I am the King

Chapter 693

Looking at the magnificent buildings in the Imperial City, I felt excited and excited.

The mountains and rivers also vibrated, and their faces were all flushed with excitement.

The two of us sat on the silver wing iron King eagle, circled over the capital a few times, and then stopped in the suburbs. Before, I thought about landing directly in the capital, but after all, the silver wing iron King eagle is too big. In that case, it's too ostentatious.

And here is the capital after all, but the center of Haotian mainland, you'd better not make too much publicity!

So after landing in the suburbs, I put away the silver wing iron King eagle, and walked along the straight bluestone road with the mountains and rivers towards the west gate in front of me.

I saw a lot of people coming and going along the way, and it seemed that they were all rushing to the capital, which made me feel very special. However, when I arrived at the gate of the city, I was confused to see the guards stationed at the gate!

I saw the guards standing there, looking at everyone who came into the city. Moreover, ordinary people, if they go in, can only go through the side gate, but the big city gate in the middle is deliberately blocked.

At this time, I saw that from time to time on the road in the distance, there were gorgeous horse convoys coming. After arriving at the gate of the city and being inspected by the guards, these carriages were released.

So formal?

I secretly wonder in my mind, and then he and the mountains and rivers, followed those ordinary people, walked in through the small door.

To tell you the truth, when I passed by the guards, although I was a master of the local rank, I was still a little nervous at that moment.

I'm afraid these guards will find that Shanhe and I are not from Haotian mainland, and we will be stopped at that time. Then I have to read the official letter from shangzetian. In that case, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to find the national teacher and I will be sent directly to the palace.

In fact, my worry is superfluous. Even if I was stopped and saw my official letter, these guards would not send me to the palace, but to the supervisory court outside the palace. When I got there and verified my identity, I would arrange to go to the palace to see the emperor.

However, after Shanhe and I went in and looked at a busy street in Beijing, our mood suddenly improved a lot.

After we found a place to eat, Shanhe and I rushed to find the place where the National Teacher lived.

After inquiry, I learned that the national master's office was actually in the north of the imperial city. It was a big house, but when Shanhe and I went to find it, we still made a big circle.

Ma De, in this ancient environment, there is no road sign in every street. It's all based on the sense of direction. For me and people like Shanhe who just came to the capital, it's like walking in a maze.

However, when Shanhe and I got to the street where the Imperial Palace was located, and looked at the north gate of the Imperial Palace in the distance, I thought, when I saw the Imperial Palace, the old man would not let me see the emperor directly, would he? At that time, I'll take Zhou Bingna away. I'm afraid it will be difficult.

The mountain and river, at the moment, is looking at the crowd on the street, especially hear these people, one by one keep talking about two days, the imperial city to hold a grand ceremony.

Hearing these news, Shanhe couldn't help asking me: "Jiang Feng, listen to those passers-by say, what ceremony will be held in two days, it seems that the emperor is going to confer the title of queen, it seems very grand!"

"It's none of our business!"

Hear the words of the river, I don't want to say, now my purpose is to take Zhou Bingna to leave. The emperor confers the title of queen, which has nothing to do with me, so I don't care.

However, what I never thought was that Zhou Bingna was the queen to be canonized by Emperor Tianqi.

However, Shanhe scratched his head and laughed. He seemed to be very interested and said, "no, I'm just talking about it, but I also want to see what the ancient emperors and queens looked like, and whether they were all talented and beautiful as they used to watch on TV."

Hearing the words of Shanhe, I couldn't help laughing: "don't think about it. The queen must be very beautiful, but the Emperor may not be handsome!"

When I said this, I saw a few people in the palace guard's clothes, carrying a golden soft sedan, slowly passing us. Behind the sedan chair, there are four experts who are not weak.

Under the curtain of the soft sedan chair, through a little gap, I saw a beautiful girl sitting in it. Her skin was as white as snow, but she looked very depressed.


Seeing the girl in the sedan chair, I immediately took a breath.

This girl looks familiar. I seem to have seen her somewhere!

I thought in my mind, and at this time, I seemed to notice that my eyes, the girl in the soft sedan chair, also looked at me.

Almost at the same time, the girl's heart, is also secretly surprised, at the same time very puzzled in the heart muttered: this bastard, how to come to the capital, now should not be in the prison of Qinglong mansion?

Yes, this girl is Princess Yingxiang.

Princess Yingxiang had planned to ask four guards of Tang Fang to accompany her to the seaside yesterday. But last night, there was news from the imperial palace that her father was going to be crowned Queen. When she got the news, Princess Yingxiang was very depressed.

What's more, what makes Princess Yingxiang even more upset is that although her father has his own mother and so many other harem beauties, none of them has been canonized as Queen by her father. It was very uncomfortable for Princess Yingxiang to learn that a woman from mainland China was canonized as Queen.

So on the way back, Princess Yingxiang was depressed. She even thought that she would not come back. After playing enough outside, she would go back to the palace. But the title of Queen is a big event. Although Princess Yingxiang was reluctant, she would offend her father if she was willful again. So Princess Yingxiang came back as soon as possible.

However, when she was about to arrive at the Imperial Palace, Princess Yingxiang was thinking about how to sneak herself out. She told a good lie and passed the test with her father. At the moment, she suddenly saw me and Shanhe.

For a moment, Princess Yingxiang was more agitated and even a little angry. She thought to herself: the magistrate of Qinglong mansion dares to deceive herself. Is it really bold to see that she is just a princess and can't do anything to him without real power. Hum, I'll show him when I have a chance.

While thinking about this, Princess Yingxiang couldn't help staring at me through the curtain of the sedan chair.

And I was looking at the soft sedan slowly into the palace, the heart is more confused.

At the moment, I haven't remembered where I met the girl in the soft sedan chair. At this time, Shanhe yelled to me: "Jiang Feng, the front is the National Teacher's office!"

"Oh I should be a, go to and mountain river together, arrived at the door of the National Teacher's mansion.

When we arrived at the gate of the national master's mansion, before we got close to Shanhe and me, the two guards at the gate stopped us with no expression: "stop, who are you! This is guoshifu. Don't walk around here. Leave now! "

Listen to the guard's words, I am not angry, but a serious face said: "we are not loitering, I want to find your national teacher!"

"Looking for our master?" One of the guards looked me up and down. Although I was dressed like a childe brother, I didn't look like a royal or a national. Moreover, the princes, princes and friends who had contacts with the national master, these guards knew each other.

So hearing what I said, the guard laughed and said, "our national master, we don't see guests casually!"

Mad, the dog's eyes are low!

I scolded in my heart, took out the official letter from Zetian, and said: "it's your national teacher who invited me. Here's the letter from Lord Zetian. Please hurry in and report. Don't waste my time


Seeing the letter in my hand and the seal on it, the two guards immediately took a breath. The seal on it was indeed the seal of Zetian, but the two guards were shocked and a little puzzled.

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