After doing all this, Sujili did not immediately go to Jinao Island in the East China Sea, but continued to walk towards Xiqi, then turned in the direction of Gecheng according to the original plan, and finally, temporarily settled in Qingyang Mountain.

Today, under the nourishment of a large number of qi luck and the operation of the kitchen immortal for 10,000 years, this ancestral land of the Kitchen Dao has been completely reborn and transformed into a blessed place with a lower grade cave, rich in spiritual energy, abundant resources, rich in heavenly materials and treasures, whether it is fairy fruits and vegetables, or exotic flowers and plants, they are all vigorous, and several Baililing Lakes are located in various parts of the mountain range, which is enough to support several golden immortals and many creatures.

At present, there is only one golden immortal in this immortal mountain, Yi Yin, even if there are several Xuan Immortals and dozens of true immortals in Baiwei Palace who have not gone down the mountain to open another dojo, Qingyang Mountain is more than enough to support them.

“Disciple welcomes Master’s arrival!”

Inside the Barilla Palace, a mana force lifted up Yi Yin, who was respectfully saluting, and looked at the great disciple in front of him who had advanced in cultivation, Su Jili bowed his head slightly.

“After a thousand years, you have not slackened your practice because you have achieved the Golden Immortal, but you have made a slight progress, which is very gratifying for the teacher.”

After encouraging Yi Yin, Su Jili spent several months answering his doubts about cultivation in a concise manner, and then went to the top of the mountain to retrieve the fireworks array.

After absorbing the thousand-year-old human fireworks, this superb Houtian Lingbao is even more terrifying by three points, which makes Sujili particularly satisfied, and when the God Sealing Tribulation is over, he will put this Lingbao on Yuntai Mountain to continue to absorb the earthly fireworks and enhance the foundation and power of the formation.

Time was urgent, Su Jili only stayed in Qingyang Mountain for a year and planned to leave, before leaving, he called Yi Yin to his side, did not mince words, and said directly.

“The Great Tribulation of the Sealing God is about to officially begin, the Great Tribulation is dangerous, and based on the reform of the Humane Dynasty, it is even more treacherous and terrifying, the inheritance of Qingyang Mountain is only more than 10,000 years, the foundation is shallow, the foundation is not deep, once involved, there is immediately a danger of overturning.”

“After I leave, you will gather the elites under your disciples and make them return to Qingyang Mountain Retreat as soon as possible, and after thirty years, no matter how many immortals return, you must immediately open the Mountain Protection Array.”

“After that, no matter who visits, do not pay attention to it, do not let him go into the mountain, let alone believe any of his words, especially the rumor that the teacher has fallen, I have merit to protect the body, and I will not die easily.”

“Remember! If there is no order for the master, no matter what happens, the immortals of Qingyang Mountain will not be allowed to enter the world, even if the sect immortals come to the door, until the Great Tribulation of the God Sealing is over, otherwise, I will personally take action and destroy it! ”

Inside the Barilla Palace, looking at Yi Yin, who wanted to say nothing, Su Jili seemed to see through his thoughts and solemnly admonished.

“I know that Shang Tang is a grace to you, and the lords of the Great Shang Dynasty have also treated you with courtesy, but when the cause is exhausted, as early as thousands of years ago, after I helped Wu Ding revive the Great Shang, the cause and effect of the Kitchen Dao and the Great Shang have already been completed.”

“Because of this, after Wu Ding, although the lords of successive great merchants still respected the god of Vesta, it was mainly to gather the hearts of the people, which is why later the Shang Emperor did not personally go to Qingyang Mountain to worship the god of Vesta, but built a new temple in Chaoga City.”

“If you really can’t rest assured, after the Great Tribulation of the Gods, then look for the descendants of Shang Tang and ensure their wealth for a lifetime, in this way, it can be regarded as a complete end to the cause and effect between you.”

