Jinao Island, Biyou Palace.

The Tongtian Sect Master was half-convinced in his heart, and did not fully believe Sujili’s words, but he did not deny them all.

The suspicion was because his own wisdom and intuition told him that Sugili had something to hide and cultivated to his level, and this feeling was generally accurate.

It is believed that it is because the saints can’t calculate the whereabouts of the Flying Bear Daoist, let alone know that there are two Flying Bear Daoists, until Shengongbao and Jiang Shang respectively worshiped the teacher to intercept and expound the teachings, they suddenly realized, do not think that Su Jili has the ability to surpass the saint, maybe it is really a coincidence.

But no matter which one, it is an undoubted fact that Shengong Leopard worshiped into the Intercept Sect, and Su Jili’s sincere consideration for the Intercept Sect is obvious to all, even if there is doubt in his heart, the Tongtian Sect Lord still chooses to believe this disciple in the end.

People live in the world, who does not have a secret!

The immortals of the Sect have secrets, and the immortals of the Sect have secrets, even though he and the two saints Taiqing and Yuqing are brothers who have been getting along for countless years, they also have reservations and have their own secrets.

The Tongtian Sect Lord is free and open-minded, has a broader mind than other saints, and is inclusive of all things, as long as the final result is good, he will not care too much about 367 details.

Fortunately, after Shengong Leopard entered the Interception Sect, the Tongtian Sect Lord immediately took action to disrupt the heavenly machine, obscuring Sujili’s existence in this matter, plus the help of the Great Tribulation to ensure that other saints would not discover the truth of the matter.

As for the aftermath, the saints will avoid chaos, and the Flying Bear Dao people will also be reduced to ordinary creatures, naturally they will not pay attention to it, even if they know the truth afterwards, at most they have doubts but will not directly trouble Sujili, not to mention, he will also cover it for him.

Thinking of this, and then looking at the disciple who regretted not being the first time, the Tongtian Sect Lord couldn’t help but laugh and scold.

“Don’t make this gesture, the world can’t be complete, the sect can get Shengong Leopard is already a creation, or just right, everything is too late.”

Su Jili stopped speaking at the right time, thanked the main body of the Tongtian Sect and the teachings, and then asked anxiously.

“Dare to ask Master Zu, is another Flying Bear Daoist Jiang Shang now worshiping the Human Sect or Interpretation? If this is the case, which sect should be in charge of the list of gods? ”

Hearing this, a smile appeared on the face of the Tongtian Sect Leader and he spoke.

“Not long after the birth of the list of consecrated gods, Zhen Yuanzi and Pingxin Niangniang of the Wanshou Mountain Wuzhuang Temple (AEDE) went to the Zixiao Palace to discuss with the Dao ancestor about the consecration of gods, and this time the consecration of gods was not only to canonize the heavenly gods, but also to canonize the earth immortals.”

“This time, because the Flying Bear Daoist entered the Intercept Sect and the Interpretation Sect respectively, the Sealing God List was divided into two points, the Heavenly God List was controlled by the Interpretation Sect, and the affairs of the Earth Immortals were controlled by the Intercept Sect.”


The Tongtian Sect Lord’s sleeve shook gently, and two treasures appeared in the Biyou Palace, namely a scroll and a whip.

“These two things are the greatest treasures of the earth immortals, and one is the record of the earth immortals, which is used to canonize the mountain gods, the land, the wandering gods and other earth immortals; The other is the mountain whip, which is used to control the earth immortals. ”

“When the Great Tribulation of the Sealing God is over, the Earth Immortal Lu and the Yuan God List will be merged into one, and they will both return to the Heavenly Court and be controlled by the Heavenly Emperor, and as for the mountain whip, it will be owned by Zhen Yuanzi and supervise the Earth Immortal.”

Seeing that his plan was not in vain, and that the situation of the sect was different from what he remembered, Sujili breathed a sigh of relief.

It can be seen that although the general trend cannot be changed, but the small trend can be changed, as long as it does not delay the great cause of sealing gods and the evolution of heaven and earth, whether it is conferred by the Truncated Sect or sealed by the Interpretation Sect, in fact, it is the same, Shengong Leopard, the son of the great calamity hidden in the secret, is the first ray of life given to the Sect by Heavenly Dao.

It’s a pity that the intercept sect in the memory of the previous life did not seize this opportunity, which was the first ray of its own life, and now, because of him, Shengong leopard worshiped into the intercept sect, his identity changed from dark to clear, and the intercept sect also grasped part of the initiative, occupying part of the opportunity in the big sister of Fengsheng, and there are more possibilities in the future.


A few hours later, Sujili withdrew from Biyou Palace.

Looking at the splendid scenery of ten thousand daoxia on Jinao Island, his mind was surging, but the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but rise, and he was in a good mood.

Su Jili knew that his half-truthful remarks just now would not make the Tongtian Sect Lord fully believe at all, but what he wanted was not to convince the Tongtian Sect Lord, but to calculate the heart and temperament of this sage master.

Saints are relatively omniscient and all-powerful, not to mention, every saint has lived for endless years, carried countless calamities, and has immeasurable wisdom, Sujili does not think that after crossing over, a group of saints will collectively descend their wisdom, he made up the truth and falsehood is to believe that even if there are loopholes in the reason, the Lord of Tongtian Sect has the temperament and courage to tolerate these flaws.

In the midst of the flood famine, he would never underestimate any saint!

Now it seems that Sugili is right! [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

As for the matter of the Earth Immortal, Sujili was not surprised.

After the end of the future God Sealing Tribulation, the mountain god land and other immortals also returned to their places, which shows that Hongjun Daozu has the intention to integrate the gods of the three realms in the future, even without him, the flood famine will continue to evolve in the future.

In the past, when planning the Five Sacrifices, Su Jili had thought of visiting Wuzhuang Guan and proposing to Zhen Yuanzi the establishment of the Earth Immortal Mansion, but as soon as this idea arose, he cut it off.

Your family knows your own business!

In terms of scheming, wisdom and skill, Sujili does not think that he can play those flood powerhouses that have become refined in his heart, he can plan and move, relying on the advantage of prophetic foresight, so before the saint signs the list of gods three times, he will take the lead in proposing the idea of the prefecture and take the lead.

But in the matter of the five sacrifices, the saint has already signed the list of canonized gods once, and with the wisdom of Hongjun Dao Ancestor, the matter of canonizing the earth immortals must have been put on the agenda, if he does it again, it is redundant, maybe it will backfire.

Now, Su Jili can’t help but be glad that he resisted the temptation at that time, did not rush forward, but after soberly and rationally analyzing the pros and cons, everything was stable, and decisively gave up this idea.

As for why he didn’t put forward the idea of the Earth Immortal Mansion when he proposed the idea of the Earth Mansion in the past, the same reason as the Tongtian Sect Lord, everything is too late, Su Jili is just a Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he can propose the idea of the Earth Mansion, which is amazing enough, attracting the attention of all saints and the power of the Flood Desolation, if he continues to propose the matter of the Earth Immortal, it is very likely that things will be reversed.

After all, neither the power of the Flood Barren nor the saint are fools.

Although Sujili is hungry for merit, he must first ensure his own stability.

Of course!

Another reason why Su Jili was in a happy mood was that the Tongtian Sect Lord was worthy of being a saint, and his hand was crisp and neat, and he had collected all other spices in just a few decades, and this time he directly gave him seven innate or acquired spiritual roots.

Thinking of his brighter future path, he naturally felt good.

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