Nine Heavens, in front of the South Heavenly Gate.

After sending off the gods, Sujili did not return to the Vesta Heavenly Palace, but went to the Flood Barren Land.

He received the news from the Nether Stove Monarch that Jiang Ziya had already set out to go out to find immortals and learn from the master, and Su Jili came to Songjiazhuang this time to meet this Flying Bear Daoist.

Great Shang Dynasty, Songjiazhuang.

Sujili and the Stove Lord, who was in charge of the place, cast a spell and hid in the shadows, silently observing a cloth-clothed young man who was packing his bags.

This young man is really the ginger tooth of his youth.

He looks plain, looks a little humble and dull, and on the surface is no different from ordinary crop men, but Sujili sees that the things he has prepared are life-saving things that are very likely to be used when walking outside, and he knows that Jiang Ziya is beautiful, thick and fine, and wise and foolish.

Once this kind of person encounters an opportunity, he will take the cloud dragon and fly straight for nine days.

Su Jili did not see the slightest vision of the flying bear on Jiang Ziya, he knew that it was not nothing, but his cultivation was not enough, or Jiang Ziya had not yet met Shengong Leopard, and the two of them openly and secretly promoted the Great Tribulation of the Sealing God, maybe they could be regarded as the Flying Bear Daoist together.

As Jiang Ziya set off, Su Ji 05 Li rewarded the Song Family Zhuang Emperor and followed.

It’s not that he didn’t want to kill Jiang Ziya, but as the son of the great calamity, he is not so easy to die, Su Jili will expose himself when he does this, and scare the snake, instead of doing more, it is better to wait and see, at this time it is better to move than to be still.

What’s more, Su Jili’s target is not Jiang Ziya, but Shen Gongbao, who in the future, with his three-inch tongue and the ability to sing and fight, send a large number of Jiao Immortals to the list of Feng Shen, and together with Wen Zhong and Jiang Ziya, they are called the three humanoid killers of the Great Tribulation of Feng Shen.

Since Shengong Leopard is destined to be involved with the Intercept Sect in the future, it shows that the two sides have a cause, why not directly introduce it into the Intercept Sect?

As the son of the great calamity on the bright side, Jiang Ziya has a master-disciple relationship with Yuan Shi Tianzun, who practices the way of interpreting the heavens, and is destined to join the teachings, and his fate has long been arranged.

But as a dark son of the gods, although Shengong Leopard is destined to be in the calamity, but precisely because his identity as the son of the great calamity is not obvious, the places that can be operated are much larger, such as changing his master, changing sects, changing cultivation environments, etc.

The Intercept Sect is also the Xuanmen Great Sect, and since the God Sealing Tribulation is the Xuanmen Great Tribulation, the Intercept Sect is the main force that should be robbed, and it is also qualified to include a son of the Great Tribulation under the disciple.

According to Shen Gong Leopard’s origin, temper, and personality, it is obviously more compatible with the Intercept Sect, if he worships the Intercept Sect, it will grow more rapidly, and it is easier to mix with the long-eared Dingguang Immortal, Qiu Shou Immortal and other karmic Intercept Sect Immortals, calling them brothers and brothers, even if they are involved in the Feng Shen Tribulation in the future, Shen Gong Leopard will subconsciously look for these friends to help, the more these Intercept Sect Immortals die, the more reborn the Intercept Sect will be in the future.

Especially the long-eared Dingguangxian, Qiushouxian, Jin Guangxian, etc., Su Jili will not be distressed, hoping that they all have fallen.

It is worth saying that Su Jili did not follow Jiang Ziya step by step, but followed the route to Kunlun, in the name of patrolling, to various god domains along the way to check the merits of the Emperor of the Stove, and walked ahead of Jiang Ziya every time.

In addition to the vicinity of Qingyang Mountain, it just so happens that Chaoga City and Xiqi are the places where the belief in the god of Vesta is the strongest, with the second and third Vesta temples of the Terrans, and Xiqi is on the Kunlun route, and Sujili can blatantly appear on this route.

Subsequently, he walked again from Xiqi to the Stove Sovereign God Domain on the road to Chaoga City, and finally, went to Qingyang Mountain to take the human fireworks array map and do the play to the end.

In this way, even if Jiang Ziya worships the Interpretation Sect in the future, Yuan Shi Tianzun discovers the existence of Su Jili when he deduces the origin of this apprentice, and he will feel that it is just a coincidence.

After all, in the great calamity, the heavenly machine was chaotic, and before Jiang Ziya appeared near Kunlun Mountain, a saint as strong as Yuan Shi Tianzun could not detect the slightest whereabouts of the Flying Bear Daoist, let alone a Taiyi Golden Immortal like Sujili.

Moreover, just in case, Su Jili does not plan to contact Jiang Ziya directly, he walks the city and village, Jiang Ziya walks the mountains, and there is no obvious intersection, he has no cause and effect with the other party, as for Shen Gongcao, with Su Jili’s perception of shrouded in millions of miles, as long as he appears next to Jiang Ziya, Su Jili can find out immediately.

After all, compared to Jiang Ziya, a mortal, Shengong Leopard is much more recognizable!

After practicing for thousands of years, there is a spirit tiger as a scattered immortal with foot power, and there are many in the flood and wilderness, and there are very few that may appear near Jiang Ziya, and at that time, Su Jili is not afraid to find the wrong person.


The sun rises and the moon sets, and autumn turns to winter.

Ten years is just a snap of the fingers for Sugili; But for Jiang Ziya, it is a long time.

In order to seek immortals and seek the way, over the years, he has crossed the mountains, hunger and cold, experienced wind and rain, endured thousands of hardships, encountered flash floods, and also met with exotic beasts, it stands to reason that a mortal like him should have died on the road a long time ago, and even the bones are gone, but Jiang Ziya is relying on strong luck and the arrangement of the underworld, every time can be murdered and escape death.

During this period, he also met some scattered immortals, but how could they recognize Jiang Ziya’s piece of jade, they all felt that his qualifications were 383 times low, and he could not be cultivated, and refused to accept him as an apprentice.

And Su Jili couldn’t help but be amazed after watching the wonderful story for ten years, until this day, he sensed the existence of a scattered immortal.

The man was a white-faced and long-bearded Daoist who was straddling a fierce spirit tiger and was flying towards the direction where Jiang Ziya was.

Thousands of miles, thousands of miles, hundreds of miles!

Seeing that this person was only a hundred miles away from Jiang Ziya, Su Jili did not hesitate, and the wind was fierce in his thoughts, directly blowing Shengong Leopard thousands of miles away, and in addition to Linghu, who fell to the ground with him, there was also a road map to Jinao Island.

Since Jiang Ziya can turn the murder into luck, Sujili believes that before the end of the Great Tribulation of the Gods, Shengong Leopard can also successfully reach Jinao Island after a thrilling ordeal.

As for the cause and effect between Jiang Ziya and Shengong Leopard, at least for now, they have no intersection, they are just strangers, even if they are Yuan Shi Tianzun, they can’t make something out of nothing and deduce the existence of Shengong Leopard.

And Su Jili believes that after the master of the Tongtian Sect knows that Shengong Leopard’s worship is related to him, he will also take action to cover the heavenly machine for him.

As for the reason for dealing with the Tongtian Sect Leader, Su Jili had already thought that Jiang Ziya, a peculiar mortal, was the best backpot man.

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