Yi Yin is not a person who does not know the overall situation, he knows the seriousness of the matter, and in his heart, the Great Shang Dynasty is not more important than the Chef Dao and the Master, and immediately expressed his position.

“The apprentice must remember Master’s orders and never let Qingyang Mountain be involved in the Great Tribulation of the Sealing Gods.”

Yi Yin did things, and Sujili was very relieved.

After leaving a top-grade Houtian Spirit Root, he rode the light and left.

This Houtian Spirit Root was his accidental gain, and it was given to Yi Yin today, used to suppress Qingyang Mountain’s luck, regulate the mountain spirit machine, and at the same time act as a mountain protection array, which can make Qingyang Mountain have an extra layer of protection, plus another Houtian Spirit Root given when he established the Kitchen Dao before, this Kitchen Dao Ancestral Court has two Shangpin Spirit Roots suppressed, if the Kitchen Dao Qi Luck is higher in the future or Qingyang Mountain has other opportunities, it may not be able to go further with these heritages and be promoted to the Zhongpin Dong Heavenly Blessed Land.


East China Sea.

The blue waves are vast and boundless.

A fiery red light streaked across the sky, becoming the most magnificent bright color in the sea and sky.

Jinao Island, Biyou Palace.

“Apprentice Sun sees the master ancestor, and wishes the master ancestor to be detached as soon as possible and immortal.”

Looking at Su Jili, who saluted respectfully, the Tongtian Sect Lord smiled and said heartily.

“You kid doesn’t have to do these false manners, just have a heart.”

“Tell me quickly, how did you find out that Shengong Leopard is one of the Flying Bear Daoists?” [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

Sugili was surprised.

“That Shengong Leopard is actually the Flying Bear Daoist that Master Zu once said!”

Subsequently, he explained half-heartedly.

“Apprentice Sun doesn’t dare to hide Master Zu, I don’t know that Shengong Leopard is a Flying Bear Daoist, and I will value him because of a mortal named Jiang Shang.”

“Some time ago, I was very quietly thinking, and I wanted to rectify the Stove Monarchs under my command before the official opening of the God Sealing Tribulation, lest they not know the importance and use the divine office to be contaminated with karma and be involved in the God Sealing Tribulation, bringing the Vesta God with me, so starting from the Song Family Zhuang, according to the route of first Xiqi and then Chao Ge and then Qingyang, I will inspect the world Vesta God.”

“As a result, when I was in Songjiazhuang, I met a young man named Jiang Shang, who set out at the same time as his apprentice, and at first, I didn’t care about him, until I was told by the Stove Jun along the way that Jiang Shang’s walking route was the same as that of the apprentice, and I often went to the nearby houses or the Stove Jun Temple to ask for food, and I noticed him.”

“This Jiang Shang is quite strange, obviously an ordinary mortal, but he can walk in the deep mountains and rivers, even if he encounters difficulties, he will be fierce every time.”

“Apprentice Sun felt strange so he deliberately observed a few more times, and even specially deduced, although the calamity between heaven and earth (good good) qi was raging, but with the ability of Apprentice Sun, it is not difficult to calculate an ordinary mortal, but every time he found nothing, this person was like a fog, so he continued to observe.”

“Until ten years later, Jiang Shang was in distress again, and the apprentice found that the Nashen Gong leopard appeared nearby, and according to its walking route, it was very likely to meet Jiang Shang, so he habitually deduced it.”

“Only then did I find that although Shengong Leopard only has Heavenly Immortal cultivation, it is also difficult to deduce, even so, Apprentice Sun cast a spell and sent one of them to Jinao Island, and the master ancestor has insight into all things, and the law eyes look at heaven and earth, and he will definitely know the truth.”

“Apprentice Sun came this time, in fact, to seek answers, but I didn’t expect that he was actually a Flying Bear Daoist.”

“In this case, then Jiang may also be.”

“If I knew this, I should have sent her to Jinao Island to get pregnant.”

Sujili played the upper body, beat his chest, and his expression was remorseful.

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