A fiery red light fell on Yuntai Mountain.

Su Jili did not return to Fire Dragon Island immediately, but first turned to the dojo, put down the neem tree fairy, let it temporarily take care of the dojo, and instructed the red jade sour jujube tree and purple jade sugar cane to practice, both spiritual roots, and used the cultivation of the cooking path, they should have a common language between them.

He didn’t stay long in Yuntai Mountain before he left.

East China Sea.

The blue waves are rippling, and the sky is clear.

On Fire Dragon Island, Luo Xuan, who was in retreat, suddenly moved his eyebrows slightly, opened his eyes, and looked into the distance.

As far as the eye can see, a light descends on the island from far and near.

After the light dissipated, a red-clothed figure came into view.

With a slender body, handsome facial features and a dusty temperament, it is Sujili.

As soon as it landed on Fire Dragon Island, a red streamer burst out, and it was the Calamity.

Today, this fire divine beast has grown to the late stage of true immortals, with its first appearance, its hair is fiery red, and its forehead, tail and four hooves are burning with flames, majestic and domineering.

Looking at the calamity in front of him, Sujili smiled at the corner of his mouth, teased and fed it for a short time, and then rode it towards the highest peak.

Inside the Divine Fire Palace, above the gimbal.

Looking at the peerless apprentice, Luo Xuan smiled, his face full of pride and gratification.

“In just a few thousand years, you have grown from a mortal cultivator to a golden immortal, Su Jili, you really did not disappoint the teacher.”

“The apprentices can have today, they cannot do without the careful teaching and full help of the master, and they will definitely concentrate on cultivation in the future and enter the Taiyi as soon as possible.”

“The subtlety of the Tao is like life; The cultivation of life is like oneness, you can have this heart, collect your heart and perseverance, and calm your spirit, which is very comforting for the teacher. ”

The more the practitioner went to the back, the more he paid attention to his mind, and the most important thing was not to be proud and complacent, seeing that Su Jili was still correct and sober, Luo Xuan was quite satisfied.

After some encouragement, he asked.

“You have only been out for a thousand years, and I am afraid that this time you are not just coming back to visit your teacher.”

“What the hell is going on, you can tell me.”

For his own master, Sujili will not hide it, and straightforwardly stated his purpose.

“The apprentice came here to persuade Master to join the heavens.”

Seeing Luo Xuan’s surprised face, she was not in a hurry and explained.

“The Heavenly Court is the orthodoxy of the Flood Barrens, even if it has a false name now, it can finally occupy the name, get the favor of the Heavenly Dao, and have strong luck.”

“Although the Intercept Sect has good luck, there are many strong people, and the luck that can be divided is limited, plus there are some bullies, which discredit the reputation, and the luck passes, and the master is a disciple of the outer sect of the Intercept Sect, and the luck that can be shared is limited.”

“If Master can enter the heavens…”

Su Jili not only said his own plan, but also deliberately took the barefoot immortal as an example, after some persuasion, seeing Master Luo Xuan lower his head and pondering, some heartbeat and some hesitation, Su Jili struck while the iron was hot and spoke again.

“If Master can’t let go of his son, for fear of being ridiculed by other elders, in fact, there is no need to worry about this matter.”

“Since ancient times, the last laugh is the winner.”

“If the master can become a Daluo Golden Immortal after the Heavenly Court Qi Luck Increase, the other elders will naturally shut up and dare not talk nonsense in front of the master, and even prepare a generous gift to make amends.”

“In the final analysis, the strong are honored.”

“If it is beneficial to the path, whether it is the heavenly court or the netherworld, you can go.”

“Face is an external object, only the avenue is the most real.”

“What’s more, those who sincerely befriend Master will not ridicule you because you have turned to the Heavenly Court, and those who do not deal with the Master, even if the Master does not turn to the Heavenly Court, they will also be slandered.”

“If that’s the case, why care what others think.”

“If Master is undecided, you may as well ask Master.”

The words fell.

Luo Xuan’s heart warmed, and he couldn’t help laughing.

“Boy, the truth is a teacher who knows more than you.”

“What you just said, I naturally know.”

“There are many disciples of the Sect, and it is impossible for them all to get along well.”

“The words of those same sects have not been taken to heart for the sake of the teacher, and naturally they will not be in the future.”

“I’m just thinking about how to persuade those friends who are the same disciples if this plan is really useful.”

“What’s more, the second generation of disciples is different from the third generation, if you enter the heavens, you really need to communicate with your master.”

“However, your intentions have been written down for the master.”

Receiving Luo Xuan’s answer, Su Jili breathed a sigh of relief, as for how to seek merit, he still needed to think about it.

Everything waited for Master Luo Xuan to enter the heavens and then make arrangements.


Fire Dragon Island, Divine Fire Palace.

After not seeing each other for many years, the master and apprentice talked a lot about things.

During this period, Sujili learned where Yang Jiao went.

This eldest son of the Yunhua Immortal had already entered Zhao Gongming’s door and became his first disciple, and because of the mixed blood of man and god and his extraordinary qualifications, he had practiced to the late stage of Heavenly Immortal in just five hundred years.

The apprentice competed, Zhao Gongming naturally thanked Luo Xuan, and when he visited the East China Sea not long ago, he specially turned to Fire Dragon Island and sent a rich thank you gift, not only many heavenly materials and earth treasures, but also a Houtian Spirit Root and a top-grade Houtian Lingbao.

Sanxiao and Zhao Gongming have always had a deep relationship, advancing and retreating together, they also sent a thank you gift, although not as good as Zhao Gongming’s, but as a Da Luo Golden Immortal, they are still disciples loved by the Tongtian Sect Lord, they have a rich net worth, and their shots are naturally extraordinary.

In addition to many heavenly materials and earth treasures and two Houtian Spirit Treasures, there is also a Houtian Spirit Root.

Ling Luo Xuan’s apprentice really made a profit.

And when Su Jili left the Divine Fire Palace, in addition to getting some of the Heavenly Materials and Earth Treasures, he also got the ultimate Houtian Spirit Treasure.

As for the spirit root, he did not choose the Heavenly Spirit Root, not only because of this Spirit Root, Master Luo Xuan had other uses, but also because Su Jili valued another Heavenly Spirit Root more.

Spirit Fire Palace.

Sugili did not immediately retreat.

Not long after he came out of the Heavenly Court, he understood the principle of combining work and rest, and understanding that such a practice would be twice as effective with half the effort.

Therefore, he has been cultivating on Fire Dragon Island for several years, in addition to enjoying the scenery, he personally cooks, honors Master Luo Xuan, and occasionally feeds Calamity and Red Flame Horse.

After a period of leisure, he retreated again.


White Cloud Dog.

A hundred years is a flash.

Fire Dragon Island, Spirit Fire Palace.

The door of the temple opened, and a fiery red figure stepped out.

Dressed in red, brilliant as fire, only a little cyan on the waist adds a little embellishment, which is also particularly eye-catching.

This bit of cyan is a gourd, and it is also the ultimate spiritual treasure that Su Jili refined in this retreat: Xunfeng treasure gourd.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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