I am the King

Chapter 71

I saved her, she didn't want to help me, I give her money back? Slot!

I feel that my head hurts, but at last, I nodded. After I separated from my wife, your little policeman told me that my wife and her husband were all killed by me, and she was not angry. It was because my wife and Xiao Feng and Xiao Han fooled around every day and often didn't go home for a year. My daughter-in-law knew that, The beard didn't do anything good outside, so she and the beard were already dead in name.

This time, I beat my beard like this. Is my daughter-in-law still lucky to get a sum of money? This is already very good.

After that, the little policeman took me to the chief of the police station, sun Guo. Naturally, sun Guo heard the little policeman say that I have to spend money to put things on the table, so sun Guo's attitude towards me is quite good. As a result, sun's last buy it now price was 500000 yuan. I can't help it. I have to bow my head under the eaves. If I don't give it, I'm afraid I'll go to prison. It's no joke.

So I still promised sun Guo. Sun Guo gave me a week to leave all my ID cards or whatever, so I ran away. Tell me, within a week, if the 500000 yuan arrives, there will be no problem.

In the past, I was afraid that my family would not be able to survive if I met such a thing. But now, I still have a bottom in my heart. I promised sun Guo that he would let me leave.

I didn't take a taxi from the police station to my home. I walked for more than half an hour. It's the first time I've been so quiet, really, growing up, the first time I've been so quiet.

It's true that this society can't do without money and power. 1.5 million. I'll make it up in a week. No, it should be 1.55 million. The guy I pricked with a wine bottle before still needs 50 thousand at home.

I feel the pressure is like a mountain. I can't breathe. I took a long breath and walked step by step on the way home. Maybe it was a little bit too late. In the middle of the walk, it rained cats and dogs without warning. I was directly wet, like a drowned chicken. As a result, the rain was too urgent, and I couldn't get a taxi. Finally, I ran home.

Nima, I'm really going to collapse, especially the wound on my shoulder. It's killing me!

At home, I tried to endure the pain, killed the wound with water, bandaged the wound again, and then covered the wound with clothes. If I was injured and my parents knew about it, I'm afraid they would worry about it.

Fortunately, my parents were not at home. After I changed my clothes, I went straight to my room and used the computer to search for pictures, that is, the very handsome face.

This search, is full two hours, I finally found a more handsome face. I looked at the computer, the corners of my mouth showed a smile, to tell you the truth, this man's face in the computer can almost be expressed in perfect two words!

Yes, this man's face, with resolute lines, double eyelids, big eyes, eyes, as if emitting a domineering light. High nose, lips especially sexy, eyebrows and two eyebrows, this man, not to mention the woman looked moved, I'm afraid the man saw, also had to say handsome!

With this face, we can definitely beat many stars. I nodded, not satisfied with the heart, and this face, just to match my hair, I am the kind of clean short hair!

Ha ha, that's it! I thought in my heart, I quickly went to carry the basin, received the water, and began to make this mask. I made a mask once before, so this second time, practice makes perfect, so the speed is much faster than last time. But now, for me, time is money, so I'm sweating. Fortunately, it's finished in the end.

I took this mask and put it on my face in front of the mirror! fuck! At that time, after I took it with me, to be honest, I couldn't believe it was myself! I took a picture in the mirror and shook my head again. At that time, I didn't know what I thought, so I laughed all of a sudden!

"Ha ha!" To tell you the truth, which woman can't be conquered with such looks? Ah? ha-ha! I laughed in my heart and finally took down the mask.

Originally I thought, I called Hao long and asked him to introduce me to be a public relations officer. Then I wore a mask! In that case, I don't know how many rich women will stick it on me! One and a half million is really a lot for us ordinary people, but for those rich women, is it more than one and a half million? Not really!

But then I thought about it carefully. Although I was worried, it was not a short time. I'd better call xianfengzi first! After all, I've learned this fortune telling. I'll see if xianfengzi can give me other abilities!

I thought in my heart, I quickly took out my cell phone from my pocket and called xianfengzi. In a few seconds, there came xianfengzi's heavy voice: "Maple."

Maple?! Crouching trough... Suddenly I was speechless, and the name was too cute. I didn't care about the details, so I quickly said: "master, it's me. I learned the elementary fortune telling. Master, what are we going to learn next?"

"Don't worry. You should do more fortune telling. I'll teach you other abilities next week." Fairy breeze son light say.

"Ah? Master, it's a waste of two days' life to give people fortune telling! " I have some helpless said.

As soon as xianfengzi heard this, he immediately laughed out: "isn't that normal? Since you can predict other people's lives, it will certainly damage your own longevity. If fortune tellers have no cost, then every fortune teller doesn't have to be poor."

As soon as I heard xianfengzi's words, I thought it was reasonable, so I answered them. As a result, xianfengzi continued to say, "Maple, in addition, I tell you, you can tell other people's fortune. If you can figure it out, you will live ten days less if you rewrite other people's destiny!"

"What?" Seriously, at that moment, I almost called it out!

"For example, if you give me a fortune teller and calculate that I will have a car accident tomorrow, you will tell me that you will have a car accident tomorrow, and then tomorrow I will not leave my room for a day and rewrite my fate. In this way, you will live ten days less!"

"Hum!" At that moment, my head was almost blank! I admit, at that time, I was really, completely hoodwinked!

Xianfengzi's words scared me. They really scared me! It's special. I didn't tell it in the book! If you tell me, how dare I easily rewrite the fate of others!

Do not think, I give Zhou Bingna fortune telling, I calculate that she will encounter a robber, and then be forced into the alley, I saved her, this is rewriting her fate! Special size, don't I live ten days less? In addition to the two days of fortune telling, Zhou Bingna alone lost my 12 days of longevity! Can I go to you? Who can stand it!

"You don't have to worry, feng'er. If you don't have more than ten days of Yang Shou, you don't have to worry too much. How long is a person's life? The road of life depends on how wide it is, not how long it is." Xianfengzi was very excited when he saw me. He quickly said, "these days, you can get familiar with the skills of fortune telling. Then a week later, you can call me again and I'll teach you another ability."

"Yes, Shifu..." I immediately had no interest, and said it out dejectedly.

"In addition, you and your two elder martial sisters must get along well, you know." The fairy breeze son ordered this, hang up the telephone. At that moment, I sat down on the bed. Are you good with two elder martial sisters? Grass special code, I think of Wang Yuyan and Yang Yun, I am angry! I want to get along with them, but can they get along with me?!

I gave a wry smile. I was really upset. I didn't expect that fortune telling had such consequences!

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