Time is like water, rushing endlessly.

Five hundred years at the snap of a finger.

Yuntai Mountain, inside the Gomi Palace.

The enlightened tea tree hangs a large amount of innate spiritual light and blesses understanding.

The four Wudaozi tea trees were arranged in a four-elephant formation, and they also released Xuanguang and blessed Su Jili.

The golden wheel of merit shines generously, and the merit spirit treasure continues to shine.

Coupled with the blessing of Pindong Heavenly Blessed Land and the increase of the Heavenly Spirit Treasure level enlightenment futon.

Sujili Genshin is running frantically all the time, deducing, experimenting, and simulating various possibilities, looking for reasons in mistakes, accumulating experience in failures, constantly checking and filling gaps, and making up for shortcomings.

On this day, he opened his eyes and his face was full of excitement.

After five hundred years of non-stop calculation, mental energy was consumed extremely quickly, and he finally gained something, and initially created the method of condensing the five qi based on the kitchen path.

Although it is not perfect, the follow-up still needs to be improved, but everything is difficult at the beginning, the most critical step has been taken, and there is hope of promoting Taiyi Golden Immortal.

The next moment, Su Jili directly took out a pot of 10,000-year-old wine, drank it bitterly, and when a pot of spirit wine entered his stomach, he immediately lay down under the Wudao tea tree and fell asleep.

For five hundred years, he has been frantically deducing, and his mind is not small, and now that he has the result, it is time to rest and restore his spirit.

Sugili slept for a hundred years.

A hundred years later, he stretched, regained his senses, looked radiant, and apparently recovered.

It coincided with the ripening of the Chinese grade innate spirit root fruit Schisandra and the lower grade innate spirit root nine-turn ancestral dragon pepper, and Sujili personally picked them.

Schisandra can nourish and grow the spirit of life, and its fruit is full of five flavors, the skin and flesh are sweet and sour, and the core is hard, all have salty taste.

Because of this, Sujili only collected a small part of the schisandra fruit, and the other fruits were wrapped in its mana to peel off and refine the innate five-flavored qi.

Green is sour, red is bitter, yellow is sweet, white is spicy, and black is salty.

With the extraction of five innate flavors of different colors, a schisandra fruit quickly turned into nothingness, Sujili opened his mouth, swallowed the innate five flavors into his abdomen, put it in the five internal organs to warm up, and then continued to refine.

When dozens of fruits were refined, he had already accumulated a large number of innate five flavor qi in his five internal organs, after all, it was a middle-grade innate spirit fruit, and it was naturally created a lot, but if he wanted to condense the five qi, it was still not enough.

Su Jili’s mind was clear, he knew this very well, he was not in a hurry, took out most of the nine turns of ancestral dragon pepper to continue refining, skillful operation, a large amount of white innate spicy qi was born, and when the ancestral dragon pepper on his hand was consumed, Sujili’s lungs have accumulated a huge amount of innate spicy qi.

These innate qi are continuously compressed and condensed, and the five elements of gold qi in the lungs stimulate, devour, transform, and fuse with each other, and finally transform into a platinum qi, which has both acquired and innate wonders, is extremely mysterious, takes root in the lungs, and grows each other.

In fact, by this point, Su Jili has been able to impact the Taiyi Golden Immortal, but he is not in a hurry, but allows this platinum qi to continue to warm up in the lungs, and the method of condensing the five qi is only a start, and Su Jili wants to improve it and then break through.

Sometimes, slowing down appropriately is to build a stronger foundation and precipitate a stronger foundation.

When all this was temporarily over, Sugili returned from Fire Dragon Island for more than nine hundred years.

Thinking that Master Luo Xuan was about to cross the calamity, he got up and flew out of Yuntai Mountain, first went to the Heavenly Court to sit for a few days, dealt with some matters that required his decision, and then headed towards the East China Sea.


East China Sea, Dragon Island.

A fiery red light descended from far and near to the island.

