Under the earth, deep in the shadows.

Sugili was eventually taken to a palace.

This palace is pitch black throughout, only a few blood-colored flowers and bone-colored yin wood are embellished, the architectural style is rough and atmospheric, simple and heavy, and everywhere exudes a strong atmosphere of time, like an abyss giant beast entrenched on this land, very majestic and oppressive.

This place is the Conjuring Palace, one of the three major palaces in the capital city, the other two palaces are the Palace of Reincarnation and the Palace of Good and Evil.

Although the creatures of the ghost capital rarely communicate with the outside world, over the endless years, there is always some information circulating, and Sujili has specifically inquired and knows the names of these three palaces.

Conjuring Palace: The Conjuring Spirit Leads the Nether

Palace of Good and Evil: Good and evil will be rewarded in the end

Reincarnation Palace: Once you enter reincarnation, everything is resting

The first two palaces are all in charge of the top witch of the Wu clan, and the last palace is the residence of Pingxin Niangniang.

In the Conjuring Palace, not long after Su Jili entered, a majestic figure appeared above the hall, he was burly, with a huge body, a huge horn, a bloody hand, three eyes, a tiger’s head, a body like an ox, and nine pitch-black chains opened behind him, inscribed on it countless mysterious witch scripts, extremely complex, terrifying, I don’t know where to lead and where to extend.

This is the Lord of the Conjuring Palace: Tuber!

The next moment, Tubo accepted the true body of the Great Witch and turned into a nine-foot-tall man, wearing a Xuan-colored emperor robe, with a dignified appearance and a majestic momentum.

“It turns out that Vesta Tianzun has arrived.”

“I don’t know what happened to Tianzun’s rise up this time?”

Tu Boduan sat on the head, his expression kind.

Knowing that Su Jili was coming to the Netherworld, Luo Xuan, Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao had specially revealed relevant news to him, so Su Jili knew a lot about Tubo.

He was born to be a witch.

He has followed the Later Ancestors since the beginning of the Lich Era.

Although his cultivation is not as good as that of top witches such as Houyi and Punishment Tian, he is not much different from Father Quao, his strength is terrifying, his combat power is strong, and he has a unique understanding of the laws of the earth, and he has experienced hundreds of battles, and has fought with the demon race and other races on the Flood Wilderness.

After the reincarnation of the post-soil, a group of witch clans entered the netherworld, and Tubo also entered at that time, he is a loyal fan of Pingxin Niangniang, and today, Tubo’s strength is becoming more and more terrifying, under the baptism of years and life and death, it has truly grown into a top witch, that is, compared with the former Houyi, it is not too much, and now the big witch Jiufeng who sits under the half-cut mountain stands at the same level.

In the face of such a strong man, Su Jili did not dare to snub, and did not dare to be careless, out of respect for the strong and out of great teaching, he bowed and saluted before replying.

“Sujili has seen the Conjuring Emperor~!”

“The poor road is here to intercept the sect this time, and also for the affairs of the Wu clan and the prefecture.”

The Wu clan has always liked to go straight when talking and doing things, Su Jili did not hide, let alone sell the pass, straight to the point, waved his sleeves to sacrifice the heaven and earth cauldron, and poured out the ten witch gods led by Wu Xian and thousands of earth witches, and then, in Tubo’s stunned and doubtful eyes, he opened his mouth to explain.

“This is the witch god and earth witch of the Terran Race in Kyushu, who were protected by the poor road when the Great Shang Dynasty suppressed the rebellion, and they were brought here this time to make a deal with His Majesty.”

“The matter of the prefecture is very important, if it can be built overnight, the poor road will hand them over to the witch clan, and it will also shelter the witch clan at the right time, I only hope that the Nether can come forward to negotiate with the Heavenly Court after receiving the transmission from the poor road, and recruit a group of intercepted immortals who serve in the heaven to help the Nether build the underground mansion, it is best to be responsible for the construction of the eighteen-layer hell, and have less communication with the outside world in the short term.”

“If you can recruit a Sect Intercept Daluo Golden Immortal into the Nether to lead other Sect Intercept Immortals, it is naturally better; If not, it is okay to only recruit other Sect Intercept Immortals. ”

“This matter is all up to the Netherworld, as for the reason, Your Majesty will know in the future, Poor Dao can only say that this matter is not hindered to the Netherworld, but beneficial to the prefecture, I don’t know what Your Majesty intended?”

Tell the truth!

Although Su Jili has some certainty in his heart, he is not afraid of 10,000 just in case, before the matter is really settled, he can’t rest assured, and he will also be nervous at the end of the matter, but his face is still flat.

Tubo’s eyes flickered, first looked at Sujili, and then at Wu Xian and other witch gods, did not immediately give an answer, his mind was surging, weighing the pros and cons, thinking about the gains and losses.

The Nether is responsible for attracting the undead, and the Great Shang Dynasty suppresses the rebellion of the witch race, and it is impossible to die without bloodshed, and Tubo naturally learned the news from a large number of revenants.

It’s just that because of the admonition of the Pingxin Niangniang, the Terran is the protagonist of heaven and earth, there are three emperors and five emperors sitting in the town, the strength is terrifying, today is not the past, plus the loss of the witch clan during the deer chasing war is not small, and the bad situation is made worse by the end of the Lich Tribulation.

Now, it is a critical period for the construction of the prefecture, and the Wu Race has returned to the Terran in ancient times, this matter is an internal matter of the Terran race, and the Wu Race’s action is somewhat untenable.

For various reasons, the Wu tribe does not want to confront some of the Wu Terrans for the time being, lest the situation expand and get out of control, resulting in a tragedy during the deer chasing war, because of the small mistake, therefore, although the Wu tribe unfortunately did not include Wu Xian and others in the clan in time, they can only turn a blind eye to the encounter of the Wu Ren clan.

Now, things have turned around, Sujili actually sent the witch god and the earth witch, Tubo is naturally happy in his heart, isn’t the witch tribe valuing the witch race in order to give birth to true witches and replenish the fresh blood of the witch race?

The number of witch races is small, even at the peak, it is only tens of millions, and the number of these witch gods and earth witches is more than a thousand, and in the Lich era, it is also a small tribe of the witch race.

Just as Tuber was thinking, a voice sounded in his ears, and finally, he agreed.

In this case, not only did Tubo smile and attract the witch gods under his command, so that he could be resettled, but Sujili was relieved and relieved, the purpose was achieved, and the two who were initially promoted to cooperation objects had a harmonious atmosphere.

After a friendly exchange, in the face of Tuber’s invitation, Sujili, who was about to leave, took the opportunity to temporarily stay in the Netherworld.

Tubo wants the witch god who was born and grown up since ancient times to understand the means of the saints, so as not to know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, and after coming out of the Netherworld in the future, he will suffer a loss to the living beings of the Shanghong Desolation. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

Sujili also wants to understand the methods of the witch clan, compete with the top witch gods, increase combat experience, improve his own strength, and it is best to communicate in the way of the flesh.

The two sides hit it off immediately, had a tacit understanding, and were extremely satisfied with the result.

ps: Thank you Yun Ruoya for the big 100-point reward.

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