Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

Sujili did not immediately retreat, but first arranged the affairs of the palace.

For example, the introduction and arrangement of the Ascension Chef Immortal, the development and growth of the Chef God Dao vein, the collection and promotion of Vesta incense, etc.

Another example is that he placed the stove lamp in the center of the Heavenly Palace of the Vesta God, and since the establishment of the Chef God Dao Vein, this treasure has been able to absorb the fireworks between heaven and earth by virtue of its subtle connection with the Kitchen Dao, although the speed is slow, but it accumulates over time, and it should not be underestimated.

When the affairs were temporarily arranged, he retreated.

In the quiet room, Sujili sits on a futon, without distractions, concentrating on the retreat.

The effect of the 100,000-year spirit wine treasured by the Divine Barrier was extraordinary, and a large amount of energy was stored in his body, so Su Jili first cleared his mind and concentrated on refining these energies and enhancing his own mana.

Then, he flipped his palm, took out the immortal fire given by the Flintstones, refined it without distraction, and understood the true meaning of the Great Avenue of Fire.

Secondly, there is the spirit treasure left after the death of the black water Xuan Snake, the black jade glass bottle is called the Xuanjing treasure bottle, which has been refined by the black water Xuan Snake for tens of thousands of years, it is obtained from the treasure house of its clan, it is a heavenly spirit treasure, which can release endless Xuanyin cold water and destroy most of the flames in the world.

On that day, the Black Water Xuan Snake relied on this treasure to face Su Jili, who was full of firepower, and insisted on persevering in the sea of monstrous fire for several days, otherwise, he would have fallen under the fireworks array blessed by the three fire spirit treasures of Hengyu furnace, fire hood and stove lamp.

Your family knows what you are doing.

Although Su Jili has a slight success in the practice of the Avenue of Fire, everything must always be prepared, water and fire are combined, in case of encountering a strong enemy one day, a fire system Dao method can not do anything, starting from the water system may be able to gain something.

In view of this, he decided to refine the Xuanjing Treasure Bottle.

Even if there is no such possibility in the future, Xuanyin cold water can also be used as an ice cellar, suitable for making some iced delicacies.

As for the pair of spirit snake swords, although they are acquired spirit treasures, they are unparalleled in edge and powerful, but Su Jili is not accustomed to using swords, and feels that all kinds of kitchen utensils are more convenient, and does not plan to refine this treasure, temporarily as his own collection, and can meet the right person and give it again.


Tempus fugit.

Five hundred years later (five hundred days in the Heavenly Court), Sujili was released.

This retreat, he gained a lot.

Not only did he successfully refine the Xuanjing treasure bottle, absorb the energy of spirit wine, and with the assistance of other heavenly materials and earth treasures, his mana successfully climbed to the peak of the early Golden Immortal, but also initially controlled the immortal fire, understood some of the truths, and refined his Dao practice again, reaching the peak of the middle Golden Immortal, and his combat power increased greatly.

If he encountered another Golden Immortal who was almost the same as the strength of the Black Water Xuan Snake, it would not take a few days, with the help of the immortal fire, Su Jili could kill him in at most an hour.

After collecting his mood, Sujili quickly found the priest in charge of the affairs of the Vesta Heavenly Palace and learned about all the things that happened during his retreat.

Bian Zhuang has successfully survived the three plagues and achieved the Golden Immortal, and is now in retreat.

The three brothers and sisters Yang Jiao, Yang Jian and Yang Chan have not been arrested so far.

The Heavenly Court newly recruited an ancient immortal god, who has been in the Taiyi Golden Immortal for countless years, and soon after joining the Heavenly Court, he successfully crossed the calamity and became the Great Luo Golden Immortal, jumping out of the river of fate since then, the past, present, and future are the only one, and they are at ease.

This newly promoted Da Luo was personally bestowed the position of three-rank immortal by the Heavenly Emperor, enjoying immeasurable purity, and was named Barefoot Great Immortal.

Vesta Heavenly Palace has also changed a lot over the years.

In just five hundred years, nine Chef Immortals have been added.

Sugili was not surprised by this.

In the past, the practice method of the Kitchen Dao was not systematic, it could not be regarded as the method of immortality, and he was restricted to spreading it near Qingyang Mountain, and after a thousand years, it was already quite good to be able to accumulate seven Chef Immortals.

Today, the method of spiritual cooking has been able to cultivate to the Golden Immortal, and he has initially possessed the qualifications to preach the flood and famine, and a few geniuses can always be born under the huge base.

Sugili received them, and one of the chefs got his green eyes.

