The sun rises and the moon sets.

Zhou Tian Xingchen will not stop running because it is combed.

In the busyness of the immortals, the thousand-year time is fleeting.

The starry sky was basically combed, and the stars on Zhou Tian became a lot brighter, gradually permeating with a vigorous vitality.

The Heavenly Emperor stands in the center of the stars, surrounded by billions of stars, the sun and the moon are guarded, as if the emperor is in the world, and the majestic coercion of the middle quasi-saint period fills the starry sky.

The next moment, he exhaled and pronounced, and the sound was like a flood bell.

“The way of heaven is above, I am the lord of the heavenly court, Hao Tian, feeling that the flood desolate starry sky is deficient, and the origin is lost, specially leading the immortals of the heavenly court and the immortals of the sect to comb the starry sky, stabilize the stars, repair the starry sky spiritual machine, maintain the operation of the stars, assist the operation of the heavenly way, and look at the heavenly way to learn it.”


The words fell, the Heavenly Dao responded, and the thunder roar resounded in the ears.

Immediately afterwards, a huge golden cloud of merit appeared, this is the merit of the Heavenly Dao, it is the reward of the Heavenly Dao.

In this regard, the immortals were elated.

They have been busy for thousands of years just for this moment.

Subsequently, the merit is divided into three.

A part of it fell on Hao Tian and the Queen Mother, making their aura a little more divine and powerful, and they were one step closer to the peak of the middle quasi-saint period.

Part of it fell to the immortals of the Heavenly Court, and some immortals temporarily put away their merits and condensed the successful Dejin wheel in the back of their heads; Some immortals put away the merit with the spirit treasure and prepared to refine it into a merit spirit treasure that can suppress their own qi luck; There are also immortals who practice merit on the spot and improve their cultivation.

Immortals interpret all kinds of beings.

Another part fell to the immortals of the Sect, and the Daluo Golden Immortals such as Duobao, Jin Ling, Turtle Ling, Wudang, Zhao Gongming, Sanxiao, and Shiji all temporarily put away their merits.

The Jiao Immortal who stood at the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal had mixed reactions, and those with shallow karma temporarily put away their merits and prepared to attack the Daluo Golden Immortal in the future; Luo Xuan, on the other hand, directly uses merit to eliminate his own karma, and the more shallow the karma, the greater the probability of achieving the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

In the past, Luo Xuan did not care about his own karma, wantonly and freely, and was happy to take revenge; Now, whether for his own path or for his apprentice, he has to endure heartache and use merit to eliminate karma.

Seeing this scene, Sujili smiled.

In fact, when he was in the Vesta God Heavenly Palace, he and his master Luo Xuan analyzed the three teachings of the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and also compared some ancient powers, and found that the more shallow the karma, the greater the possibility of surviving the Great Luo Golden Immortal Tribulation; And those with deep karma have little hope of achieving the Great Luo Golden Immortal unless their own luck far exceeds karma several times.

This is also one of the reasons why the unscrupulous immortal cultivation of some of the sect has stopped when they reached the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and they have never been able to achieve the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

Seeing this, Lu Yue, the Four Saints of Jiulong Island, Liu Huan, and others all learned from each other, and followed the use of merit to consume karma.

No one is a fool!

They knew that Luo Xuan’s entry into the Heavenly Court was to achieve the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and it was impossible to comb the starry sky for no reason.

If he did so, he would definitely be powerful in attacking the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

That’s why, out of trust in their friends, it’s always right for them to go along.


Above the starry sky, merit falls, and the heavenly path is rewarded for merit.

As the initiator, the merit obtained by Luo Xuan can be compared with the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and the merit obtained by Sujili is also far better than that of the ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortal.

After the merit came, he only consumed a very small part of the merit to improve the Tao, like a daigo empowerment, the mouth suddenly opened, the originally invisible avenue suddenly unveiled, became clearly visible, not only saw the past truth more deeply and thoroughly, but also gave birth to many new insights, discovered the true meaning of many deeper and more subtle things, and a large number of mysterious truths surged into his heart.

The Dao Xing, which was already stuck in the middle of the Golden Immortal, finally broke the bottleneck and stepped into the late Golden Immortal stage.

