Chaos, Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun Dao Ancestor discussed the details of the future affairs of the three realms with the six saints.

Haotian couldn’t put his mouth on it, so he could only endure the big waves in his heart, listen attentively, and not hold him back, because he was a Heavenly Emperor and qualified to know about it, and he also needed his cooperation in some things.

Later, the top beings among the quasi-saints such as Zhen Yuanzi, Styx Laozu, Kunpeng, Queen Mother of the West, and the Three Emperors and Five Emperors of the Terran Race arrived one after another, and finally, even Pingxin Niangniang appeared with Punishment Heaven.

The Three Realms are a major event in the flood wilderness, and they naturally have to participate in it, and only when all the great powers work together can the flood famine evolve successfully as much as possible.

Although there are many contradictions between the great powers, they are very stable in the major right and wrong, and they can temporarily put aside their grudges and cooperate sincerely, and have a big pattern and atmosphere.

Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

The bustle in the Zixiao Palace, Su Jili naturally did not know.

He retreated without distraction, absorbing as much as possible from this Five Qi Dynasty Yuan.

It wasn’t until three hundred years 06 later that Sujili finished digesting it, felt the changes in his own rebirth, and smiled with satisfaction.

However, he did not leave the customs immediately, but continued the retreat after a short break of several days.

In the still room, Su Jili turned his palm, and a fiery red spirit fruit appeared in his palm, emitting a red light, and even the surrounding three-foot void was burned through and distorted, this spirit fruit was the ultimate innate spirit fruit fire mulberry.

He has two cultivation methods, and both cultivation methods have reached the extreme of Taiyi, and their cultivation can no longer be improved, but this does not mean that Su Jili cannot continue to practice.

Although cultivation is temporarily unable to advance, mana, magical powers, yuan gods, Taoist practices, etc. can still grow, just like building a house, although it is limited in height, it stops after reaching a certain height, but it cannot be vertically upward, but it can expand horizontally.

Especially compared with the veteran cultivators of the same rank, Su Jili has insufficient foundation and accumulation, and there is still a long way to go from the Da Luo Golden Immortal, and this road is mainly based on accumulation, even Master Luo Xuan has polished endless years on this road, only after consuming a body of karma, he accumulated thick and thin, and successfully preached the Da Luo Golden Immortal.

Because of this, Su Jili planned to refine the innate fire mulberry, this innate spirit fruit could increase the mana of living beings for tens of thousands of years, saving him tens of thousands of years of hard work, making its foundation more profound, and shortening the gap between him and the veteran Taiyi Golden Immortal Perfection cultivator.

Thinking of this, Su Jili put aside his distractions, cleared his mind and concentrated, ran mana, concentrated on refining innate fire mulberries, and guided this energy to travel in the body’s limbs, large and small meridians, and around the body, constantly converting this energy into majestic mana and turning it into his own use in the process.


There is no shortage of time for floods.

Fast forward two hundred years.

Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

Sugili walked out of the quiet room and went out of customs.

Looking at the billions of miles of clouds in the sky, the corners of his mouth rose, and his heart bloomed.

In this retreat, he not only succeeded in the Five Qi Dynasty, greatly increased his mana, greatly advanced in strength, and estimated that some of the veteran Taiyi Golden Immortals were not opponents, but also at the critical moment, with the help of merit, Fuze added his body, successfully refined a ray of Sun True Fire, and entered this great spiritual power.

You know, this is the real fire of the sun!

One of the supreme flames of the flood!

Looking at the entire flood waste, only the three-legged golden crow can control it, in addition, only the ultimate innate spiritual root Fuso Divine Tree can be envoy, and now there is another him.

Originally, Su Jili was still a little distressed about spending some of his merit to refine the Sun True Fire, but after feeling the power of this fire, he instantly felt worthwhile.

Now, this flame has become one of his strongest divine powers, if he can refine this divine power to Xiaocheng, truly integrate it, control the true fire of the sun, plus the powerful mana and strong body of Sujili Dharma Body double cultivation, it is enough to be honored under the Great Luo Golden Immortal, invincible Taiyi Golden Immortal Realm, and can barely protect himself in the God Sealing Tribulation.

In addition, Sujili also had a bold idea in his heart, that is, to use the true fire of the sun as a medium to seek the position of the lord of the sun star.

As one of the supreme stars, the Sun Star Lord has a long luck merit, immeasurable blessings, as long as he does not die like the emperor Jun father and son, there is basically no disaster.

In the Lich Era, Dijun was able to become the Heavenly Emperor, and his status as the Lord of the Sun Star was great.

Su Jili set his sights on the position of the Sun Star Lord, in addition to practicing the Dao of Fire himself, the Dao of the Great Sun was of great benefit to his future path, but also because he had the advantage of controlling the Sun True Fire, compared to other competitors, he had already taken the lead.

In addition, it is also because Sujili majors in the Stove Avenue, and the way of the Great Sun is only an auxiliary, if it is impossible to do something, it can be returned in time, and it will not affect its own path; If he succeeds, he will receive the blessing of the sun star and his luck will skyrocket, as long as the cultivation method is in place, he will definitely be quasi-saintly.

As for the land pressure, Sugili is not worried.

Because of the ten golden crows that ravaged the flood famine in the past, and because they were dragged down by Dijun and Donghuang Taiyi, who were also in the golden crow, this only remaining three-legged golden crow in the world had been abandoned by the sun star, and when the Lich Tribulation ended, it had completely lost the qualification to inherit the sun star lord.

The only thing Sujili had to worry about was that the old prince of the demon clan would get in the way and become his enemy in the way.

Fortunately, he already has some understanding of Lu Press’s means, although the nail head seven arrows book is weird and terrifying, but it also has drawbacks, that is, while calculating others, it will also madly consume its own luck, in the future God Sealing Tribulation, Lu Peng does not dare to perform this secret technique himself, even the twelve golden immortals do not dare to pick 520 burdens, just play auxiliary, let Jiang Ziya personally go into battle, and finally Zhao Gongming fell at the same time, Jiang Ziya also suffered death calamity, and its drawbacks can be seen.

And to avoid the Book of Seven Arrows in the Sealing God Tribulation, in fact, it is simple, when Lu is pressed, Su Jili does not appear, and does not let Zhao Gongming appear, or directly strike first, take the elders of the Sect Intercept, and beat Lu Peng into a serious injury, not because he does not want to kill him, but this demon prince has the protection of the Nuwa saint, this result can only be thought of.

What’s more, Su Jili’s luck is comparable to Da Luo Golden Immortal, and there is a huge merit protection, even if Jiang Ziya starts, he must be cautious repeatedly, and Lu Peng is dragged down by the demon race, carrying heavy karma, and dare not easily calculate him as a great meritorious person.

The most important thing is that Sujili decided not to expose his control of the true fire of the sun before attacking the position of the lord of the sun star, not to give Lu Ping time to calculate in advance, and then expose it when everything is ready, and hit this three-legged golden crow by surprise.

In the Vesta Heavenly Palace, Su Jili temporarily put aside this layer of troubles, the Sun Star must at least be qualified to enter by the Great Luo Golden Immortal, otherwise it will be cremated to ashes by the Endless True Cremation, this matter is still far away from him, Su Jili currently has to consider how to survive the Great Tribulation of the God Sealing and the practice of the Three Flowers of the Kitchen Dao.

PS: Thanks to the stranger for the big 1000 point reward.

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