Vesta Heavenly Palace.

After a hearty meal, Bian Zhuang was satisfied, patted his stomach, and slumped on the chair.

A moment later, he suddenly remembered something, leaned into Sujili’s ear, lowered his voice, and said mysteriously.

“Brother Su, I’m afraid something big is going to happen in the Heavenly Court.”

Putting down the wine glass, Sujili’s eyebrows raised lightly, revealing a look of willingness to hear it.

Seeing that his friend was interested, Bian Zhuang immediately said with interest.

“Yunhua Fairy stole from the mortal world.”

“Make a private agreement with a mortal for life, marry and have children.”

“Not long ago, when I was visiting and tasting human food, I passed by the mouth of the Guanjiang River and accidentally discovered this matter.”

“Not long after the promulgation of the Heavenly Article, Yunhua Fairy, as the sister of the Heavenly Emperor, committed crimes against the wind, I am afraid that there will be a good show to watch.”

Sugili suddenly realized.

Yunhua Fairy was not surprised by everything.

In the memory of the previous life, this was the mother of Yang Jian, the god of Erlang, and it was only a matter of time before he privately matched mortals.

As for Yang Jian joining the Three Sects thousands of years later than them, Su Jili was even less surprised.

In the future God Sealing Tribulation, the Fire Spirit Virgin and Yang Jian were the first person of the three generations of the Truncated Sect and the first person of the three generations of the Interpretation Sect respectively, however, the Fire Spirit Virgin pressed Yang Jian, Nezha and Lei Zhenzi to fight, and in just one round they were unable to parry, in addition to the assistance of the innate Spirit Treasure Golden Xia Crown, but also because the Fire Spirit Virgin was thousands of years older than Yang Jian, and practiced for a long time, whether it was cultivation or mana, it was far better than him.

It even took Guang Chengzi to personally take the sweeping clothes to kill the Fire Spirit Virgin.

Although he sympathizes with the upcoming tragic experience of Yunhua Fairy, Su Jili does not have the slightest idea of saving or reporting information, he and Yunhua Fairy are not related, do not care about themselves, hang high, this is the way to survive.

Moreover, the existence of the Heavenly Rule must have a reason, otherwise, it will not be recognized by the Heavenly Dao.

That’s it.

The immortals of the Heavenly Court have their own responsibilities, shoulder heavy responsibilities, and involve the whole body, and they really cannot match mortals privately.

Once emotional, it is very likely to become a love brain that only cares about the love of children and daughters, and it is more likely to cause disaster.

Especially after giving birth to offspring, the special existence of the half-human and half-god bloodline has great potential, and once it goes wrong, it will cause endless harm.

In particular, once the combination of immortals and immortals spreads, it will inevitably lead to floods and chaos, so it is necessary to kill a hundred people and put an end to future troubles.

Thinking of this, Sujili spoke.

“I haven’t seen it for a long time, tomorrow I will personally cook and prepare good wine and food, you and I and the two brothers of Shen Yulei will definitely have a good life together, not drunk or returning.”

“As for other things, what do you have to do with me?”

Bian Zhuang seems to have a thick face, but in fact, he is thoughtful, and naturally hears the meaning of Su Jili’s words.

He immediately chimed in.


“I haven’t seen it for many years, I must get drunk!”

Drunk good!

If you are drunk, it is impossible to go down to capture Yunhua Fairy.

Although he knew that the Heavenly Emperor was very likely to leave this kind of thing to his henchmen, he was not afraid of ten thousand.

In case there was a deeper calculation inside, after the East Window incident, the Heavenly Emperor would not suffer if he took a fancy to what their saintly descendants did.

After sending Bian Zhuang away, looking at the wine glass in his hand, Su Jili’s mind surged with thoughts.

Although he did not intend to save Yunhua Fairy, it did not mean that he did not intervene in this matter.

Yang Jian and Yang Chan were born with the Interpretation Sect and Nuwa Niangniang, and they couldn’t force it.

