The world is bustling, all for profit; The world is crowded, all for the good.

After receiving the transmission, the Jiao Jiao Immortal immediately moved.

The friends who have intersected with Luo Xuan for endless years are naturally righteous, and immediately agreed, not to mention, there is still merit to take, Luo Xuan has good things willing to think of them, these friends are obliged.

The Four Saints of Nine Dragon Island, the Plague God Lu Yue, Liu Huan, Wu Yunxian, and others all moved.

At the same time, after Zhao Gongming and the Duo Bao Daoist received the transmission, they were shocked, but they also did not dare to slacken, and immediately began to select suitable peers.

People are close and distant, and the Jiao Immortal is no exception.

Although they were very similar to sending all the same people who had a good relationship with them, due to Luo Xuan’s request, they had to eliminate unsuitable friends.

After all, it was Luo Xuan who took the lead in this matter, and they had to give him this face.

Not to mention, Zhao Gongming’s nature is already jealous as hatred, bold and free, quite fair, otherwise, he would not be designated by the Tongtian Sect Lord as a big disciple of the outer sect, in charge of the precepts, and because of Luo Xuan, he accepted a good disciple, plus this matter is beneficial to the Sect, he is even more distracted.

And as the first disciple of the second generation of the Intercept Sect, the Duo Bao Dao people also have a big pattern, and they will not lose the big because of the small, and they will soon select good candidates, personally lead the team, and go to the starry sky.


Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

After receiving Zhao Gongming’s transmission, Su Jili converged with Luo Xuan, and the master and apprentice followed the immortals of the Heavenly Court to the starry sky.

The starry sky is vast and magnificent.

The endless stars shimmer and shine.

In particular, the Supreme Star, the Sun and the Taiyin are the most dazzling.

This is followed by 365 primary stars and more than 14,600 auxiliary stars, and finally other stars.

Each star is extremely vast, and even the smallest one is the size of a thousand worlds.

They move, arrange, combine and change along the mysterious trajectory, forming scenes such as nebulae, star vortexes, and starry rivers, interpreting the mysteries of the heavenly path and the truth of the universe.

Not long after the arrival of the immortals of the Heavenly Court, the immortals of the Sect of Interception also came.

Zhao Gongming, Sanxiao, Golden Spirit Virgin, Turtle Spirit Virgin, Wudang Virgin, Shiji, Wuyunxian and other Daluo Golden Immortals arrived.

“Duo Bao led the junior disciples of the Sect to see the Great Heavenly Venerable.”

“It is my Heavenly Court’s honor that many immortals are willing to help.”

After some greetings and pleasantries, according to the pre-defined range, all the immortals moved in unison and began to comb the starry sky of the Hong Barren Waste.

The Heavenly Emperor is responsible for the Zhongyao Starry Sky, the Queen Mother is responsible for the Western Starry Sky, the Heavenly Court Daluo Golden Immortal is responsible for the northern starry sky together with the Jijiao Daluo Golden Immortal, the Heavenly Court Taiyi Golden Immortal and the Golden Immortal are responsible for the southern starry sky, and the Intercept Sect Immortals are responsible for the eastern starry sky.

All the immortals did not dare to slacken, each performed their own duties, divided the labor and cooperated, and the starry sky was sorted out in an orderly manner.


Hong Barren Starry Sky.

Sugili is also busy.

He has refined the Stove Avenue and the method of creating a spirit cook, and knows the mysteries of creation better than the golden immortals of the same rank, and even because he has been studying how to integrate the best ingredients and how to cook the best for many years, he has entered the hall on the way of creation.

Therefore, when combing through the stars, he was more handy than other golden immortals, and he did more with less.

Even the Sect Accumulation Year Golden Immortal was not comparable to him, only the Taiyi Golden Immortal could crush him, and Su Jili also collected some Star God Stones and other heavenly materials and earth treasures unique to the starry sky on each star when combing through the stars.

This is the tacit rule and invisible welfare of the immortals when combing the starry sky, as long as it is not excessive, the Heavenly Emperor and the Queen Mother will turn a blind eye, after all, there is meat hanging in front, and the immortals will work hard to comb the starry sky.

Of course!

If an immortal has to step in and cross the bottom line, the Heavenly Emperor and the Queen Mother will not be polite, the Heavenly Court Immortal will be directly disposed of according to the Heavenly Rule, and the Intercept Immortal will be handed over to Duobao and Zhao Gongming.

Fortunately, combing the Hong Barren Starry Sky is very important, whether it is the Heavenly Court Immortals or the Intercept Sect Immortals, they are carefully selected, and very few immortals will be carried away by the fly head Xiaoli.

This time combing the starry sky, Sujili has been preparing for a hundred years, in addition to combing the starry sky, he is also using his heart to understand the changes of the stars, so as to realize the Tao, even if the gain is small, it can accumulate into a lot, and it is rare to improve a trace of Dao.

In addition, he will also collect the origin of some tiny stars, although there is only a trace, but the number is large, and it is also not to be underestimated, but fortunately, Sujili knows the proportions and knows how to receive it when he sees good, and only receives the origin of nine hundred small stars.

These stars are inconspicuous and rarely attract the attention of other immortals, plus Su Jili will comb through the many meritorious spiritual treasures in his hand afterwards and give a trace of merit golden light to repay the cause and effect, so even the Heavenly Emperor did not notice the abnormality.

At the same time, he also asked Master Luo Xuan to receive a trace of the origin of Jupiter in the eastern stars, Luo Xuan is the star of fire virtue, and Venus, Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn are the same as the five star kings, corresponding to the five elements of heaven and earth, with the help of the principle of the karma of the fire star monarch and the five elements, Luo Xuan did not have much effort to collect a trace of the origin.

Jupiter is one of the three hundred and sixty-five main stars, Luo Xuan’s move naturally can’t hide from the Heavenly Emperor and the Queen Mother, but he is the Fire Star Monarch, and he is the second generation of disciples of the Truncated Sect, plus only extracted a trace of the origin, no damage to Jupiter, and carefully combed the stars afterwards, and gave a ray of meritorious golden light, even the Heavenly Emperor and the Queen Mother can only pretend not to know.

Fortunately, Luo Xuan did not attack the other main stars later, otherwise, even if the Heavenly Emperor and the Queen Mother did not say anything on their faces, they would have whistles in their hearts.

Time flies, and a hundred years are fleeting.

On this day, after Su Jili finished combing a star, the mana and Yuan God in his body finally accumulated enough, and he broke through the realm and entered the middle stage of the Golden Immortal, so far, although there is still a gap between cultivation and Dao, the difference is not much, and it is already within a reasonable range.

In this regard, the immortals of the Sect had different reactions.

Some are jealous, some are envious, some are shameful, some are rejoicing.

After all, Su Jili had only practiced to this point at the age of thousands of years, and his cultivation was gradually on par with some of the second-generation disciples of the Sect, how could they not have mixed feelings?

Among them, the fire spirit’s mood is the most changeable.

She has successfully survived the three plagues and become a golden immortal, she thought she could catch up with Sujili, but she couldn’t imagine that she was still left behind by him.

What other people’s minds were, Su Jili didn’t know, after breaking the realm, he only used fifty years to consolidate his cultivation, and then continued to comb through the stars while practicing enlightenment.

The starry sky is filled with extremely rich star essence, and cultivating here is twice as effective, not only Sujili does this, but also other immortals.

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