
One thunder after another fell.

It’s like a torrent of water.

Sujili’s face did not change color, did not dodge or dodge, and let the thunder add to his body.

In the past thousands of years, he has never forgotten to forge his body, and he has never slackened in his physical body cultivation, especially after the last sermon of the sect master saint and Master Luo Xuan specially asked for “Eight Nine Xuan Gong”, Su Jili was even more diligent in cultivation.

Nowadays, it is natural not to miss this opportunity to refine the thunder body.

Thunder is both destruction and creation, Sujili grasps this, runs Xuangong, tries to maximize this energy, the blood and flesh in the body are broken and reorganized, the bones are broken and healed, and the creation after each destruction will make the flesh more powerful, the blood is surging like the sea, and the bones are crystal like jade.

Although he also practiced “Eight Nine Xuan Gong”, he was also accomplished in this regard, and after more than a dozen thunders, “Eight Nine Xuan Gong” successfully broke through, went to a higher level, and reached the peak of the third turn.

As a Xuanmen apologetic Xuangong, “Eight Nine Xuangong” is a systematic inheritance, mysterious, divided into nine turns.

The first turn corresponds to the heavenly immortals.

The second turn corresponds to the true immortal.

The third turn corresponds to Xuanxian.

The fourth turn, corresponding to the golden immortal.

The fifth turn corresponds to the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

The sixth turn corresponds to the Da Luo Golden Immortal.

The seventh turn corresponds to the early stage of quasi-sainthood.

The eighth turn, corresponding to the middle period of the quasi-saint.

The ninth turn, corresponding to the quasi-saint post-saint.

On the mystery of the flesh, it is second only to the Wu Clan’s “Nine Turns Yuan Gong”.

In addition to figuring out and creating the practice method of the Kitchen Dao, Su Jili practiced the “Eight Nine Xuangong” to the completion of the third transformation, which shows that he has exerted a lot of strength in the path of the flesh.


The thunder became more and more turbulent and terrifying, and it was as fast as a rainstorm.

After Su Jili used his flesh to carry a few more ways, reaching the limit of endurance, it would be more than worth the loss if he continued, and it was easy to damage himself, so he changed his means, moved his mind, and sacrificed the heavenly Spirit Treasure Fire Shield and Hengyu Furnace.

The appearance of nine fire dragons with teeth and claws formed a fiery red light mask to protect Sujili, and between walking, they interpreted countless fire mysteries, falling heavy immortal light, forming layers of defense.

The Hengyu furnace hung three feet above the head, and between rotations, it released endless brilliant fairy light, and endless real fire rushed out of the furnace, forming a vast sea of fire, directly thundering.


The thunder became more and more terrifying, thousands of thunder snakes with thick millstones rushed down from the thunderclouds, fierce and terrifying, each of them was imposing, with the power of Xuan Immortals, rushing into the sea of fire.

A small part of the Razer was swallowed by the sea of fire, most of the Razer successfully broke through, and all the Razer was swallowed between the rotation of the Hengyu furnace, refined and absorbed, turned into pure energy and fell, and was absorbed and refined by Sujili, and the breath on the body was stronger.

There are vague signs of breaking the limit of Xuan Immortal and impacting the Golden Immortal.

Time passed slowly, above the firmament, black clouds pressed the city, coercion and breath were even more terrifying, as if destroying the sky and the earth, making all kinds of spirit birds and beasts on Fire Dragon Island tremble, not daring to make a sound, and there seemed to be only the collision sound of thunder and spirit treasure between heaven and earth.

After more than thirty thunders, Su Jili waved his sleeves and collected two spirit treasures, and the Hengyu furnace and the fire cover had reached the limit, and he couldn’t bear the next thunder, and he didn’t hesitate to sacrifice the formation map.

As the formation slowly unfolds, the endless smoke and fireworks pervade, like the lights of Kyushu, interpreting a scene in the world.

Above the fields, cooking smoke; In the palace, the fragrance is overflowing, and the hazy fireworks are full of red dust, human feelings, and a different kind of bittersweet and bittersweet, sorrow and joy.

A simple stone lamp appeared in the center of the array, the fire illuminated the world, thousands of stoves burned, bright and transparent, and a faint humane breath came to the face.

The stove lamp connected to Sujili’s mind was placed in the center of the array map and became the object of the array, and the two had the same root and origin, and as the lotus bloomed above the stove lamp, the entire pyrotechnic array moved abruptly, and the power multiplied.



The thunder fell again and again one after another.

Every thunder falling into the large array is like a mud cow entering the sea, disappearing, only the constantly extinguished stove fire and the constantly flowing pyrotechnic gas, telling the horror and horror of thunder.

After more than a dozen thunders, the fireworks were shaky.

Sujili was unhurried, calmly and calmly showing the next steps that had been prepared for a long time.

Many meritorious spirit treasures appeared, surrounding him, forming a merit shield to protect himself.

At the same time, Su Jili’s body bloomed with a brilliant and mysterious golden light of merit.

These meritorious lingbao are all his past gains, mysterious and endless, integrated attack and defense, as he wishes, although because of the ordinary material, even if he is promoted to merit lingbao, the power is limited, but each piece has the power of the heavenly quality lingbao.

What is even more rare is that these are kitchen road lingbao, which complement each other and combine to be comparable to the ultimate lingbao of the day after tomorrow.

Under the control of Sujili, these meritorious spirit treasures were integrated into the fireworks array, sitting in all directions, blessing the large array, up and down ten directions, yin and yang.

As a result, the power of the fireworks array soared, and a large amount of pyrotechnic gas was integrated with the golden light of merit, covering tens of thousands of miles of the sky, and the hazy scene interpreted in the fireworks was a little more real.

Inside the Divine Fire Palace, looking at this large array, Luo Xuan was pleasantly surprised.

He didn’t expect that his own apprentice would create such a large array, although there were many deficiencies, but his cultivation time was still shallow, and his cultivation was low, and it was already rare to create such a large array.

Coupled with the blessings of many meritorious spiritual treasures, even if the Golden Immortal breaks into the formation without authorization, it will not be good, and once careless, it is very likely to fall.

Seeing this big array, Luo Xuan put down half of the big stone in his heart, knowing that Sujili’s thunder disaster was stable.

As for whether he can successfully survive the other two calamities, it depends on the luck of this apprentice.

Sure enough!

With the blessings of many meritorious spirit treasures, the fireworks array is solid and unbreakable.

Even the last thunder that made Sujili change color failed to completely shatter the fireworks array.

With the endless creation light falling, he was thrilled and successfully survived the thunder disaster.

At the same time, Su Jili’s mana in his body was surging, inspiration was surging in his brain, his understanding and perception of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth was soaring wildly, and the Dao was also advancing by leaps and bounds.

Unfortunately, he did not completely survive the three calamities, the improvement of Dao practice is limited, and he is still one line away from the Golden Immortal, at most it is a half-step Golden Immortal, but the mana has successfully transformed to the Golden Immortal level under the creation Xuanguang.

Sugili was not surprised by this.

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