can I carry her in the other? I can only drag my hand on her hips.

"Hiss!" To tell you the truth, I can't forget it in my life. When my hand touched her buttocks, I almost had nosebleed! That feeling, simply can't say of cool!

But at this time, I have to be very calm. Point the toy gun at the strong men and step back a little bit.

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