East China Sea.

After Su Jili left Jinao Island, he did not immediately return to the Heavenly Court or Dojo to refine the spirit treasure, but swam in the East China Sea.

Not only that, but he also uncharacteristically kept a low profile, manifesting the golden wheel of merit, and the immeasurable golden light flashed, rendering the surface of the firmament sea shining, and the golden light was brilliant, like a round of great sun hanging above the East China Sea.

A few months later, as Sugili walked to a sea area, the waves rolled and the waves rolled, the sea parted from the middle, and a ghost came out of it.

He is burly and wears ancient battle armor, just like an ancient general, even if he dies, he is still tough and determined.

In fact, it is.

I saw him float in front of Sujili, bow and salute, and said to himself.

“Great Immortal Ronghe, the little ghost was originally the general soldier Baijian under the Emperor Xuanyuan of the ancients, who once accompanied the emperor in the southern and northern wars, killed countless enemies, resisted foreign enemies, pacified the Terran race, and made great achievements.”

“Unfortunately, the time was not good, during the battle of chasing deer, although he followed the human emperor to break through the sword, he also encountered a secret calculation, and was beaten into the East China Sea by the witches of the Jiuli tribe, and he was seriously injured, fell into the sea, and unfortunately drowned.”

“Over the years, the little ghost has not seen Yin to pick up, unable to be reincarnated and reincarnated, so he can only be helpless on this East China Sea and be a lonely soul and wild ghost.”

“Today, seeing that the Great Immortal’s body is full of rich merit, he must be a Dao Immortal True with profound virtues, and specially appeared for help, hoping that the Great Immortal would be merciful, 103 Saving him from the sea of suffering, Bai Jian must be grateful, if the Great Immortal does not dislike it, he is willing to follow the Great Immortal from now on, and the liver and brain will not give up!”


Bai Jian couldn’t help but show his true feelings, Hu Mu had tears, and immediately wanted to kneel and bow down, it was really bitter for him all these years!

The life of the lonely soul and wild ghost is not good!

Not to mention that with his death, it seems that his former comrades-in-arms have forgotten him and forgotten everything.

Sujili naturally won’t let Bai Jianzhen worship down.

As early as when Bai Jian appeared, he guessed his identity, received the merit golden wheel, and now a mana held it up, and then said that after saying that he had done his best for the Terrans in the past, he pinched the Dao Technique in his hand and cast the Shangqing God Thunder to rescue him.

This operation is because after Bai Jian’s death, he became a water binding spirit, which is a special wandering soul, the soul is imprisoned in a body of water and cannot be free, and can only be broken with thunder law.

After bondage and contact, Bai Jian took off into the air and paid homage to Sujili, calling him the lord, and the latter calmly accepted, both because Sujili could bear this gift because he recreated Bai Jian’en and because he had come to this ancient general.


Sujili manifested the golden wheel of merit in order to lead out Baijian!

Snakes cannot do without heads, birds cannot fly without wings, and soldiers are weak without generals.

Although the Vesta God Heavenly Palace has gathered three thousand Fire Head Dao soldiers, but the Kitchen Immortal is not good at commanding troops, although over the years, the Fire Head Dao soldiers have learned some tactics of war, formation methods, but the talent is average, only stronger than ordinary Dao soldiers, if you want to really be alone and exert the power of the three thousand Fire Head Dao soldiers to the extreme, you still need a general who can fight well and have outstanding strategies.

Because of this, when Su Jili left Jinao Island, he looked at the vast East China Sea, and suddenly blessed his heart and remembered Baijian.

This is an ancient warrior!

Even Renhuang Xuanyuan had entrusted him with a heavy responsibility, participated in large and small wars, had rich combat experience, and had excellent ability to command troops.

Instead of cheapening Jiang Ziya in vain in the future God Sealing Tribulation, and being canonized by him as a Qingfu Zheng God, seemingly glorious, but in fact only superficially shiny, and has no real power, has no real name, and wastes all talents, it is better to be included by him, master three thousand firehead Dao soldiers, make the best use of things, and make the best use of people’s talents.

To this day, the number of heavenly soldiers under Su Jili is not full, there are still two thousand Fire Head Dao soldiers and three thousand star heavenly soldiers have not been prepared, Bai Jian will be at least a real power heavenly general with eight thousand heavenly soldiers in his hands in the future, (CBBB) If Su Jili goes further in the future, he will also rise and rise step by step, not necessarily unable to reach the height of the Qingfu Zheng God in the future, moreover, he is a real power god, and he is really a high authority.

Besides, it is also a good thing to let Bai Jian get out of the sea of suffering in advance, rank in the immortal class, and suffer for thousands of years.

Moreover, Su Jili has been practicing for nearly 10,000 years, which has long been different from the past, especially after being the god of Vesta for thousands of years, he knows a lot of the order of heaven and earth.

It is not easy to seal the gods, when the future canonization of the gods, Bai Jian was the first to be canonized as the Qingfu Zhengshen God, and on the bright side, he is the head of the right god, in addition to his responsibility for supervising the construction of the Feng Shen Tai, the biggest reason is that he has fought with the Emperor Xuanyuan, and has merit in his body, and pulling the Yuan God to be canonized, it takes merit, and when more than 360 right gods are pulled, the merit on Bai Jian’s body will be exhausted.

This is also the reason why he became unknown after a blessed god as a blessed god.

East China Sea, above the firmament.

Su Jili waved his sleeve and shot a mana to hold up Bai Jian, and then said.

“I am a disciple of the three generations of the Sect and the Heavenly Court Vesta God Tianzun, if you join me today, you will not bury your talent.”

Bai Jian was overjoyed when he heard this.

The East China Sea is the territory of the Sect, he has naturally heard of the name Sujili, and he could not imagine that he had thrown himself under this great god, and at this moment, Bai Jian felt extremely lucky.


Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

After returning, Su Jili first planted the lower grade innate spirit root red wood acid apricot in the hundred fruit orchard, and then with the help of the authority in his hand, he made an incense and fire god body for Bai Jian, looking at the majestic warrior in front of him, he bowed his head slightly, and he was quite satisfied.

Although Bai Jian drowned after being seriously injured, his body was still devoured by the creatures in the sea after death, and the Yuan God was eroded by various forces such as years and sea water, and he had to endure the bullying of all kinds of aquatic creatures, and after endless years, if it were not for the merit to protect the body, he would have been destroyed by the Yuan God, his soul would have been scattered, or he lost his mind and completely became an evil spirit.

But over the years, he has also figured out a set of cultivation methods suitable for the Yin Spirit, using merit to slow down the weakening of the Yuan God, and now, Bai Jian Yuan Shen still has the power of true immortals, because of this, as long as Bai Jian Yuan Shen adapts to the divine body, he can become a true immortal without much effort.

It’s just not enough!

Thinking of this, Su Jili pointed to Bai Jian’s eyebrows, and the light flickered, passing on a cultivation method to the latter, so that after retreating and fusing the divine body, he would refine a body of merit, so that maybe he would soon be able to obtain a Golden Immortal General.

In order to ensure the effect, Sujili also gave Bai Jian some heavenly materials and earth treasures, and even a congenital spirit fruit schisandra, and even instructed him to refine some of the merits into the divine body, so that the body would be more powerful and have some of the mysteries of breaking the law.

Bai Jian was full of gratitude to Sujili, naturally obeyed, and soon followed the gods of Wuwei to settle down.

After arranging Bai Jian, Su Jili had just rested for a moment when he received a message from Master Luo and walked towards the Fire Star Monarch’s Mansion.

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