Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

In the room of pushing the cup and changing the lamp, Bian Zhuang, Shen Dao, and Yu Lei all ate a mouthful of oil, and in the end, they were even more vying for it.

Seeing that the Shenxian Yulei brothers joined forces, Su Jili watched from the wall, Bian Zhuang was anxious, and directly spat at the Golden Immortal Snake Soup.


The picture seems to be still.

Shen Yulei froze directly, his cheeks twitched slightly, and his expression was stunned.

They could not have imagined that Bian Zhuang would be so faceless for the sake of a bite to eat.

What about the majesty of your Heavenly Court Fourth Grade Zhenshui General?

What about the arrogance of the first three generations of disciples you taught?

In the end, the Shen Yulei brothers were defeated, and it was difficult to say a word when they looked at Bian Zhuang, while the latter looked indifferent, picked up the remaining snake soup, and tasted it comfortably.

Sujili, who witnessed the whole process, had an equally subtle expression on his face, and this scene gave him a strange sense of familiarity, as if he dreamed back to his previous life and saw those sand sculpture friends, for which he had only one word: absolutely!

Looking at the god Yu Lei, who had a strange expression and quietly moved the distance from his seat, Su Jili sighed, knowing that the two brothers might not be able to look directly at Bian Zhuang in a short time.

Looking at Bian Zhuang, who was immersed in the food, Su Jili was in a complicated mood, and he wondered how the Great Master Xuandu would react if he saw the scene just now?

Shouyang Mountain, Bajing Palace.

What Su Jili didn’t know was that the Grand Master Xuandu, whom he was worried about, was seeing what Bian Zhuang had done clearly through a water mirror.

In this regard, the second generation of the first disciple of the Human Sect and the only personal disciple of the Taiqing Saint had a depressed expression and a helpless expression.

He calculated that his apprentice would cross the Golden Immortal Tribulation within a hundred years, and if he wanted to know the latter’s recent situation, he cast a round light technique to check, but unexpectedly, he found that he was eating and drinking, and his life was very relaxed.

I didn’t expect to see such a wonderful scene.

Although he had long known that his apprentice released his nature after practicing the Xiaoyao Dao, his behavior sometimes became out of tune, and even a little strange, but when things happened, the calm Xuandu Great Master Heart Lake still rippled, and was truly showed, refreshing his understanding of Bian Zhuang again.

Originally, he sent this evil barrier to the Heavenly Court to experience him and change his lazy nature, but he couldn’t imagine that he was perfected, like a wild horse out of control, and completely let himself go.

This unrestrained, uninhibited mentality is good, and it has a bit of goodness like water, which will be very helpful in practice, but this behavior is too self-conscious.

Archmage Xuandu was helpless, crying and laughing, not knowing whether to be happy or sad.

At this time, a clear light fell.

The Taiqing Saint quietly appeared, and there was a pure and inactive aura around him.

He first looked at the picture in the mirror and then laughed at the Grand Master Xuandu.

“Why can’t you bear it?”

“Do you want to send the people back to you for the sake of the Heavenly Emperor?”

Seeing that Grand Master Xuandu’s expression was stunned, the Taiqing Sage smiled and continued.

“When I sent that kid to the Heavenly Court, it was not only for experience, but also because it was calculated that his hope of future enlightenment fell on Su Jili.”

“Since they have a cause, let them do what they do, let it be, and do not do it.”

“Everything along the way is a scenery, and when the time comes, it will come naturally.”

“What’s more, this Bian Zhuang kid is very comfortable looking at this Bian Zhuang kid for the master!”

“The heart is unrestrained, but the Word comes naturally.”


The Taiqing sage changed his voice.

“If there is a chance, the old way will definitely taste the craft of teaching this kid.”

Then, he glanced at Archmage Xuandu, full of reminiscences.

“Apprentice, Master Wei hasn’t eaten the food you made for many years.”

“Since that’s the end of it, you can cook and cook it yourself.”

“Let the teacher also see if your craft has regressed.”

Archmage Xuandu was also caught up in memories.

At that time, Taiqing had a premonition that his sanctification opportunity fell on the Terrans, and he walked for ten thousand years to check it out.

It took another thousand years to wander the Terran tribes.

During this period, the young Xuandu relied on a meal and the heart of a child, and won the favor of the old man who turned into a mundane old man at that time.

For the next nine years, he followed Taiqing on the road, cooking meals for him, even if it was simply roasted wild fruits, and both the old and the young ate with relish.

With his thoughts back, Grand Master Xuandu got up and went to prepare.

As for the appearance of the Taiqing saint, which was completely different from the rumors from the outside world, he had long been accustomed to it.

Although externally, the Taiqing saint does not take pleasure in things, does not feel sorry for himself, and is calm and calm, in front of close people, he occasionally reveals his true temperament.

Tai Shang is not ruthless, let alone cut off love.

Too high to forget, the lowest is not love, the place of love, is in my generation.

Only when you are in love to the extreme can you forget your feelings.

Goodness is like water, and returning to the basics, that is, not doing, that is, the Tao.


Vesta Heavenly Palace.

Sujili knew nothing about the events in the Bajing Palace.

After drinking and eating, he sent away Bian Zhuang, Shen Dao, and Yu Lei, and Sujili soon fell drunk.

The Heavenly Court Qiongye Jade Liquid is made of exquisite materials, using heavenly materials and earth treasures as materials, and the year is based on 10,000 years, and a hearty banquet is enough to make immortals drunk for several days.

What’s more, the wine Sujili drank was extraordinary, it was a good wine that had been treasured by the gods for 100,000 years, with the innate spirit fruit as the king, supplemented by other spirit fruits, which was enough to make the golden immortals get drunk and sleep for seven days.

One day in heaven and one year on earth.

Seven days passed in a flash.

Stove Fire Heavenly Palace, when Su Jili woke up, he immediately ordered the immortal attendants to go to find out the news, Yunhua fairy privately matched with mortals, this is a big event in the Heavenly Court, and it has long been a stir.

When the immortal attendant returned, Sujili soon learned the outcome of the matter.

A day ago (Heavenly Court), Yunhua Fairy was brought back by the Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General led by the Giant Spirit God General, and after breaking up with the Heavenly Emperor, she was pressed under Peach Mountain and could not be born for 100,000 years.

If after 100,000 years, Yunhua Fairy still does not repent, coveting mortal love, it will continue to be postponed, and detained for another 100,000 years, when will he truly repent and when he will be released.

And Yang Tianyou died under the guns of the heavenly soldiers.

As for the three evil obstacles bred by mortals and Yunhua fairies, they were rescued by unknown existences, disappeared, became important criminals in the Heavenly Court, and were wanted by the whole flood waste.

Hearing this news, Su Jili was quiet on the surface, but after the immortal attendant left, the corners of his mouth rose and he laughed silently.

Yang Jiao did not die, but disappeared.

This shows that he has a plan!

This kid has been rescued by the senior of the Intercept Sect.

As for who to invest in, since they are brothers of the same disciple, they will come out in the future, and there is no need to rush for a while.

In the meantime, Sujili can also retreat for a while.

As for Yang Jian’s three siblings, it will take at least a thousand years to grow.

In the meantime, the plan can wait for him to leave the customs before calculating.


PS: Thank you for the big 588 point tip.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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