Youdu Mountain.

Sugili landed shortly after.

The ground shook, and two figures walked out of the soil.

They are dressed in black armor, holding Changge, huge in size, burly figures, and the whole person exudes a vicissitudes and ancient barbaric atmosphere, which makes Sujili have a sense of oppression.

They are the most pinnacle witch gods of the Wu clan, their strength is second only to the Great Wu, their cultivation is profound, and their combat power is strong.

is also the gatekeeper of the ghost capital, guarding the yin and yang passage, countless years later, I don’t know how many living beings do not measure their strength, trespass into the netherworld, have become their undead, among which there are many strong people who are perfect in the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Before coming to the Yudu, Su Jili made some preparations and specifically inquired about the relevant news, naturally knowing the existence of the gatekeeper of the Yudu.

Without waiting for them to ask, he spoke first.

“The three generations of disciples of the Sect and the Heavenly Court Vesta God Tianzun Su Jili have seen two Daoists, and the poor Dao came here to discuss with Tubo, hoping that the 25 two Daoists could make it convenient.”

When the two witch gods heard this, they looked at Su Jili with curiosity and inquiry in their eyes.

On the one hand, since the birth of the underworld, there have been few saint disciples who have set foot in the land of the dark capital, almost negligible, especially after the beginning of the humane era, Su Jili is the first saint disciple immortal to set foot in this era.

On the other hand, because of the establishment of the prefecture, the Heavenly Court and the Heavenly Capital began to cooperate and gradually had frequent contact, they had heard of the daimyo Sujili, and knew that he was the most valued disciple of the Jijiao Saint, the Heavenly Court Vesta God Tianzun, and the person who proposed the construction plan of the prefecture.

Because of this, many creatures of the Wu clan were particularly curious about Sujili, and now he came uninvited and took the initiative to come to the door, and the two witch gods naturally felt strange.

However, they did not delay the business, sent a voice to inform about it, and at the same time talked with Su Jili, in addition to raising various questions around the prefecture, the Wu clan likes to challenge the strong, and the two witch gods are no exception, after feeling the powerful aura of the Vesta God Tianzun in front of them, they directly said that if they have the opportunity in the future, they hope to have a discussion with Su Jili.

Sugili did not refuse and promised to come down.

The witch gods who guard the mountain of the capital have all experienced the Lich War, and are the gods of war who have really been sharpened in the bloody storm, each of them has experienced hundreds of battles and has rich experience, whether it is combat skills, grasp of timing, or other aspects, it is not comparable to Sujili.

If he competes with him, Sujili will definitely learn a lot, make up for his lack of combat experience, and grow up quickly; If he fights with his fist to flesh, he may be able to break through himself under great pressure, break his limits, and go to a higher level in the practice of “Eight Nine Xuan Gong”.

As for the curiosity and look of the two witch gods towards him, Su Jili did not care, since he advised the Heavenly Emperor to build the underground mansion, he had already expected that he would encounter this scene when he came to the Yudu.

Without letting Su Jili wait too long, the Nether quickly replied and agreed to his request, and the two witch gods suddenly became more kind, personally sending Su Jili to the entrance of the Yin Yang Passage.

This is a dark and deep whirlpool, constantly exuding pure yin qi, which looks mysterious and terrifying.

After bidding farewell to the two witch gods, Sujili stepped forward, and was soon swallowed by the vortex and disappeared.

After a whirlwind, space changed, and he came to the netherworld, as far as the eye could see, the surroundings were eerie, the environment was dark, surrounded by all kinds of strange shapes of yin wood, the appearance was terrifying, the color was either dark as ink, or bright red like blood, or white as bone.

At this moment, Su Jili seemed to be outside the flood barren world, and there were witch gods waiting at the entrance of the passage, and after a simple greeting, they led the team and took Su Jili towards the depths of the Netherworld.

Along the way, Su Jili met all kinds of witch races, the strength is uneven, there are top witch gods, there are ordinary witch gods, each of them has a strong breath, the flesh is terrifying, far better than the same rank scattered immortals in the flood wilderness, even some of the disciples of the Intercept Sect are slightly inferior compared to it, some of Su Jili are frightened and dare not underestimate.

Of course, the largest number of earth witches!

These witch clans are all curious after hearing the news, came to meet Sujili, even if the latter has long been mentally prepared, they are also a little uncomfortable by them, but he is stable, even if the heart lake is wavering, the face is always calm and calm, this mentality has been appreciated by many witch gods.


Just as Su Jili entered the Netherworld, inside the Chaos Purple Sky Palace, the Tongtian Sect Lord turned a blind eye to the five saints and handed over the list of gods to Nuwa Niangniang.

This female saint who was the first of the six saints to preach had a delicate heart, and her wisdom was no less than that of the Taiqing saint, she looked at the Tongtian Sect Lord with great meaning, her mind kept turning, looking at the more than three thousand Sect Intercept Immortals on the God Sealing List, and then at the immortals who explained that the two Sects combined were not enough to intercept one-third, and suddenly her heart moved.

Nuwa does not establish a big sect, originally the matter of conferring gods has little to do with her, this time she decided not to fill in people, but now she has changed her mind, and with a light hand, she added thousands of demon races, although most of them are Xuan Immortals, but there are also hundreds of Golden Immortals and more than a dozen Taiyi Golden Immortals, occupying more than a dozen fourth-grade true god positions.

The Tongtian Sect Lord laughed silently, the other four saints looked strange, thoughtful, you must know 457, although Nuwa filled in thousands of demon races last time, but except for the spirit beads, everything else is a round-up, there are very few golden immortals, and the Taiyi Golden Immortal is even more not, just to express their position, but now these fairies are obviously carefully selected.

They don’t believe in Nuwa and don’t know, even if she doesn’t sign the God List this time, no one will say anything about her.

Zhu Ying and Jun Ti looked at each other, and the tacit understanding that accompanied them over the endless years made them quickly understand each other’s intentions, communicate silently, and quickly reach an agreement.

Zhun Ti took the initiative to take over the list of gods from Nuwa, and after thinking about it, he waved his hand and wrote the names of dozens of Western Sect immortals, although there were no Taiyi Golden Immortals, but there were more than a dozen Golden Immortals, which was already a big deal for the Western Sect.

“The West is barren, lack of talents, not as good as the Easterners, but the Great Tribulation of the Gods is related to the entire Xuanmen, and it is even more related to the operation of the Heavenly Dao, although this catastrophe has nothing to do with my Western Sect, but I am also willing to contribute.”

“It’s a pity that my Western Sect disciples are shouldered by the heavy responsibility of combing and repairing the Western Earth Vein, and being able to come up with these is already the limit, I hope that all Dao brothers will not be disgusted.”

Although I knew that the skin of the quasi-lifting face was thick, I did not expect it to be so thick.

But Sanqing and Nuwa didn’t say anything, no matter what Zhun mentioned this move, there was one sentence he said very right, that is, he contributed to this consecration.

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