Sugili is both strange and familiar with the gods.

Strange because they met for the first time, familiar because these two heavenly generals in the legend of the previous life were quite legendary.

First he was appointed as the door god by the Heavenly Emperor, and then he sat in the ghost gate and became the eastern ghost emperor.

Sujili didn’t expect to meet them, and it was fate.

After a brief conversation, the god who had gone to report the letter returned, Su Jili stopped talking, greeted the two gatekeeper generals, walked into the South Heavenly Gate, and gradually entered the depths of the Heavenly Court under the guidance of the immortal attendant.

He looked around and admired the scenery of the Heavenly Court with great interest, which was a huge world composed of thirty-three worlds, countless blessed places, countless Linghu Immortal Mountains, countless Spirit Root Immortal Grasses planted in it, and a large number of rare birds and exotic beasts survived and frolicked and multiplied.

Further inside, all kinds of Heavenly Palace Immortal Halls, pavilions and pavilions come into view, ten thousand years of spiritual jade as the ground, all kinds of treasures as beams, magnificent and magnificent, and the weather is varied.

At the same time, Su Jili felt all kinds of auras from these palaces, some of which were only true immortals and Xuan immortals cultivated, and some of them made his heart jump, like the feeling Luo Xuan gave him, most likely Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

Heavenly Emperor Haotian and Queen Mother Yaochi received Su Jili here.

They knew the origin and intentions of this three generations of disciples.


He became famous during Senior Brother Tongtian’s last sermon.

He was a disciple of Luo Xuan, an elite disciple of the outer sect of the Sect, and was valued by Senior Brother Tongtian, and was personally given an innate spiritual treasure by the saint.

He became an immortal in only a hundred years, and in just three thousand years, he was promoted to the late Xuan Immortal stage, with great potential and great prospects, and was expected to be a golden immortal.

He has also received humane merit, and is the ancestor of the Chef Dao, the great sage of the Terran race, and the god of Vesta!

He came to heaven precisely for the position of Vesta.

“Su Jili, a third-generation disciple of the Sect, sees the Heavenly Emperor and the Queen Mother.”

“Little friend doesn’t have to be polite, Xu and Senior Brother Tongtian go out in the same house, if you really want to talk about it, you still have to call Shu Yi Junior Uncle.”

After some greetings and pleasantries, the Heavenly Emperor and Sujili had a good initial impression of each other, in the eyes of the former, Sujili did not have the shelf of a saint’s disciple, knew how to observe etiquette, and had a respectful attitude; In the latter’s view, the Heavenly Emperor is broad and generous, without the slightest attitude of superiority, and is very good at courtesy to corporals.

“I wonder why Xiaoyou came here this time?”

Su Jili did not like to be false and evil, and after the Heavenly Emperor asked knowingly, he quickly went straight to the topic and explained his intentions.

“Emperor Qiyu, Poor Dao came this time to obtain the position of Vesta God and serve the Heavenly Court…”

Looking at Su Jili, who was talking, Haotian was silent on the surface, but in fact, he had already been furious.

Since the reconstruction of the Heavenly Court, the disciples under the saint seemed to have a lot of courtesy in their hearts, but in fact, they had a lot of disdain in their hearts.

In the past, he had summoned the twelve golden immortals to enter the heavens and promised them high positions, but they all refused without hesitation.

Since then, Haotian has been dissatisfied with the saint’s disciples.

Now, seeing Su Jili take the initiative to join the Heavenly Court, he is naturally extremely satisfied.

Sugili has a special status.

He was also the first saint descendant to turn to the Heavenly Court.

Plus the position of Vesta is indeed none other than him.

Haotian naturally agreed to Su Jili’s request, not only that, in order to show his importance to the saint’s disciples and attract more saint disciples and other immortal gods to join the Heavenly Court, Haotian also gave Su Jili the position of the star king, and even gave a nine-thousand-year-old peach and many heavenly materials and earth treasures, and personally issued a will to announce heaven and earth.

