Nine Heavens, Vesta Heavenly Palace.

The future path is clear, Sujili can’t help but smile.

The next day, Shen Yulei and Bian Zhuang arrived.

The four friends finally reunited, and Sujili was overjoyed, and personally cooked, mainly the dragon whale of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, cooked a sumptuous whole fish banquet, and took out the spirit wine that was treasured for 10,000 years.

A loud laugh can be several times, and the fight must be drunk.

They completely let go, push the cup and change the lamp, you come and go, it is bound not to get drunk and not return!

After the presumptuousness, the gods Yulei and Bian Zhuang each left under the help of the immortal attendants, and Su Jili was also placed in the main hall by the five flavor gods, lying on the bed made of innate fire spirit jade, his eyelids gradually became heavy, and he actually began his first sleep after becoming an immortal.

The firmament is vast, and the heavenly court is already late at night.

A fiery red Yuan God flew out of the Vesta Heavenly Palace, passed through the thirty-three heavens, crossed the endless bright stars, all the way up, and finally, entered the endless chaos, and appeared in a simple palace.

The next moment, Genshin woke up from the fog, it was Sujili.

Seeing that he suddenly appeared in a strange palace, he was shocked, and subconsciously tensed his defense, and only after making sure that the hall was empty, silent and uninhabited, and there was no danger for the time being, Sujili was slightly relieved.

However, his mind was clear, and he did not lose his vigilance because of this, let alone look around, and when he saw a cloud platform above, he immediately blessed his soul and bowed to salute.

“Su Jili, a third-generation disciple of the Intercept Sect, has seen his predecessors.”

“I wonder which senior summoned the Late Senior? And what is the matter? ”

Su Jili remembered that he was obviously drinking in the Heavenly Palace of the Vesta God, and he could have this kind of unknowing means to detain him, either the Da Luo Golden Immortal who was in the same Heavenly Court, or a quasi-saint outside the Heavenly Court, and he must also be the top power of this realm, otherwise, it is impossible to hide the queen mother’s perception.

But either possibility is better than Sujili, and because of this, although he is confused in his heart, he is respectful and courteous on the surface.

The moment the words fell, an old man quietly appeared on the gimbal.

He was dressed in a purple robe, white clothes and white hair and white eyebrows, looking ordinary, no different from ordinary old men in the mortal world, but Su Jili’s expression was intoxicated, and his face was obsessed, as if he saw the avenue, and couldn’t help but immerse himself in it.

A moment later, he came to his senses, felt his soaring Dao, and was immediately pleasantly surprised, respectfully saluting.

“Sujili thanks the seniors for the creation.”

In just a moment, his cognition and perception of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth directly rose to a higher level, especially the understanding of the Avenue of Fire was clearer and more thorough, and even entered the hall in the practice of the Avenue of the Sun, that is, his attainments in the Avenue of Creation (Agaa), Yin and Yang, Formation, and Five Elements were all on a higher level, infinitely close to the Great Luo Golden Immortal.

This method both amazed and admired Sugili.

“No need to be polite!”

“Speaking of which, you are still an apprentice of the old way.”

“This time, the old way wants to see you, naturally I want to give a meeting gift.”

“Come to think of it, with your wisdom, you should have guessed the identity of the old way!”

Sujili took a deep breath, his mood could not contain his excitement, and he directly bowed and said excitedly.

“Su Jili, the fourth-generation disciple of Xuanmen, meets the ancestor!”

He never imagined that he would be summoned by Hongjun Daozu personally!

This is the first powerhouse of the Flood Wilderness, the Xuanmen Ancestor, the Ancestor of the Flood Barren Dao, and the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao!

As for whether Hongjun Daozu would destroy him as a traverser, Su Jili was not worried.

Whether it is the act of giving treasures in the past or the gift of creation today, it shows that this big man is full of kindness to him, at least for now.

A mana lifted Su Jili up, and Hongjun Daozu opened the door and said directly.

“Your identity is clear in Lao Dao’s heart.”

“Calling you here this time is also my whim, and I have one thing to listen to the thoughts of you, an alien visitor.”

