East China Sea.

The blue waves are vast, and there are many fairy islands.

Jinao Island is the most magnificent and sacred existence among them.

It was originally a Shangpin Cave Heavenly Blessed Land, because of its relationship with the Shangqing Saint, it was created by chance and promoted to the top Dong Tianblessed Land.

Today, this immortal island covers an area of tens of millions of miles, the area is like a continent, on which there are countless pines and cypresses, towering peaks, majestic mountains, all kinds of innate Yao grass and strange flowers, a large number of spiritual roots and immortal treasures gathered, innate spiritual veins crisscrossed, and saintly charm is overwhelming.

Even compared with the top Penglai Immortal Island, it is slightly better.

On this day, a fiery red light cut through the sky and descended on Jinao Island, the light dispersed, revealing the true face of the person, handsome facial features, red clothes and wide sleeves, temperament and dust, it was Sujili.

His arrival naturally could not be concealed from the Tongtian Sect Leader, and the Water and Fire Boy soon appeared, and after a simple exchange of pleasantries with Sujili, he brought people into Jinao Island.

Outside the Biyou Palace, Su Jili sorted out his clothes before stepping in, and in the depths of the hall, the main plate of the Tongtian Sect sat on the cloud platform, like the incarnation of the avenue, the holy light was brilliant, and the mysterious shore.

“Apprentice Sujili sees Shizu.”

“I wish Master Zu a smooth road and preaching Wuji.”

Sugili bowed and saluted, his expression respectful.

For this Optimus Pillar, he was genuinely in awe and admiration.

Above the gimbal, the Tongtian Sect Lord smiled.

“Taiyi Golden Immortal Middle Stage!”

“The foundation is solid, the cultivation is solid, it seems that you have not slackened in cultivation over the years, so it is very good.”

Sugili said half-truthfully.

“It is the masters and masters who teach well, and the apprentices and grandchildren have what they are today.”

When the Tongtian Sect Lord heard this, he couldn’t help but laugh and scold.

“Little slippery!”

“I know in my heart how much strength Poor Dao and Luo Xuan have contributed.”

“Most of this achievement today is due to your own hard work, don’t be too humble and lose your true temperament.”

After a brief conversation, the Tongtian Sect Lord quickly entered the topic.

“I have called you here today, but I have two things to hand over to you.”


The Tongtian Sect Lord flickered his sleeves, and two streams of light flickered, falling in front of Su Jili, it was a tree and a plate.

“This tree is a congenital spirit root red wood sour apricot, ripe once in three thousand years, can bear seventy-two fruits, which corresponds to the innate five flavors of acid, and now it will ripen in only a hundred years.”

“This plate is called Xuanyuan Plate, although it is only a congenital Lingbao, but it is one of the nine innate kitchenware, corresponding to the pair in the Nine Palaces, there is the meaning of mountains and rivers, every hundred years in the plate will be born a drop of Xuanyuan heavy water, a drop of water weighs 10,000 catties, which is wonderful, and you will experience it yourself after refining this treasure~~.”

Sugili was pleasantly surprised.

He thought that the master was looking for something important for him, but he didn’t expect it to be a treasure delivery, thinking that the sect leader sage said that it was a transfer, Su Jili was not in a hurry to collect the spirit treasure, but asked curiously.

“Dare to ask Master, who gave such a treasure? What is the relationship with the apprentices? ”

Seeing that Su Jili was not carried away by the treasure, but was able to temporarily restrain himself, think calmly, and ask the person who gave the treasure, a flash of appreciation flashed in the eyes of the Tongtian Sect Leader.

If nothing else, just this self-sustaining ability, only a few of the second-generation disciples of the entire Intercept Sect can do it.

The Tongtian Sect Lord did not sell the pass, but directly explained that it was given by the Dao Ancestor, and explained the cause and effect concisely.

“This is a gift from the Xuanmen Ancestor Hongjun Daozu, because you advised the Heavenly Emperor to build the earth mansion, meritorious to heaven and earth, Xuanmen rewards and punishments are clear, Hongjun Daozu rewarded meritorious deeds, and gave you two treasures.”

Hearing this, Su Jili set off terrifying waves in his heart and was stunned.

He thought that he might be lucky to enter the eyes of the Taiqing Saint and the Yuqing Saint, these two treasures were given by them, but he never imagined, the truth was more exaggerated than he thought, these two treasures turned out to be given by Hongjun Daozu.

Thinking that he had entered the eyes of the big man, Su Jili was full of trepidation at first, the saint may not be able to deduce his true identity, but that one is not necessarily, as a Heavenly Dao Hongjun, the master of the Six Saints, and the ancestor of ten thousand paths, his cultivation power is many times higher than the Six Saints, and the identity of his traverser is very likely to have been exposed.