“Su Jili, a disciple of the third generation of the Jiji Sect, preached the cooking path in the world, promoted the evolution of humanity, countless living people, precious immortals, immeasurable merit, and now obeyed the heavens and responded to people, specially appointed him as the king of the Nine Heavens East Chef Si Mei Stove King, in charge of the world’s stove fire, in charge of the world’s cooking, Si Fu and misfortune good and evil, assisting the Heavenly Emperor, and recording the merits of the human life.”

Su Jili generously accepted the canonization of the Heavenly Emperor.

From now on, he will be the most veritable Stove King.

Not only did he successfully enter the Heavenly Court, but the treatment was quite good.

The Heavenly Emperor directly set the position of the god of Vesta among the five ranks, and under normal circumstances, this is a grade that only golden immortals are qualified to touch.

What’s more, in the previous life, Vesta God started with a maximum of seven products, and only was in charge of human fireworks; Later, after becoming a god for a long time and performing outstanding achievements, he gradually increased his position as a commander, had the authority to bless and eliminate disasters, and supervise good and evil in the world, and his grade gradually increased.

The Heavenly Emperor gave Su Jili a medium grade at the beginning, and it can be said that he has been treated very courteously.

After all, he was only a disciple of the Intercept Sect for three generations, and only Xuan Immortal cultivated. If some of the second-generation disciples of the Golden Immortal Sect defected to the Heavenly Court, it was estimated that they would be treated like this.

For this reason, Sugili is very satisfied.

As for the Heavenly Emperor’s heavy reward, he smiled unceremoniously.

Who made him the first saint descendant to turn to the Heavenly Court!

Occupying the first-hand advantage naturally makes a lot of profits.

The reward was enough, and Su Jili naturally had no problem with the Heavenly Emperor treating him as a living signboard.

Long before he came to the Heavenly Court, he had already prepared.


Su Jili’s defection to the Heavenly Court and the consecration of the god of Vesta were unknown to mortals and ordinary cultivators for the time being, but it was impossible for some top forces and saint sects not to know about it.

In this regard, various forces have reacted differently.

Wuzhuang Guan, West Kunlun and other immortal mountains each sent some young disciples to join the Heavenly Court, occupy some divine positions, serve the Heavenly Court, and befriend the Heavenly Emperor, but also hope that these creatures can experience some polishing in the Heavenly Court, and with the help of the divine position, collect qi luck, accumulate merit, and use the resources of the Heavenly Court to help cultivate.

In the North Hades, the Kunpeng Old Ancestor snorted coldly, not paying attention.

Nether Blood Sea, after the eyelids of the Styx ancestor moved slightly, he continued to retreat.

Fire Cloud Cave, for Sujili to become the god of the Vesta, the ancestors of the Terran race were happy to see it, he was born in the Terran race, and his contribution to the Terran race is vividly remembered, he has long been a humane Vesta god, and now he has become the god of heaven and earth, which is more justified and beneficial and harmless to the Terrans.

The biggest reaction was from the Sanxian and Sage sects.

Sanxian was attracted by the generous treatment of the Heavenly Court, and the Sage Sect was shocked by Sujili’s actions.

The Golden Immortals had mixed reactions to this.

Cihang Zhenren, Puxian Zhenren, Manjushri Guangfa Tianzun, and Detained Sun had an indifferent attitude, did not care about themselves, and hung high.

Guangchengzi, Yuding Zhenren, Qingxian Zhenjun, Daoxing Tianzun, etc. appreciated Sujili’s defection to the Heavenly Court, which is a flood and wilderness orthodoxy, rich in luck and resources, which may be a mixed blessing for them, but it is indeed a good place for the three generations of disciples.

With the prosperity of the Kitchen Dao and the humane dragon, they had all heard the name of this disciple of the three generations of the Sect, and now it seemed that the name was indeed worthy and extraordinary.

Other Interpretation Golden Immortals disdained this, thinking that Su Jili’s move to join the Heavenly Court would lose his identity, and he would lose his status because of the small loss, although he could get benefits in the early stage of defecting to the Heavenly Court, but he would also be subject to people, lose the Immortal Dao, and grow up in the later stage, the Heavenly Emperor would not release people, and it would be more difficult to leave the Heavenly Court, and it would be even more difficult to get comfortable again.

Not to mention, the Heavenly Court is a land of right and wrong, and it is easy to be entangled in cause and effect after staying for a long time.

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