Next, Hongjun Dao Ancestor said the things of the three realms concisely.

When Sujili heard this, his face was complicated.

In previous lives, many novels said that the desolation of the flood and famine was broken into three realms, which was the degradation of the world, but now it seems that this is not the case.

After the three paths of heaven and earth are born, and the three floods and wastes are finalized, the next evolution of heaven and earth will begin, and the three realms are the general trend.

After Pangu opened the heavens and the earth, yin and yang were separated, the two qi of turbidity were born, and they rose and fell into heaven and earth respectively, and chaos was transformed from a one-element ecology to a dualistic structure, which is the essence of flood and wilderness.

Later, after the Heavenly Dao took shape, the Flood Barren World began to transform from duality to three, and now the time is finally ripe.

At this moment, Su Jili suddenly realized that the God Sealing Tribulation was not only the test of heaven and earth in the Xuanmen, but also the preparation for the Three Realms, and the gods would be the main force to maintain the operation of the Three Realms in the future.

As for the Netherworld, it is not a real realm, and the Flood Barren is still dominated by the Flood Barren Land and the firmament.

At the same time, many incomprehensible points in previous lives have also been solved.

For example, if a saint can stand out among many innate gods throughout the ages and become a preacher, how can he not know the importance and have no sense of the overall situation?

The biggest possibility is that they know the direction of heaven and earth, and know that the way of heaven needs to be broken by their hands and then stand, and then they will take advantage of the great calamity of the gods, put the Immortal Array and the Ten Thousand Immortal Array, and even fight in the flood barren world, in addition to promoting the evolution of heaven and earth, it is to demonstrate their own avenue, and thoroughly let go of the hand and foot battle once. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

At the same time, in this process, all the saints have their own calculations, the Lord of the Tongtian Sect and the Yuan Shi Tianzun want to fight once, and the two saints of the West want to take advantage of this to cross some destined people.


Chaos, inside the Zixiao Palace.

Although there were terrifying waves in his heart, but Hongjun Daozu’s inquiry, Su Jili did not dare to snub.

Thinking of the many novels he had read in his previous life, and then thinking of the distribution and pattern of the three realms in his memory, his thoughts turned rapidly in his mind, and for a long time, he exhaled and gave an answer.

“Qiyu Dao Ancestor, although there are hundreds of millions of avenues in the world, on the whole, they still can’t jump out of the framework of the three thousand avenues.”

“In addition, the disciple Sun once heard the master of the Tongtian Sect mention that in the way of heaven and earth, nine is the extreme.”

“Therefore, Apprentice Sun felt that it might be better to use the Flood Desolation Fragments as the basis to open up nine thousand worlds around the three realms, that is, three thousand small worlds, three thousand middle thousand worlds and three thousand large thousand worlds, and then derived hundreds of millions of floating dust small worlds, like ancient starry sky, guarding the three realms, forming a more vast and endless universe.”

“The nine thousand worlds and billions of small worlds are not only the places where the creatures of the three realms experience, but also provide a steady stream of fresh blood for the three worlds.”

“In addition, since the evolution of heaven and earth is a major event, it is best to let all major forces participate and jointly open up nine thousand worlds, in this process, they can open up their own worlds, for example, the dragon clan opens up the dragon world, the phoenix clan opens the phoenix world, the unicorn opens the unicorn world, the demon clan opens the demon world, the witch clan opens the witch world, the tiger clan opens the tiger world, the Asura tribe has the Asura realm, etc.”

“Some worlds can be dedicated to the battlefield for understanding the cause and effect of grievances; Some worlds can be specially planted with spiritual objects to supplement the creation of the three realms; Some worlds are dedicated to housed weak races, and some worlds are used to house ancient races; Some worlds can be complete with five elements of yin and yang, and some worlds can be composed of a single one; Some worlds belong to the heavenly court, some worlds to the underworld, and some worlds to the human world. ”

“Every time a world is opened, the origin of the three realms increases by a few points, and the authority of the three talents of heaven and earth increases by a few points.”

“For every additional world, there is one more creation.”

“In addition, it is necessary to establish a world master to guard the passage and order of the world.”

“As for the Three Realms!”.

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