Sugili stayed in Phoenix Mountain for several years.

During this period, in addition to his daily practice and discussion with Princess Longji, he would also tour the scenery of the mountains accompanied by him, and after a long period of contact, Sujili naturally felt the strange appearance of Princess Longji and guessed that she had intentions for him.

To this, he was happy.

As early as when he was in the Heavenly Court, Sujili often had contact with Princess Longji, at first, just so that someone would be good to do in the future; Later, slowly getting in touch, Sujili began to slowly appreciate Princess Longji’s steady spirit, and became friends one by one.

Until Princess Longji was demoted to mortals, thinking of her marriage with Hong Jin’s future, Su Jili gradually felt inexplicable feelings in her heart, and realized that she had unknowingly taken the initiative towards Longji Gong.

Therefore, Hong Jin was on his must-kill list, not only because the other party would be a sect traitor in the future, but also because his “eight two seven” did not allow other creatures to interfere with Princess Longji.

If it is said that Su Jili used to order the gods of Wuwei to send resources to Princess Longji, it was to curry favor with the Heavenly Emperor Mother in disguise; Then, later, it was mainly to increase his weight in the heart of Princess Longji a little.

Sujili’s temperament is crisp and neat, and he doesn’t like to drag mud and water when doing things, since he is aware of Princess Longji’s thoughts, many years of planning have finally come to fruition, and he dreams a lot at night, he quickly cuts through the mess, and is ready to talk directly and honestly.

If it is successful, everyone will be happy; If defeated, he will also cut off the love in time, never hesitate and procrastinate.

On this day, Su Jili invited Princess Longji to a spiritual lake in Phoenix Mountain, where a large number of phoenix trees grew, which was not long after the fall of the former Phoenix Clan Da Luo, the remnants of the grass and trees in the mountain were created and transformed into the spiritual roots of heaven and earth, although they were only the quality of the world, but the victory was in quantity.

Especially now is the blossom season, the whole phoenix forest is blooming, emitting a rich fragrance, and the spirit lake reflects each other, the scenery is charming and beautiful.

Next to the Spirit Lake, under the largest phoenix tree, the red-clothed Daoist sat in front of the spirit wine and delicacies that had been prepared, Feng Shen was handsome, Zhilan jade tree, and his temperament was ethereal.

This is like the finishing touch, which makes this beautiful picture a little more unique.

When Princess Longji arrived, she brought this picture into her eyes, her bright eyes flickered, her mood involuntarily improved, and the corners of her mouth rose unconsciously, bending a beautiful arc.

I thought that it was the same as before, it was just a simple party, but I didn’t expect that not long after the greeting, Su Jili’s words directly made Princess Longji’s face change greatly.

“Princess Longji, you and I have known each other for a long time, and I don’t beat around the bush, dare to ask the princess if she likes poverty?”

The inquiry was caught off guard, and Princess Longji was directly stunned.

Without waiting for her to make a statement, Sujili got up, bowed and saluted, and solemnly promised.

“Three generations of disciples of the Poor Daoji Sect, Vesta God Tianzun Su Jili, Princess Xinyu has been happy with the princess for a long time, willing to work hand in hand with the princess to tide over the great calamity of the gods and ensure the safety and success of each other, and when they each achieve the Daluo Golden Immortal, they are willing to tie the knot with the princess under the witness of heaven and earth, form a Taoist couple, seek the road together, and never leave each other.”

Looking at the stunned Princess Longji, Sujili felt cute, calm and steady on the surface, but in fact, her heart was extremely nervous, for fear of being rejected.

But this step will eventually be taken out!

He is a man and should speak first.

If it is really that he will be wrong, the two should really have a cause, then they can be corrected in time, so as not to continue to be wrong, the long pain is not as good as the short pain, and the words are opened, and when they get along in the future, they can also grasp the proportions.

Under the phoenix tree, the sudden confession made Princess Longji a little helpless after being shocked, and she didn’t expect Sujili to come out at all, but she is not an ordinary fairy after all, she is a princess of the heavenly court who has seen the wind and waves and big scenes, and soon stabilized her mood, without the pretentiousness of other fairies, she looked at Sujili’s eyes, and the latter also bravely looked at him, showing her frankness and sincerity.

In the end, Princess Longji looked serious and generous.

“The daughter of my Heavenly Emperor Mother is also pleased with Su Jili, a disciple of the three generations of the Sect, and is willing to walk hand in hand with you, carry the Great Tribulation of the Sealing Gods, and become a Daoist couple after each of them has achieved the Daluo Golden Immortal, participate in the Dao Dao together, and never give up life and death!”

In an instant, Sujili and Princess Longji smiled heartily, the atmosphere instantly became relaxed, and the next moment, a divine horse and strange beast flew out of the spirit lake, it ran and stepped on all four hooves, bathed in flames all around, and where it passed, the void bloomed with endless brilliant fireworks.

With Sujili flicking his sleeves, tens of thousands of phoenix flowers flew with the wind, condensing into a phoenix with wings spread in the void, he stretched out his hand and invited Princess Longji to the sky, ride the phoenix together, travel all over the world, admire the bright starry sky, and look down at the lights of ten thousand homes0….


A few months later.

Sujili and Princess Longji return to Phoenix Mountain in a fight. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

The former returned to the guest hall to continue his practice, while the latter stood in front of the window of the main hall, looking up at the sky, his beautiful eyes were fascinated, and he didn’t know what he was thinking.

After a long time, she said faintly.

“Even if you are really my hit, I will gamble on the road and do as I please.”

“Really leave everything behind and fight for yourself!”

When the words fell, the confusion in Princess Longji’s eyes dissipated, and only the firmness of a rock remained.

In the past, she has always been bound by the identity of the princess of the Heavenly Court, every move is under the gaze of the immortals, every step must be cautious and careful, to be dignified and generous at all times, to practice desperately to prove that she is worthy of the honor of the princess of the Heavenly Court, to help the mother god govern the Yaochi Wonderland, and strive to prove her ability, it seems that every step is living for the Heavenly Court or the Father Emperor and the Mother God.

This time, she wanted to listen to her inner voice and truly live for herself once.

Moreover, she believes that Sujili will not let herself down, and they will finally be able to turn Ji into a murderer.

The matter on Phoenix Mountain naturally could not be concealed from the Heavenly Emperor and the Queen Mother, and after sending away the immortal attendant who reported the letter, this pair of Heavenly Court Supremes had mixed moods, mixed moods, and when they looked at each other, they all saw the helplessness on each other’s faces.

Happily, Long Ji finally made up his mind to break free from the shackles of the heavy 4.0 identity of the princess of the Heavenly Court, and chose for himself once, so that the Dao heart will be able to sublimate and become more pure and firm, as long as it survives the calamity safely, the right god is within reach, and the great Luo can be expected!

Worriedly, Long Ji still fell into the Peach Blossom Tribulation, although it was not clear whether Sujili was Long Ji’s blessing or a curse in the Great Tribulation, but either way, it was his own daughter who was arched after all.

In the end, the queen mother only comforted herself.

“It’s good that it’s Sujili, not the other Jijiao Immortals.”

“Otherwise, I’ll be more worried.”

The Heavenly Emperor bowed his head, deeply.

Under the Golden Immortal of Jijiao, Sujili is indeed the best choice, if he changes to other Jiaojiao Immortals, he really has to consider changing his daughter’s eyes.

“I hope that kid can protect Long Ji in the great calamity.”

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