Yang Tianyou privately matched Yunhua Fairy, and the Heavenly Emperor would definitely kill him.

Only Yang Jiao can plan one or two.

If he can worship the Intercept Sect, it will be very interesting to fight against the gods in the future, and the brothers will face each other.

Thinking of this, Su Jili sent a transmission to Master Luo Xuan.

As for whether Yang Jiao can escape the calamity of death and survive, and whether he can worship under which elder of the Jiao Sect is under it, it depends on his creation.

What should have been done has been done!

Next, just drink and watch the play.



After Sugili completed her daily practice, she cooked herself.

Today, the way of the spiritual chef has become small.

He was already able to make spiritual food that would be of great benefit to the Golden Immortal Capital.

After waiting for the fairy to prepare the ingredients, Sujili not only made some side dishes, but also made two hard dishes.

A dish made of Xuanxian pheasant pheasant, with Wannian Spirit Mushroom and Wan Zai bamboo shoots, made a mountain mushroom stewed chicken, containing creation, mysterious effects, can refine the magic power of the Golden Immortal, and nourish the Golden Immortal Yuan God.

The other is mainly based on the black water Xuan snake that fell in his hand, with thousand-year-old fungus, Wan Zai old ginger and tangerine peel and spirit wine, etc., boiled in the innate Lingbao heaven and earth pot, which can not only nourish the five internal organs of the Golden Immortal, nourish the yuan and replenish blood, invigorate qi and calm the spirit, but also strengthen the Golden Immortal Law Body and strengthen the bones.

These two main dishes are smooth in the mouth, rich in shiitake mushrooms, and the taste is indescribable, and when they fall into the abdomen, they turn into a warm current, flowing through the limbs and hundreds of remains, and there is a feeling of washing away the lead.

Even if Sujili only tasted a bite when cooking, he couldn’t help but move his fingers.

As for the Black Water Xuan Snake Skin, it was put away by him and prepared to be refined into a Houtian Spirit Treasure in the future and given to Yi Yin.

He worked hard for cooking and deserved some reward.

The appointed hour approached, and the three rays of light arrived together.

As soon as Bian Zhuang, Shen Dao, and Yu Lei arrived outside the Vesta God Heavenly Palace, they smelled a refreshing fragrance, which made them can’t help but talk and be hungry.

“I have never heard of such an aroma.”

“The taste is different from the innate spirit fruit, but it is just as captivating.”

“It seems that Su Daoyou has prepared a lot of good things this time!”

Shen Xuan couldn’t help but laugh.

Bian Zhuang swallowed his saliva desperately, and after agreeing with this, he immediately took the lead and entered the Vesta Heavenly Palace.

Seeing the table full of delicacies, especially the two hard dishes, Bian Zhuang’s eyes suddenly turned his eyes, even the gods who had never been hungry were bright.

“Golden fairy snake soup!”

Although the Xuanxian pheasant is not bad, Sujili is already a golden immortal, and he is a five-rank Vesta God, naturally qualified to enjoy it, and the Heavenly Court will definitely provide it.

However, only Taiyi Jinxian grade ingredients are eligible to be enjoyed.

If the Heavenly Court Golden Immortal wants to enjoy it, he must either make great achievements or fight with his own hands.

The Heavenly Emperor had no reward, otherwise, they would not have gone unheard.

In other words, this golden fairy snake soup is an ingredient provided by Sujili himself.

In other words, it is highly likely that a Golden Immortal will fall into his hands.

After knowing that the snake in the soup was a black water xuan snake, Bian Zhuang was fine, but Shen Yulei was particularly surprised.

The Black Water Xuan Snake is a great clan with a long tradition of the Flood Wilderness, and its magical power is not weak among its peers, and Su Jili has achieved the Golden Immortal for less than a thousand years, and actually killed a Golden Immortal Xuan Snake.

This made the brothers pay more attention to Sujili and a little more awe of the saints.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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