The immortals of the Sect also reacted differently to Su Jili’s entry into the Heavenly Court.

Some immortals felt that Sujili had lost the face of the Saint Sect and was not at ease to practice, but had to rush for the Heavenly Court, which was really ridiculous, and it even failed the expectations of the Sect Master Saint.

Some immortals also felt that Su Jili was smart and joined the Heavenly Court, although he was not free, but he could get the dual luck and resource blessings of the Truncated Sect and the Heavenly Court, which would do more good than disadvantages to cultivation.

There are also some immortals who want to follow suit, they are the most ordinary second-generation disciples of the Truncated Sect, and it is always difficult to become a golden immortal after endless years of cultivation, the last time when the humane fight for the dragon and the Truncated Sect helped the Great Shang, they have already figured out the situation of Su Jili, knowing that this third-generation disciple only took three thousand years to cultivate into a Xuan Immortal, which should not be underestimated, and the early days of cooperation between the Truncated Sect and the Great Shang used the belief in the god of Vesta as a link, and there were also reasons for this.

Because of this, in the eyes of many second-generation disciples of the Sect, Su Jili is brilliant, not profitable, every step has a deep meaning, he turned to the Heavenly Court, indicating that it is profitable, many Xuan Immortal Realm’s Sect Immortals are moved, want to turn to the Heavenly Court, anyway, Su Jili takes the lead, they go to the Heavenly Court, the behavior is not too conspicuous.

The East China Sea is turbulent, a thousand acres, Jinao Island.

The fire spirit was puzzled by Sujili’s heavenly affairs.

Ever since she learned that he had become a Xuan Immortal, she had seen him as a competitor.

To this end, she worked hard to become strong, practiced hard, and successfully reached the peak of Xuan Immortal, and only one step could become a Golden Immortal.

But now he has thrown himself into the Heavenly Court, it stands to reason that these high-profile disciples of the three generations have a great path, have sect resources and luck, as long as they practice patiently, there will always be a day when they will grow into great power.

For them, the Heavenly Court is less helpful, and even a little cumbersome, why do they do this?

The Duo Bao Daoist saw that the disciple had doubts in his heart and explained for the fire spirit.

“The Heavenly Court occupies the name of righteousness and orthodoxy, and Sujili turned to the Heavenly Court, mainly for the position of the god of Vesta.”

“This position may seem ordinary, but it is actually very useful.”

“As long as the position of Vesta is in hand, Sujili can obtain a steady stream of luck and blessings.”

“In time, in terms of the prestige and influence of the Terran race, I am afraid that no one in the entire Truncated Sect can compare with it.”

“Even second-generation disciples have to retreat.”

“After waiting for a long time, Sujili has the protection of human fireworks and humanitarian luck, and he is as strong as Da Luo Jinxian and does not dare to kill him easily, otherwise, karma will be riddled and the gain will not be worth the loss.”

“If he fights more, with the position of Vesta God, he is expected to be a great Luo Golden Immortal in the future.”

When it comes to Sujili, the people of Duo Bao Dao are full of appreciation, for their vision, and for their courage.

Of course!

The people of Duo Bao Dao did not forget to stimulate the apprentices.

“You are the first disciple of the third generation of the Sect, and the luck and resources you get are not much compared to some second-generation elite immortals.”

“Now that Sugili has become the god of Vesta, there is no gap between you, and what happens in the future depends on your chance.”

The fire spirit’s face was complicated.

Her cultivation time was still short, her cultivation was low, and she had no idea that Vesta God was so special.

Otherwise, she must have taken the lead in getting this priesthood.

The fire spirit was arrogant and did not think that he would lose to Sujili.

The fact that there is no difference between the two from now on will only make her burn her fighting spirit even more.

Looking at the still scrappy disciple, the Duo Bao Dao people smiled and were quite satisfied.

Inside the Biyou Palace.

For the disciple Sujili to join the Heavenly Court and be canonized as the god of Vesta, the Lord of the Tongtian Sect was happy to see it.

As a saint, you naturally have a sense of the future.

Although the Ten Thousand Immortals Sect is coming to the Dynasty now, whether it is the Heavenly Court or other saint sects, it is bound to decline, and the Tongtian Sect Lord is not optimistic about the future direction of the Intercept Sect.

Even he felt a bloody killing aura in the Sect Intercept Qi, although it was extremely hidden, it could not be concealed from the perception of the Tongtian Sect Lord.

From then on, he knew that there would be a great calamity in the future.

For the sake of Dao inheritance, the Tongtian Sect Lord has repeatedly cast supreme magical powers, following the river of time, wanting to find out, but unfortunately he was stopped by the Heavenly Dao every time.

Although the Tongtian Sect Leader, who knew that things could not be done, was helpless, it was impossible to sit still.

He cultivated the interception, and the interception was a glimmer of life.

Even if he knew that a great calamity was coming, he had to fight for a hope for the sect.

Therefore, he began to preach frequently.

It used to be once every 10,000 years, but now it comes every thousand years or thousands of years.

I hope that the disciples under the seat will improve their cultivation and strength as much as possible.

When he heard that his apprentice Su Jili had entered the Heavenly Court, the Tongtian Sect Leader’s heart moved, and he took this opportunity to deduce the future of the Intercept Sect, and finally had a glimmer of gain, knowing that the future calamity of the Intercept Sect was related to the Heavenly Court, and the vitality was also in the Heavenly Court.

Thinking of this, the Tongtian Sect Master felt that he could plan ahead and arrange for a group of disciples to join the Heavenly Court during the next sermon to preserve part of the vitality for the Truncated Sect in advance.

Shouyang Mountain.

The reaction of the human sect to Sujili’s entry into the Heavenly Court was particularly interesting.

Grand Master Xuandu directly kicked his disciples out of the dojo and sent them to the Heavenly Court.



The ninth heaven of the Eastern Heavens.

A grand Immortal Palace stands above the Immortal Mountain.

The palace is majestic and resplendent.

Wan Zai white jade is the column, and the innate treasure is the building.

Rui qi thousands, golden light.

This huge immortal palace is exactly the Nine Heavens Commander Mansion built by the Heavenly Emperor himself, that is, the Vesta God Mansion.

You know, there are nine skies in the sky.

Heaven and earth are numbered with nine.

Although the Xuanmen Heavenly Court has thirty-three heavens, the core of the Heavenly Court is still the ninth heavenly Qingwei Tian, this heavy heaven has the largest scope, the most perfect laws of heaven and earth, it is the top thousand worlds, and it is the hub connecting other heavy heavenly worlds, and it is the most beautiful place in the heavenly court.

The Heavenly Emperor placed the Vesta Heavenly Palace in the ninth heaven, which shows the importance attached to Sujili.

Although the Heavenly Palace is located on an ordinary immortal mountain and has a show element, Sujili’s really benefits.

An ordinary immortal mountain in the Nine Heavens is also a blessed place in the Nether, with abundant innate spiritual energy, many spiritual roots and immortal grasses, and two innate spiritual veins stretching, not to mention other invisible benefits.

For example, the road rhyme is abundant and luck gathers.

With the means of the immortal family, the Vesta Heavenly Palace was completed in only a hundred years.

In the past hundred years, Sugili has not wasted time.

On the one hand, he used the way of the spirit chef to first process the nine-thousand-year-old peach, integrate it with other heavenly materials and earth treasures, and brew a pot of spirit wine, ready to maximize the role of the peach.

On the other hand, he became acquainted with the god Yulei and developed a bit of friendship with each other.

When the Heavenly Palace was completed, Sujili quickly moved in and began the retreat.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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