The two inferior innate things fell second, and the most important thing was that Sujili was remembered by the Dao Ancestor.

Dao ancestor blesses treasure!

This is the glory that most of the guests in the Zixiao Palace dream of!

For endless years, there are very few people who can enjoy this kind of treatment, and there are only a few of them.

In addition to the six saints of the Heavenly Dao, only the Queen Mother of the West, the Prince of the East, Haotian and Yao Chi.

Except for the Eastern Prince who fought against the demon race and made himself fall, the other nine were all immortal in the world, each of them was a mighty power, with great powers and honored status.

Even the Queen Mother of the West, who was the first to be blessed, was congenital divine, and had the peak cultivation of the Great Luo Golden Immortal at that time.

But what about Sugili?

He didn’t even complete the Taiyi Golden Immortal!

What exactly made Sujili enter the eyes of Daozufa?

The Six Saints and Haotian are not fools, they naturally heard that the reason why the Hongjun Dao Ancestor gave the treasure was half-true, although there was the credit of Su Jili’s idea of the prefecture, but this was not enough for the Hongjun Dao Ancestor to do this, and the Heavenly Emperor and the Shangqing Saint could do it for them.

21 In addition to their doubts, they silently deduced in their hearts, but they found nothing, puzzled, but no matter what the saints and the Heavenly Emperor thought, Hongjun Daozu gave two innate things to Tongtian, emphasizing that after a thousand years later, after discussing the canonization of gods, they disappeared.

“Congratulations to Master (Master)!”

After some saluting, all the saints got up, they were not in the mood to reminisce, the great calamity of the gods was about to rise, they just wanted to go back and think about it.

In addition to Tongtian, the other saints have a consensus on Sujili, that is, they do not calculate and do not sin, they will warn their disciples and Sujili well water not to violate the river water, and until they find out the true reason why Sujili is favored by the ancestor, it is best for the disciples to be at peace with him.

As for Tongtian and Heavenly Emperor, their smile blossomed.

The former is Sujili’s master, and the latter is Sujili’s boss.

They were pleasantly surprised and happy to see what Sujili valued by the Dao Ancestor.

Before leaving, although the saints did not have a good face towards the Heavenly Emperor, they did not condemn them.

On the surface, the God Sealing Tribulation was involved because the Heavenly Emperor cried about the Zixiao Palace, in fact, the saints knew in their hearts that the Heavenly Emperor was just at the right time, and the God Sealing was the general trend of the Heavenly Dao, even if the Heavenly Emperor did not cry, the Great Tribulation would still come.

This is required to perfect the divine position of heaven and earth, it is caused by the evolution of heaven and earth, and it is also a test for Xuanmen.

Just like the test of heaven and earth on the three races of dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, and Liches, it will continue to be brilliant after carrying it, but it will turn from prosperity to decline.

It’s just that the Heavenly Emperor is more unlucky, and it just so happens that during this critical period, the Zixiao Palace retreats to advance and asks for help in disguise, although it achieves its goal, it also bears the black cauldron of the God Sealing Tribulation.

Hao Tian also understood this, so his resentment towards the two sects dissipated a lot.


Nine Heavens, Vesta Shrine.

Regarding the affairs in the Zixiao Palace, Su Jili did not know for the time being, and did not have the heart to guess.

All the saints have been deliberating in the Zixiao Palace for hundreds of years, and he has been in retreat in the Heavenly Court for hundreds of years.

And today, he has finally reached the critical moment.

The mysterious loess qi in the spleen has been completely cultivated, and under Su Jili’s control, it gradually merges with the five internal organs, and a powerful aura permeates from his body.

After hundreds of years of retreat, he finally broke through, and his cultivation entered the middle stage of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and his mana, Yuan God, flesh, and divine powers all ushered in a skyrocket, and even he saw the Dao of Heaven and Earth more clearly, gained insight into the truth, understood the true meaning, and increased his Dao. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

A hundred years later, Su Jili woke up, there was a mysterious rhyme in his eyes, interpreting the bright starry sky, and evolving the fireworks in the world, and a moment later, he got up and walked out of the quiet room, looking at the rising sun star at the end of the colorful light, the corners of his mouth were raised, and he was in a very good mood.

