I am the King

Chapter 694

You know, although Lord Zetian of shenwuwei and Lord Guoshi are both red men under Emperor Tianqi. But between the two people, always face and heart. But at the moment, the man in front of him came to find him with Zetian's official letter, which made the two guards feel incredible.

But with this in mind, the two guards looked at each other and politely invited me and Shanhe in.

When I got inside, looking at the elaborate and elegant layout of the National Teacher's palace, it was as quiet as a big garden. I felt that my mood relaxed a lot.

"You two, please follow me!" A guard took us to a reception room, then politely asked us to sit down, and then said to me with a smile: "please be patient. The national master is in the palace now. We will send someone to inform him to come back!"

When I heard the guard's words, I nodded. Then the guard made tea for me and Shanhe, and then respectfully retreated.

After the guard left, I stood up and looked at the reception room in front of me. The furnishings here are antique tables and chairs, giving people a very quiet feeling, but at the moment, my heart is speechless.

I wanted to see Zhou Bingna immediately, so driven by this impulse, I tasted the tea poured by the guard and went out to the yard to have a look. I did not rashly go to other places, just outside the reception room, looking at the guoshifu in front of me.

It's big. It's really big. And standing here, I really feel like a big house. There are so many pavilions in front of us that we don't know how many houses there are. Moreover, the big courtyard has a small courtyard, and the layout is very particular.

I am eager to see Zhou Bingna in my heart. I can't help going around now. Maybe I can see her!

However, I never thought that if I could arrive one day in advance, I might be able to meet Zhou Bingna here. At the moment, Zhou Bingna has been sent to the palace. Now she is resting in her bedroom.

At this time, Shanhe came out and stood beside me. Looking at the guoshifu in front of me, he felt some emotion and said, "Jiang Feng, if we see your girlfriend later, shall we go directly?"

"Well!" I nodded, tone is very firm said: "see people, we go straight!"

Shanhe nodded, thought about it, seemed to be worried about something, and then said: "I think that national teacher will not easily let us go. Since he can bring your girlfriend here and deliberately lead you to Haotian mainland, how can he easily let you leave with people? Hoo With that, Shanhe took a deep breath and decided something in his heart. Then he said to me, "Jiang Feng, if you really have to do it, then I'll break up..."

"Lying trough, again!" When I heard Shanhe's words, I knew what he was going to say next. Then I couldn't help beating him and said angrily, "I won't leave you. Let's go together then. If you say that again, believe it or not, I'll beat you!"

When Shanhe heard my words, he was very moved. Then he scratched his head and laughed and said, "I'm thick skinned now. You can't beat me!"

When I heard Shanhe's words, I looked at him and laughed. Then I looked at him seriously, put my hand on his shoulder, patted him and said, "this kind of idea has been eliminated for me in the future. If we find Zhou Bingna, the three of us will go together. No one will leave! "

Shanhe nodded. Then we stood outside for a while and went back to the reception room.

After sitting for a while, when we finished the tea in the cup and were impatient, we suddenly saw a man outside and walked in quickly.

He walked almost without footsteps, and quietly, very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, to the house.

I was almost surprised to see that the old man in front of me seemed to be the master of heaven class I had met before. But at that time, he was wearing a black robe and half of his face was covered. At the moment, he was wearing very formal clothes. It looked different, so I'm not sure.

"Ha ha! Jiang Feng, you are here indeed. It has been more than a month since we met in mainland China last time

Without waiting for me to speak, the old man in front of me said with a smile.

At that time, when I heard the guard's announcement at the palace, I learned that I had come to my own national palace. At that time, the Shenfeng was almost surprised, delighted and embarrassed.

And now looking at me, the sacred wind is a calm face.

Hearing what he said, I managed to squeeze out a smile on my face and went straight to the topic: "where's my friend?"

Shenfeng was stunned. I didn't expect that as soon as I met, I asked Zhou Bingna about her whereabouts. Then he laughed and said, "your friend is very good. Jiang Feng, I want to know, you come to Haotian mainland, but after consideration, you decide to be loyal to our emperor? "

I frowned and said, "I can't make a decision until I see my friend about this?"

With that, my eyes were fixed on Shenfeng, and I continued to ask, "where is she?"

At the moment, facing the divine wind, although I still feel that kind of oppression in front of his powerful Tianjie strength, there is no fear in my heart at the moment.

Ma De, where is Zhou Bingna? Isn't it here?

At the thought of this, I couldn't help being anxious.

Hearing my words, Shenfeng looked at me strangely, then laughed and said, "well, in that case, I'll take you to see her, but when you get to the place, you'll listen to me!"

Then he looked at the mountains and rivers behind me and said, "he wants to stay!"

"No, he will follow me!" I didn't want to refuse, and Shanhe couldn't help walking towards me.

The Shenfeng man laughed, looked at me on guard, and continued: "don't worry, I don't want to do anything to you, but now Miss Zhou is in the palace. You just want to see her alone. If you both go in, even if I'm a national teacher, I don't have so much power. You know, I'm risking beheading if I can take you in without permission! "

Crouching trough, you are a strong man of heaven level strength. Are you afraid of being beheaded?

I couldn't help feeling entangled. After looking at the mountains and rivers behind me, I finally decided to believe the national teacher in front of me and said to him, "Shan He, you stay here first. I'll go with the national teacher."

"Jiang Feng, is that ok?" Shanhe frowned and looked at me with worry.

I nodded, indicating that the river need not worry, but at the moment my heart is also up and down.

After the decision was made, I went out of the palace with the national teacher. When I arrived at the palace, the national teacher thought of something. He specially took me to the place where the imperial guards changed shifts and changed my clothes.

At this time, I feel something is wrong. It seems that the national master does not want the emperor to know that I am coming for the time being? Didn't you say I was loyal to the emperor? If Zhou Bingna is in the palace now, she must be summoned by the emperor. But why did the national teacher let me wear the clothes of bodyguard?

Moreover, at this moment, I also thought of another question, why did the national teacher not bring Zhou Bingna out, but let me enter the palace and Zhou Bingna want to meet?

These questions flashed in my mind. I couldn't help asking them when I followed the national master to the palace.

And hear my words, the face of the sacred wind flashed a trace of imperceptible anomaly, smile at me, said: "to the place, you understand!"

I frowned and felt more and more that the teacher in front of me was not right.

At this time, I saw that the place we went to was already the so-called dormitory area in the Imperial Palace, which should be the place for the emperor to rest. For a moment, I vaguely guessed what, glaring at the divine wind: "you tell me, do you give Zhou Bingna to the emperor?"

Ma De, thinking of this, almost covered with anger, can't help but take out the Phoenix blood crazy knife.

And the divine wind noticed that I was suddenly exposed to the murderous, frowned and looked at me solemnly.

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