Fire Dragon Island, Spirit Fire Palace.

A simple stone lamp was taken out by Sujili, the whole body is like a piece of jade, the lamp body is engraved with mysterious patterns, and the lamp head is a lotus flower with buds waiting to be placed, which looks mysterious.

This lamp is the stove light.

In the five hundred years of Sugili Road, the stove lamp absorbed a large number of human fireworks, integrated many people’s feelings and circumstances, and contained a huge amount of red dust and flavor.

Accompany him to watch the evolution of cooking, appreciate the cooking skills of various places, and witness the birth of cuisine.

Today, this Lingbao has transformed again, and the grade has reached the acquired middle grade, integrating attack and defense.

Because the stove lamp was refined by Sujili, he can exert his full power and has become one of the most powerful means in his hands, unlike the heaven and earth pot and the fire cover, only if he truly achieves the Golden Immortal, can he exert all his power.

The Golden Immortal Tribulation is extraordinary, Sujili has always been steady, and he must be foolproof to cross the calamity.

Therefore, he wanted to refine many spirit treasures.

The stove lamp is the first and easiest to be re-sacrificed by it, first easy and then difficult, Sujili will naturally choose this item first.

Mana invades the stove lamp and is branded with the Genshin.

In just twenty years, this reborn spirit treasure was once again controlled by him.

Su Jili did not leave the customs immediately, but rested for a few days, and after nourishing his spirits, he continued to sacrifice the spirit treasure.

First the heaven and earth cauldron, and then the fire cover.

Finally, there are various meritorious spiritual treasures.

By the time he refined the last spirit treasure, it was already three hundred years later.

Su Jili still had no intention of going out of the gate, but sacrificed the stove fire, used the heaven and earth pot as the stove, and began to use the cooking method he had figured out to melt all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures.

He wanted to refine a formation map.

The Sanqing inheritance originated from Pangu, and although it comes from the same source, it has its own strengths.

Among them, Taiqing is good at Dan, Yuqing is good at weapons, and Shangqing is good at formation.

As a disciple of the Intercept Sect and an Immortal of the Intercept Sect who has heard the sermons of the saints, Sujili Formation is highly accomplished, although it cannot be compared with his predecessors, but among his peers, he is among the best.

What’s more, Master Luo Xuan’s weapon, whether it was a Manado pot, or the Flying Smoke Sword, the Five Dragon Wheel, the Zhao Tianyin and other top-grade Houtian Spirit Treasures, were all refined by him with endless years and energy.

In terms of instrument Dao cultivation, Master Luo Xuan ranked high in the entire Jiu Sect.

As an apprentice, Su Jili’s attainment of the Dao is also quite good, so if he wants to refine the formation map, he will naturally achieve twice the result with half the effort.

Inside the quiet room, the stove is blazing.

The Heaven and Earth Cauldron releases endless fairy light and mysterious rhyme.

Sujili flew with both hands and played the Dao Technique.

When many heavenly materials and earth treasures melted, he waved his sleeves, and a large number of mottled stoves full of the atmosphere of time were suspended in the air, full of rich smoke and fireworks.

In the past 500 years, Sujili has not only increased his practice day by day, seen through and understood many truths, but also harvested many things closely related to the way of cooking.

In his eyes, the Avenue of Heaven and Earth was contained in the endless fireworks of the world.

Clear porridge and small dishes are the Tao, and the delicacies of mountains and seas are also the Tao.

There is a way in the dining room of the powerful, and there is also a road on the country stove.

There are stories everywhere and the road everywhere.

Because of this, the array he created is called the Human Fireworks Array, and the refining array map is the Fireworks Array.

And these stoves were specially collected by Sugilli, and each one is very representative.

Some came from the prince’s mansion, and some came from the homes of the poor.

Some come from the family of merchants, and some from the family of craftsmen.

Some are from the family of military generals, and some are from the family of Wen Chen.

Some come from the house of loyal courtiers, some from the place of traitors.

Each cooktop is quite old, with a minimum of more than 30 years.

In particular, the nine stoves led by him have a history of 500 years and have witnessed the vicissitudes of human fireworks.

These nine stoves came from Qingyang Mountain and were the things of the Barilla Palace, and Sujili took some of them and used them to refine the formation map.

In addition, there are other ancient cooking items, such as kitchen knives that have not been rusted for a century, pottery pots that have been used for many years, and the five flavors of the world that can be collected, as well as some human seven emotions bred by eating.

Under Sujili’s ingenious control, these materials were integrated into the formation map, and one after another human fireworks gradually appeared along with the formation of the formation map.


Divine Fire Palace.

Luo Xuan was not idle.

The apprentice wants to cross the three calamities to become a golden immortal, as a master, he naturally can’t watch and always provide some help.

This Lord of Fire Dragon Island was also refining treasures.

The difference was that Luo Xuan was not refining a formation map, but a spirit treasure.

Time flies, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle.

Five hundred years are fleeting.

Luo Xuanxiu is profound, experienced and the first to go out of customs.

Soon, Sugili was also out of customs.

He did not rush to cross the robbery, all because he received Luo Xuan’s message.

Inside the Divine Fire Palace.

As Luo Xuan waved his sleeve, the light flickered, and a huge furnace appeared, levitating the void and slowly spinning.

“In the matter of crossing the calamity, others cannot interfere at will, otherwise, the consequences will be unimaginable.”

“The Master cannot take your place in the place of the Tribulation, but can only give you this treasure.”

“This is the Hengyu furnace, it is a top-grade Houtian Lingbao, which can be refined and used as a defensive Lingbao, I hope you use it properly, successfully survive the three plagues, and become a golden immortal.”

This is a treasure that Luo Xuan spent 10,000 years collecting and refining for five hundred years, even among the heavenly spirit treasures, it is the top level, and its power is especially above the fire cover.

Looking at the Hengyu furnace that appeared in front of him, Su Jili’s expression was excited and full of emotion, although he expected that Master Luo Xuan would not stand by and provide him with help, but when things really happened, he still couldn’t help but feel warm in his heart.

The path of seeking the path emphasizes the Taoist couple, which can be husband and wife, brothers, sisters, masters and apprentices, and friends, and the two help each other in order to go further on the road of the road.

Maybe that’s how it feels!

Su Jili accepted the Hengyu furnace, solemnly saluted Luo Xuan, and then turned and left.

He wanted to go back as soon as possible and refine this Houtian Spirit Treasure.

Two hundred years later, Sugili was out of customs again.

He completely let go of the aura around his body this time, and in an instant, heaven and earth felt it, dark clouds were covered above the Spirit Fire Palace, lightning and thunder, and silver snakes danced wildly.

In the blink of an eye, the dark clouds expanded for thousands of miles, covering the entire Spirit Fire Peak, and they were still growing and extending at a terrifying speed, until they stretched to 99,900 li before stopping.

Under the thundercloud, Sujili’s face was serious and his expression solemn.

Six or nine heavenly calamities, really extraordinary.

However, he was not cowardly, but gave birth to a strong fighting intent.

For the three plagues, Sujili has long been mentally prepared.

Even if he was surprised by the power of the Heavenly Tribulation, he would not flinch.

As the Fire Dragon Island Mountain Protection Array opened a gap, Sugili was completely exposed under the thundercloud.

In an instant, a millstone-thick thunder crashed down.


ps: Thank you to the Devil Lord for the big 100 point reward, and thank God for the big 588 point tip.

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