Most of the remaining merits were put away by Sujili, condensed in the back of the mind, and fused with humane merits to form a new merit golden wheel, the two are both integrated with each other and clearly distinguished, making the merit golden wheel like the Taiji golden wheel full of mystery, but also makes it have an extra layer of divine aura on its body, not only luck soars, but also exceptionally stable.

The merit is wonderful, Sugili knows it all.

He resisted the temptation and chose to condense the merit wheel instead of using it to improve his cultivation, all in order to save his life in the future.

Specifically, although I don’t know how long it will be before the Great Tribulation of the Gods, it will definitely not exceed 10,000 years, and it is even very likely that there are only thousands of years left.

Su Jili has self-awareness, he has only practiced for thousands of years, he lacks enough accumulation, even if he has merit to help, it is impossible to become a Daluo Golden Immortal in such a short time, and it is already very lucky to be promoted to Taiyi Golden Immortal.

In this way, instead of wasting merit to improve cultivation, it is better to condense the golden wheel of merit or the golden body of merit, and use merit to let the golden immortals and a group of scattered immortals throw rats and rats, dare not easily hurt his life, and at the same time get a trace of favor from the heavenly path and humanity, become a golden immortal of blessing, and turn into luck every time.

Doing so may also give you a glimmer of initiative in the God Sealing Tribulation.

Of course!

If there was a chance to become a Great Luo Golden Immortal before the Great Tribulation of the Gods, Su Jili would not hesitate to use his merit.

Although the Da Luo Golden Immortal and the Taiyi Golden Immortal are only one realm apart, their magical powers and mana are very different, and they are the existence of two worlds.

If he achieves the Great Luo Golden Immortal, as long as he does not die, in addition to protecting himself, he will only fish in the water in the great calamity and save some Jiao Jiao Immortals, which can be regarded as worthy of Intercept Sect cultivation.

The vast starry sky of the Hong Barren Starry Sky, even if the immortals of the Heavenly Court and the immortals of the Sect have joined forces, they have only been preliminarily combed, and if they want to further restore the starry sky, they need to be combed twice and combed three times.

However, these have nothing to do with Sujili, the big head has already been obtained, and although there is merit, it is not enough for so many immortals, and the Heavenly Emperor has his own arrangements.

Combing the starry sky is not small, the major forces of the flood and wilderness naturally know and know that this move will have merit, but the Heavenly Court and the Intercept Sect have already agreed, even if they intervene, it is impossible to allow them to join, and they can only watch the Heavenly Court and the Intercept Sect get this part of the merit.

Western religion, on Mount Meru.

He and Jun Ti looked at each other, one expression became more and more distressed, and the other had a face full of regret.

It is a pity that the immortals of the Western Sect did not catch up with this good thing.

I learned from the Heavenly Dao that this matter was led by Luo Xuan’s master and apprentice, attracting envy and quasi-worrying.

“Senior Brother Tongtian has accepted a good apprentice.”

Shouyang Mountain, Bajing Palace.

The Taiqing saints appreciated Sujili even more.

“Congratulations to the third brother, there are people in the future!”

Grand Master Xuandu was also smiling, because before combing the starry sky, he kicked Bian Zhuang, a bad apprentice, over.

Who let this disciple also belong to the Heavenly Court Immortals, and he could barely rub his merit.

Kunlun Mountain, Jade Void Palace.

Yuan Shitian respects rules and values virtue.

Although it was a pity that the immortals did not participate in this matter, he went with the flow, feeling that everything was the will of God, and did not have the slightest dissatisfaction, but praised Sujili.

“Congratulations to the third brother, at present, Su Jili should be the first disciple of the three generations of the three sects.”

Even Nuwa, who was in the Chaotic Splendid Sky, couldn’t help but speak.

“Congratulations Senior Brother Tongtian!”

Jinao Island, Biyou Palace.

Hearing the transmission, the Tongtian Sect Lord laughed heartily.

At this time, the more he looked at Sujili, the more pleasing he felt.

As for the other Sect Intercept Immortals, although they were involved in this matter, the saints knew that they were just stained with the light of Su Jili, the master and nephew, and even Luo Xuan was stained with the light of his apprentice.

Everyone knew that combing the Hong Barren Starry Sky would have merit, but they were all temporarily ignored for various reasons, and only Su Jili raised the matter first and took the master to stand up and take the lead.

Plus he received humanitarian merit twice.

It can be seen that he has courage and resourcefulness and outstanding virtue.

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