Before the Great Tribulation of the Sealing Gods, every point he was strong would have a little more vitality in the future.

After cooking a delicious meal to treat himself, Sujili summoned the five flavors of the gods to understand the Heavenly Palace of the Vesta God and the Heavenly Court.

“Qiyu Tianzun, during your retreat…”

With the five flavors of God, he gradually grasped the basic situation.

Take the Vesta God Heavenly Palace, because of Sujili’s successful establishment of the Dao, the luck of the Kitchen Dao ushered in a wave of skyrocketing in the flood famine, a large number of living beings chose to practice the Kitchen Dao, and countless Chefs embarked on the road of cultivation, spawning many Kitchen Dao sects and Kitchen Dao families, while also soaring to many Kitchen Immortals.

In just a few hundred years, the Vesta God Heavenly Palace has added more than five hundred kitchen immortals, all of whom are different races but have their own strengths, and they are reasonably assigned to various divisions.

Today, there are three thousand Stove Monarchs sitting on one side under the Vesta God Heavenly Palace, each opening up the God Domain, responsible for a part of the incense and beliefs, performing the duties of the Stove Lord, and there are also 300 You Yi Stove Monarchs who travel to all sides, responsible for supervising the Stove Monarchs in various places, and at the same time, forming a large-scale intelligence network, with the Human Stove Sovereign Temple as a base, from the point to the surface, connected together, to provide a steady stream of information for the Vesta God Heavenly Palace.

In addition, there are more than 4,000 god kings in the Vesta Heavenly Palace, of which more than 1,000 are responsible for maintaining the internal and external affairs of the Vesta God Heavenly Palace, such as taking care of spiritual vegetables and spirit fruits, receiving the Nether Stove Monarch, accepting offerings from various places, receiving the Heavenly Court Servants, dealing with various ministries of the Heavenly Court, etc., they are mainly ruled by the five flavor gods.

The other three thousand Kitchen Immortals formed the Fire Head Dao Soldiers, practicing a large array every day, improving their cultivation and enhancing their combat power, and occasionally after receiving help from the Nether Stove Monarch, they would descend demons and demons in the Nether Realm, increase their combat experience, and sharpen themselves.

And in the past few hundred years, the cultivation of the five flavors of the gods has made progress, the salty god Qingli and the sweet god perilla have been true immortal perfection, that is, Xin Shen Longling has also learned to be smart, and will often go down to the realm, and practice under the nine turns of the ancestral dragon pepper under the innate spirit root in Yuntai Mountain, because of this, she later came to the top and also ranked among the true immortal perfections.

The other two flavor gods were also assisted by the resources of the Heavenly Court and the effectiveness of the innate grade 657 spirit fruit Schisandra, and their cultivation reached the peak of the late True Immortal Stage.

In addition to the fact that everything in the Vesta Heavenly Palace is on track and prosperous, what Sujili cares about the most is two things.

First, the Divine Barrier successfully broke through the realm, condensed the five qi, achieved the Taiyi Golden Immortal, and also successfully promoted to the fourth-grade divine position, becoming the Heavenly King of the South Heavenly Gate, and his command can control 10,000 heavenly soldiers.

Second, the Heavenly Emperor returned not long ago, and at the same time, Su Jili received a message from the Shangqing Sage of the Master Ancestor, telling him to go to Jinao Island after leaving the customs.

Inside the main hall, Sugili sat upright.

After repelling the five flavors of the gods and keeping them busy, after sorting out some information, he first sent a transmission towards Mount Emei, informing Duke Zhao of the news that the emperor had returned tomorrow, and then sent a transmission to the god Yulei, and finally, directly into the stove.

After personally preparing a delicious meal, drinking a drink with the gods, and celebrating the two friends, Sujili quickly left the Heavenly Court and headed towards the East China Sea.

Master and ancestor cannot be sloppy.

Being able to celebrate the gods first is already his morality.

Of course, there are also reasons to prepare wine and food for the Master of the Tongtian Sect.

Since you want to go there, how can you not honor this big backer.

ps: Thank you to the Demon Lord for the big 100 point reward, and thank you to the Heavenly Mark Hall for the big 1000 point reward.

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