Seeing that the innate spiritual root of the heart was in front of him, Su Jili naturally would not be polite.

He used his magic power to carefully put away the Wudao Tea Tree, and the other four innate tea trees were sub-trees of the Wudao Tea Tree, but the efficacy had changed and each had its own emphasis.

For example, the innate tea plant attribute that grows in the Western position is gold, and tea leaves have a blessing effect on the spiritual understanding of the cultivation of the Golden Avenue.

After putting away all the five innate spirit roots, Su Jili took away the other heavenly materials and earth treasures, and by the way, took away the innate spiritual veins in this space, and then left.

After all, as the innate spirit root is taken away, the innate large array will gradually disappear, this space will be revealed, and then this innate spiritual vein will be truly integrated with Wuyi Mountain, instead of cheapening other creatures, it is better to be taken away by him, anyway, now there will be no cause and effect, once the space is exposed, he will take it away, then it will be troublesome, not only to deal with scattered immortals, but also to carry karma.

After merging with the Immortal Attendants, they quickly harnessed the light to leave the place and headed for the next location.

That’s right!

This time the immortal attendant is very powerful.

After thousands of years of dormancy in Wuyi Mountain, he discovered two suspicious places, one in the valley and the other in the water.

Two rays of light fell to a waterhole.

Wuyi Mountain has a lot of water, and there are not 10,000 or 8,000 in this waterhole mountain.

The waterhole aura in front of him is very general, not even as good as the valley just now, but it is not poor, it can only be said that it is ordinary and can no longer be ordinary.

Still leaving the immortal attendant to let the wind on it, Sujili pinched a trick to avoid water and entered the pool.

He practiced the Stove Fire Avenue, did not like water and was good at water, and now for the sake of chance, he had to patiently move towards the depths of the waterhole, and at the same time, his Yuan Shen power was fully opened, looking for the underwater cave mentioned by the immortal attendant.

I don’t know how long he dived, Sujili found the extremely deep hiding cave in an overgrown place, stretched out the defensive shield, he continued to go deeper, and finally found the traces of the innate formation.

This innate array is even more secretive, hidden between the virtual and the real, if it were not for Sujili’s agility, probing back and forth several times, and actively revealing a trace of the breath of the innate spirit root and the innate spirit treasure, I am afraid it would be really difficult to find.

Fifty years are fleeting.

After figuring out the operation law of the innate formation, Su Jili stepped on the sky, stepped on the mysterious steps, passed through the large array, and saw an invisible innate spiritual vein and a stone platform.

On the stone platform is placed a golden brass basin, engraved with countless innate patterns, as if containing the world’s treasures, and inlaid with various innate gemstones, and the center is inscribed with four big characters: Zhao Fortune and Treasure.

This is exactly the legendary cornucopia!

When Sujili took the basin in his hand, he looked at it and saw that there was also a golden copper coin in the basin, a round square hole, a pair of wings, and four innate divine texts on it: Falling Treasure Money.

Seeing this scene, Sujili suddenly realized.

It seems that this treasure has not yet fallen into Xiao Sheng’s hands, so it is good that he will not open a killing ring to deal with them in the future.

As for how Xiao Sheng got the treasure money in the original story trajectory, Su Jili was not interested.

He is even less interested in the ending of Xiao Sheng and Cao Bao in the future God Sealing Tribulation.

Just when he took away the two treasures and took away the hidden innate spiritual vein, and left Wuyi Mountain with the immortal attendant, Xiao Sheng, who was playing chess with his friend Cao Bao, suddenly moved, his expression was strange, and his heart was empty, and he always felt that something had slipped away from his body.

“Daoist, but what’s wrong?”

After some fruitless calculations, Xiao Sheng suppressed the doubts in his heart, shook his head and smiled.



What Xiao Sheng really thought in his heart, Su Jili was not interested and did not know.

After leaving Wuyi Mountain, he rushed back to Yuntai Mountain at a gallop, which was a relief.

In the following period, Sujili planted innate tea trees in the dojo, and integrated two innate spiritual veins into Yuntai Mountain, and finally various heavenly materials and earth treasures.

The innate spirit root can gather and comb the aura, and can also gather and suppress qi luck, increasing the blessing of the immortal mountain, first the innate spirit root five-flavor tree, then the innate spirit root nine turns ancestral dragon pepper, then the five innate tea trees, plus several innate spiritual veins, the entire Yuntai Mountain finally ushered in the opportunity for transformation.

The rich spiritual energy began to soar wildly, the mountain body was rising, the mountain momentum was extended, the spiritual mechanism was soaring, the qi luck was climbing, and all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures broke through the ground.


Decades later, the visions gradually ceased.

Looking at Yuntai Mountain, where the Reiki operation system was already semi-independent of the Flood Barrens, and looking at the dojo that was more beautiful than Fire Dragon Island, Sujili was elated.

Today, Yuntai Mountain has finally been successfully promoted to Shangpin Dong Heavenly Blessed Land, which is comparable to the Twelve Golden Immortal Cave Mansions, and can support several Da Luo Golden Immortals.

As the lord of Yuntai Mountain, Sujili harvested the most.

Over the past few decades, his luck has been soaring wildly, and now he is no less than Da Luo Jinxian.

This means that as long as everything goes smoothly in the future and does not make mistakes, he will definitely have the qualifications to impact the Great Luo Golden Immortal, and because of the dojo luck bonus, the possibility of success will be much greater.

Most importantly, this is not the Yuntai Mountain limit, nor the Sugili limit.

With many innate spiritual roots, especially a top-grade innate spiritual root sitting in the town, combing spiritual veins, gathering blessings and luck, Yuntai Mountain has the potential to become a top cave heavenly blessing.

Although the hope is small, there is a little possibility after all, and once successful, Sujili will also have a lot of luck and a smooth road.

He and the dojo achieved each other, and the early dojo relied on him to seek chance to create a proud promotion, and the later dojo gave feedback to increase Sujili.

Of course!

Yuntai Mountain is still some way from the top Dongtianblessed land, and it is too early to say that.

Taking advantage of the promotion of the dojo, his luck was great, and he received the favor of heaven and earth, Su Jili seized the opportunity, directly brewed a cup of Wudao tea with innate spirit water, and after drinking it, took out the superb futon in the inner hall of Biyou Palace, sat on it, and directly retreated under the Wudao tea tree, deducing the cultivation method of Chef Dao Taiyi Golden Wonderland or the method of condensing the five qi of Kitchen Dao.

At the same time, he released the golden immortal Qingyun, and manifested the golden wheel of merit and blessed himself.

Under the heavy increase, Sugili began a deep retreat.

As for the five flavor gods and immortal attendants, he sent them to the heavenly court, the former would help him perform his divine duties in the Heavenly Palace of the Vesta God and coordinate the gods, and the latter was canonized as the Eight-Rank Youyi Stove Lord, equivalent to a traveling envoy, patrolling the earthly stove fire on his behalf and recording good and evil.

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