When Su Jili rushed back, there were only three years left before Master Luo Xuandu’s robbery.

There are already many sect immortals on the island, in addition to the four saints of Jiulong Island, Lu Yue, Liu Huan, etc., who have always befriended Luo Xuan, even Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao have come.

They came both to observe and to defend the way.

After all, when crossing the calamity, it is very likely to attract human robbery, even if you are a saint disciple, this possibility is very small, you must be just in case, you must not be careless, lest you be careless and lose all the games.

And Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao came here, there is another purpose, that is, to rescue Luo Xuan, if he fails to cross the calamity, he will die and disappear, maybe they can protect Luo Xuan’s remnant soul and make him reincarnated and start over.

“Disciples see Master and many uncles and uncles!”

Seeing Su Jili, the Jijiao Immortals smiled and released goodwill, and Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao were even more stunned, but also a little more appreciative.

“It seems that the master and nephew have made another breakthrough on the road, and have successfully created the method of condensing the five qi of the Kitchen Dao, and the achievement of the Taiyi Golden Immortal is just around the corner.”

“It is estimated that it will not be long before the master and nephew will become the first existence among the three generations of disciples of the three sects to achieve the Taiyi Golden Immortal.”

“If your master knew about this, he would definitely be extremely pleased.”

As soon as the words came out.

Luo Xuan was overjoyed, and the other Jiao Immortals were shocked.

On that day, they all listened to the questions and answers between the sect leader and this disciple (master and nephew), and they knew his courage and ambition, and while appreciating, they were also a little worried and suspicious.

The immortals originally thought that even if Su Jili was so amazing that he could successfully create a method, it would take at least thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, to get to this point.

But he didn’t expect that he had already done it after only a thousand years of not seeing.

No one doubts the truth of this statement, not only because Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao are Da Luo Golden Immortals, their cultivation is profound, their vision is unique, they will not be mistaken, and they will not make up nonsense in order to make Su Jili famous, too much to lose, and too easy to be poked through lies, which is not good for Su Jili and them.

And because after being reminded, after careful investigation, the immortals of the Sect also discovered the changes in Sujili, proving that what Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao said was true.

“The disciple just got a tea tree of the upper grade of enlightenment, and with the help of the enlightenment futon given by the master, plus seized the opportunity of promotion in the dojo, he struck while the iron was hot and reaped something.”

Sugili said half-modestly, half-frankly.

The news of the Shangpin Wudao tea tree could not be concealed for long, especially since he planned to exchange the four Wudao tea trees for other innate spiritual roots related to the innate five flavors, plus the promotion of Yuntai Mountain, this matter could not be concealed.

Instead of covering up, it is better to take the initiative to confess, in this way, although it will attract some covetousness, but who makes him tough enough backstage!

From now on, the tea tree will bear his mark, and the calamity will become a blessing!

As long as the Jiao Immortals still want to mix in the Intercept Sect and don’t want to be chased and killed by ten thousand immortals, they will not take risks and plot to seize the Wudao Tea Tree.

And if the other beings did not want to provoke the saint, they would not realize the idea of the Dao tea tree.

As for the Da Luo Golden Immortal, they all have a head and a face, unless they want to completely tear their faces with the Sect, otherwise, the general Da Luo Golden Immortal will not act rashly at all.

Even a saint would not bully the small for the sake of enlightenment tea trees, so even if he took advantage of the fire and robbery in the Great Tribulation of Sealing Gods, he did not snatch the spiritual treasure of the second-generation disciples of the Interception Sect.

Even if the Dinghai Divine Bead in Zhao Gongming’s hand was burning, it was only when the two sects gradually tore their faces in the Great Tribulation of the Gods, and Zhao Gongming was involved in the Great Tribulation that he dared to plan to seize the treasure.

What’s more, Sujili is a third-generation disciple!

In Fire Dragon Island, when the immortals of the Sect heard this, they all envied Su Jili’s good luck, even Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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