This is a female chef fairy, and she is an alien immortal.

The body is a golden bell neem tree that has been transformed thousands of years ago, and her flowers are fragrant and bitter, whether it is bark, branches, leaves, and fruits, they are extremely bitter.

Five hundred years ago, when Su Jili was preaching at Qingyang Mountain, she went to listen to the sermon and found that she had a good talent in cooking Dao, and she was twice as effective in cultivating with half the effort, so she switched to Kitchen Dao, which lasted 500 years and successfully crossed the calamity and became an immortal.

Because it is not easy to know that scattered immortals, especially her kind of heaven and earth spiritual root, it is coveted by other living beings, and the neem tree specially came over, wanting to join the Vesta God Heavenly Palace and get shelter.

Sugili is happy to see this.

He originally intended to canonize the five flavors of the gods, and had already obtained two spirit trees, sweet and sour, although the grade was not high, but finally entered the list of spirit roots, and now, the spirit root representing suffering came to the door, Su Jili naturally would not refuse, generously accepted, and canonized him as a god king.

After canonizing the other Chef Immortals, Su Jili sat alone in the dormitory, digesting the news of the Heavenly Court, and finally focused his attention on the barefoot immortal.

Thinking about it carefully, this great immortal had a lot in common with Master Luo Xuan.

are all in the peak realm of the Taiyi Golden Immortal to polish the existence of endless years, the accumulation is deep, the foundation is rich, but the luck is not good, this is never able to step into the threshold of the Daluo Golden Immortal.

Their existence is not actually not a lack of accumulation, but a lack of opportunity, more precisely, an opportunity.

Barefoot Great Immortal can achieve Da Luo Golden Immortal, is to get the Heavenly Court Qi Luck, this is like a staircase only an inch away from the roof, Heavenly Court Qi Luck is the last stepping stone, successfully shortened the distance, become the key to the Barefoot Great Immortal to the top.

In Su Jili’s eyes, Master Luo Xuan was only one opportunity away from Da Luo Jinxian.

Although the luck of the sect is huge, it is flashy, and the gold and jade are among the external failures, which is not only because the great sect does not have the innate spiritual treasure that is good at suppressing qi luck, but also because the good and bad of the intercept sect are uneven, and some immortals do wrongdoing, have deep karma, and corrupt the luck of the great religion.

What’s more, the Intercept Sect Wolf has a lot of meat and less meat, although the luck is huge, but tens of thousands of immortals can divide it down, how many can there be?

Su Jili had long had the idea of letting Master Luo Xuan join the Heavenly Court, not only because Master Luo Xuan was only a disciple of the outer sect and could get limited luck, but also because even if the Heavenly Court was not worthy of its name, it was still a flood and wilderness orthodoxy on the surface, and the luck was strong, but there were not many strong people who could get their hands on it.

If Master Luo Xuan defected to the Heavenly Court, with his cultivation and the status of the second generation of disciples of the Truncated Sect, he would definitely get the fourth-grade immortal position, but because the Heavenly Court did not have too many strong people for the time being, the luck obtained by him may exceed the immortal position itself, at that time, the luck of the Heavenly Court Qi was added, plus the luck of the Intercept Sect, Master Luo Xuan’s promotion to the Great Luo Golden Immortal Dao Qi Luck was no longer worried.

At that time, plan another innate spirit treasure to suppress qi luck, and this aspect will be stable.

As for Master Luo Xuan’s past karma, this matter is not worried.

Now that the Great War of Sealing Gods has not yet begun, he has not committed the evil act of burning Xiqi City, although he has also killed innocents, but because of his general relationship with the Spirit Tooth Immortal and others, he has not been too involved with them, so although he has a lot of karma on his body, it is not to the point of being heinous.

As long as you do a few more merits or kill some people with profound karma, you can always alleviate and reduce the obstacles to achieving the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Besides, Sugili had another thought in mind.

After the Great War of Sealing Gods, Master Luo Xuan will be named Fire De Xingjun and become one of the eight main gods of the Heavenly Court, and after the Feng Shen, the saint retreats, and the Heavenly Court becomes a veritable Flood Barren Orthodoxy, and the sect game will be concentrated in the Heavenly Court.

Since the destination is all in the Heavenly Court, why bother to turn to the god as soon as possible, and seal the god in the flesh, not only can you get more benefits, but also lose the path in the future, and the Yuan God will not be controlled by the god list.

With this in mind, Sugili quickly left the Heavenly Court.


PS: Thank you to the Devil Lord for the big 100 point reward.

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