These two innate treasures in front of you are proof of this!

Otherwise, Su Jili is just an insignificant Taiyi Golden Immortal, even if he has the power of building the prefecture, it is not enough for the Dao Ancestor to personally give the treasure, if this big man does not know the identity of his traverser, he can let the Heavenly Emperor or the Master Ancestor Tongtian Sect Lord discuss merit and reward, why bother.

But after thinking about it, Ji felt a little relieved.

The Dao ancestor did not kill him, but gave the treasure, this is to express his position, no matter what his origin is, as long as he stabilizes the other waves and does not endanger the flood and famine, in the eyes of this big guy, there is no difference from other living beings, and he can naturally live without hindrance.

If he behaves well, he can benefit heaven and earth through his status as an alien and promote the evolution of the flood waste, and the Dao Ancestor will shelter him at the right time.

After thinking about this, Sujili was relieved, and his mood climbed from the trough to the peak, and he was ecstatic.

Not only because he has no hidden danger from now on, he doesn’t have to worry about the scourge of killing after his identity is leaked, and he can concentrate on dealing with the Great Tribulation of the Sealing God, and because he has already entered the eyes of that Dao Ancestor.

As long as he doesn’t die and hugs this golden thigh, even Da Luo Jinxian does not dare to calculate him easily, even if he is a quasi-saint, he will have to consider one or two.

Of course!

Born of sorrow, died of happiness.

Su Jili will not think that with the protection of the Dao ancestor can rest easy, the Dao ancestor is full of opportunities, it is impossible to pay attention to his small role at all times, it is already luck to get one or two points of protection, there are many disasters in the flood, and the sky machine is the most unpredictable, there may be accidents at any time, and people ultimately rely on themselves.

Especially the great calamity of the gods is coming, the future is full of dangers, not afraid of 10,000 in case, Sujili needs to keep a clear head at all times and continue to stabilize the previous mentality, in order to be most likely to survive the catastrophe.


Inside the Biyou Palace.

Sugili got up and bowed in the direction of the outer heavens.

“The fourth generation disciple of Xuanmen, Su Jili, thank the Dao ancestor for the treasure.”

“In the future, we will practice diligently, stabilize our Taoist hearts, and continue to work hard to benefit the floods.”

After doing all this, he temporarily put the two innate treasures in his sleeve, and thanked the Tongtian Sect Lord for the gift.

Above the gimbal, the Tongtian Sect Lord looked at Su Jili with a hint of interest in his expression.

Although this apprentice disguised it well, he had lived for endless years, and he was a saint, his eyes were like electricity, and he saw Sujili’s changing expression just now.

He immediately knew that this apprentice had a secret.

However, the Tongtian Sect Lord did not care.

Who in this world doesn’t have secrets? [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

Even he and Taiqing and Yuqing have their own unspeakable things.

As long as Su Jili is still a Jiao Immortal!

As long as he didn’t endanger the Intercept Sect and the Flood Famine!

The Tongtian Sect Lord should only be invisible.

Before leaving, Sujili handed the carefully prepared food to the fire and water boy and said respectfully.

“This is a dish specially prepared by the apprentice for the ancestor, although the taste is average, but the apprentice has a heart, hoping that the master will not dislike it.”

“In addition, if the master ancestor goes to the Zixiao Palace to meet the Dao ancestor on any day, I hope that the master ancestor can inform the apprentice, thanks to the importance of the Dao ancestor, the disciple is honored and apprehensive, only this cooking skill can barely be mastered, I hope to make a meal in person, and bother the master ancestor to transfer it to the Dao ancestor.”

Above the gimbal, the Heavenly Sect Lord of Tong (Wang Zhao) smiled angrily.

“You’re going to climb the pole!”

“Okay, the poor road is written down.”

Seeing Su Jili’s departing back, the corners of the Tongtian Sect Leader’s mouth curved.

Too rigid and easy to break!

Although he is a straight-tempered man and likes to act straight, he hopes that his apprentices and grandchildren can be smoother, rigid and soft, flexible and stretched, in order to be long-lasting.

It is a pity that most of the disciples of the Sect Intercept have a straight temper, and now, Su Jili, who he has high hopes for, is not such a stinky temper, and this Sect Saint is very pleased.

Outside the Biyou Palace.

Sugili breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now he was bold to make a request.

Fortunately, the Tongtian Sect Lord was indeed good at communicating and agreed.

Looking up at the sky, Sujili’s eyes were deep.

Perhaps in the eyes of Daozu, the meals he made were no different from mortal dishes, but whether Daozu ate or not was one thing, and whether he did it or not was another.

In the flood famine, in the face of these big guys, his attitude must be correct!

I’d rather do it than spoil the impression.

PS: Thank you Xiao Mojun for the big 100-point tip.

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