I am the King

Chapter 70

Finally, at this time, the door was suddenly opened, and several small policemen surrounded Zhou Bingna in the center and came in.

"The inspection report came out." Zhou Bingna's face is not good, will be a piece of paper to my hand, I see this, suddenly heart thump. The examination report shows that the beard is seriously injured, with more than 60 fractures, severe concussion, excessive blood loss, and dying!

"Hoo..." seeing this piece of paper, I finally took a long breath. My heart seemed to be pressed by something.

Blame me, really blame me... I thought in my heart, at that time in the hotel, I really can't control my own mood, the start is not light.

"Jiang Feng, will you come with me?" At this time, Zhou Bingna spoke to me. Before, she spoke to me in the tone of command, but now she calls me out in the tone of consultation.

I smile in the heart, still followed Zhou Bingna to walk out. Zhou Bingna took me to the backyard of the police station and stopped in a corner. There was no one there, just me and Zhou Bingna. Zhou Bingna looked at me and said: "Jiang Feng, this matter seems to be a bit of a trouble. Although he is a suspect, you are too heavy handed, and although he is holding a knife, he stabbed you. After all, this matter is because you started first."

"And then?" My heart sank, I know, this is a bit difficult to do, but my face, or keep a smile.

"Then... May face the sentence..." Zhou Bingna was silent for a long time, and finally said in a low voice with her head down.

Hum! I admit, at that moment, my head was blank! Sentence?! These two words, I would never dream, can happen to me! To tell you the truth, at that moment, my pores were all open and completely collapsed!

"There's no other way." I breathe out a long breath. To tell you the truth, I'm still not reconciled. I know I've committed a crime, but I saved Zhou Bingna and helped her grasp her beard. As a result, I'm guilty now. Can't she help me?

"There is a way..." finally, Zhou Bingna heard me, or said: "this situation, can only find a relationship. Do you recognize a policeman or a powerful person? "

"I don't know anyone." I shook my head. The most powerful person I know is Yao Qin. But Yao Qin doesn't know me. Yao Qin knows Hao long. Hao long had a relationship with her. Last time Yao Qin helped me find so many people, he also looked at Hao Long's face.

"That... That can only be discussed with the beard, to see if he can give them some money at home and let you go..." Zhou Bingna bit her lower lip and said word by word.

"Wait a minute. Didn't you just ask me if I knew anyone in the police station? What if I knew someone in the police station? " I looked at Zhou Bingna and said it.

"If it's from the police, it might protect you." Zhou Bingna said to me.

"Then you can help me, can't you? Aren't you from the police? " Mad, at this moment, I really can't help it any more. I just said it! Trout, I've saved you. Don't you help me? I'll save your life!

"I..." Zhou Bingna's face was a little bad. For a long time, she shook her head: "I can't help you. It's just that... I just came here to be the deputy director of the police station, and I used my private rights. Is that a bit bad... Otherwise, you can spend money to settle this matter..."

Slot! What's your mood? I'm so sorry! I saved you, and now you don't help me? Isn't it a little too much! Slot!

I was furious in my heart. At that moment, I waved my hand directly: "I spend money to set things up. I don't need you." With that, I went straight back to the police station! This sentence, I do not have the tone of the slightest bit, is really already angry!

"Jiang..." it seems that Zhou Bingna wants to call my name, but she still holds back. Her face is full of sorry. Zhou Bingna also knows what's going on. She also knows that it's a bit excessive to do so!

Screw you, you shouldn't have saved her! I thought in my heart, in my heart that is called a disturbing! When I went to the police station, I found a little policeman directly, and thought of his friendly attitude: "man, can I see that beard, please?"

"No, how can this work?" The policeman suddenly changed his face and said it to me.

"Man, as long as you arrange for us to meet, I'll give you 20000 yuan." I bit my teeth and said it directly. Although I have no money now, as long as I put on the mask, is it hard to earn money?

"You this..." I can feel that the little policeman was a little shaken, looked around, and finally nodded: "OK, then I'll show you one side."

"Well, don't worry. I'll call you back later! " I patted my chest and said, in fact, my heart is dripping blood!

The little policeman was smiling and nodding. I made a call to Hao long with my mobile phone. Hao Long's phone has been robbed, but he has money in his pocket and has already bought a new mobile phone.

Pick up the phone, to tell you the truth, Rao is my relationship with Hao long, I'm a little embarrassed, these days, I spent Hao long how much money, this call, and borrow money, I really want to collapse. But Hao long didn't care. When he heard that I was using money, he asked me to hang up and send him the card number.

Within three minutes, the money was on the policeman's card. Nima, my flesh is hurting! It's too fast! But now there is really no other way. The little policeman was also very efficient. In half an hour, he drove me directly to the hospital. As a result, when I saw the beard, I really didn't want to live at that moment!

Don't worry about you! That beard is bandaged all over, is infusion, ECG that call a weak, the whole person is still in a coma!

Shall I go to you? It's 20000 yuan! This beard is now a living dead man! I helplessly looked at the side of the small police: "when can he wake up?"

"I really don't know, but according to the doctor, if he is lucky, he may be able to wake up within a month. If he is not lucky, he may not wake up in his life. In professional terms, he may be a vegetable..."

"What..." I admit, I was afraid at that time, and not in general. I'm full of regrets now!

"Can his parents be contacted?" I shook my head and asked the policeman.

As a result, the policeman also gave a wry smile: "now he has no father or mother, and only one wife. Would you like to talk to his wife?"

"Talk about it. Thank you, man." I thank that little policeman for a long time. Now I can't help it. The beard is completely finished. I can only talk to his wife. After that, the little policeman contacted my wife with a beard. We made an appointment to meet in a coffee shop.

I thought that the wife with beard would tear me when she saw me, but I didn't expect that his wife was extremely calm. It's like nothing happened.

At that time, I was shocked. Her husband was beaten like this by me. How could she be so calm? It's not reasonable!

I have to say that the little policeman was very busy. He kept negotiating with my wife and finally she offered a price of one million yuan, which should have never happened.

A million! Can I not be distressed? As a result, I asked the little policeman, and he said that if he didn't spend money, I would have to squat for more than ten years if I gave him a beard like this.

Troublemaking you? This sentence scared me to death at that time. I told my wife that I could spend money and give it to her in a week.

Later, the little policeman told me that if he gave several hundred thousand to the police chief and several hundred thousand to Zhou Bingna, the matter would be basically settled.

Shall I go to see you! Really, I didn't want to live at that time! So much money, where can I get it?

Besides, let me give Zhou Bingna money? I'm not willing!

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